Sacred Devil

Chapter 1386

Jiang Hao did not doubt that there was him. He only thought that it might be because of his own identity. However, he did not cheat the monks in white. He will naturally search for the spiritual world and compensate for the losses he has caused.

After leaving the magic seed garden, Jiang Hao left here quickly. It was really breathtaking.

Just now, if the other party didn't want to let go of himself, or the shadow of the tree god restored its strength, or even damaged the magic seed garden a little more. Their own situation will be very dangerous, even life and death crisis!

But Jiang Hao didn't know, just after he quickly left the magic seed garden, a man slowly appeared.

A man wearing a mask, looking at the back of Jiang Hao's leaving, murmured: "I finally wait for this day, you wait for my most cruel revenge."

After leaving the magic seed garden, Jiang Hao almost did not stop. Although it was not convenient to fly here, he also urged his own strength on the ground and just wanted to leave here quickly. He still has some lingering fear, in case the magic seed garden's repentance, he may reappear in danger.

After more than an hour, Jiang Hao left there completely. He didn't know where he was now. Quickly took a few pills, and then quickly recovered some vitality.

Although most of the time the core area of the magic palace is relatively safe, after all, it is the people of the devil's palace, which is not as dangerous as in the cultivation world. But Jiang Hao himself has some precautions here, so he is not at ease.

This wandering road was exciting, and Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he continued to move forward, although the devil's seed garden was indeed dangerous, but his wandering still had to continue. However, it seems that he should be more low-key, and soon he found the devil's palace disciple.

At this time, Jiang Hao also realized that he might have gone to a branch of the magic palace, where he could see a tall palace from a distance. However, compared with other palaces, the palace was less dignified and dignified, but more solemn.

Because of the lesson just now, Jiang Hao decided to take a formal procedure and visit the leader of this place.

Soon Jiang Hao saw three big characters - zhifutang.

It's the exact style of the magic palace. It doesn't need to be gorgeous. You can see what he does at a glance.

However, the rest of them were similar to that of the devil's palace. As a stranger, Jiang Hao did not wear the clothes of ordinary disciples of the magic palace. He walked into the Fu making hall, and no one paid attention to himself.

No one thinks that he is the enemy and interrogates himself, and no one thinks he is a big man and comes to say hello to himself. It's even more relaxing here.

Jiang Hao has been walking to the depth of the Fu making hall. He has almost reached the core area here, which should be the place where the method of making the government is stored. However, no one pays attention to himself, even if he sees people in front of him.

Jiang Hao suddenly became speechless. He felt as if he was a transparent man, completely ignored by the people here.

Then Jiang Hao simply continued to walk forward, until he reached the door.

"Fu Shu Pavilion." Jiang Haonian said that, similar to what he had guessed, it was indeed the place where the skills of making talismans were stored, which was equivalent to the inheritance of a sect, but there was no guard here.

But at this time, it was probably Jiang Hao who had been standing here for a long time and suddenly someone opened his mouth to him.

"Why don't you go in and have a look

Jiang Hao turned his head and saw that the speaker was wearing the clothes of the disciples of the Zhifu hall. It seems that it has been handed down for a long time, but there are some shabby places on it.

The man looked at Jiang Hao with a smile on his face.

Jiang Hao hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm not a disciple of your hall, but it seems that this is the place to store the secret collection, so..."

However, the man waved his hand generously and said with a smile: "since you are here, you can go in and have a look. The talisman skills here are still very complete. There should be few places in the whole cultivation world that have more complete talismans than here.

What's more, it's not just the skills of making symbols written on the sign. It's mainly called habit, so I'm too lazy to change it, so I've been calling this name all the time. "

"It's not only the disciples here that can enter here. It's a pity that people who like talismans can't go here to have a look."

The man said and calmly looked at Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao easily felt this sincerity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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