Sacred Devil

Chapter 1421

Chenluo Xiancheng is also a city in the south of Xiuzhen, but it is a little bit West.

Jiang Hao's transmission all the way, for this morning Luoxian City, he is also the first time to go. Although Jiang Hao has been wandering around many places, the Xiuzhen world is still too big. There are many places he has never been to.

Seeing this city from afar, bathed in the sun, it seems particularly towering.

Chenluo fairy city is a pure city of friars, and most of them are owned by friars even if they are children.

With a careful appreciation of the mood, Jiang Hao into the city, Qingyun things are not in a hurry, so he is not in a hurry, but he looked left and right into the.

Naturally, there will be no entrance fee in such a city, because their income sources are too much. Most of the shops in the city are owned by Xiancheng, and a small number of other branches of large commercial banks here will also give them a share.

Jiang Hao walked in. He was stunned after a few steps.

Then a glimmer of joy appeared on the face.

It was a wonderful thing for the ancients to meet in a foreign land.

Carrying a long sword and wearing a black dress, she was particularly capable. At this time, she was in a small shop, but she didn't buy anything. Instead, she was chatting with the people inside. It seemed that she was a disciple of Xiancheng.

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "long time no see."

Hearing the voice, the woman in black turned around. She was stunned for a moment, and soon her expression changed. She was still smiling when she was talking to the people in the shop. At this time, she suddenly became cold.

Jiang Hao frowned. He thought it strange that he was wrong.

"How did you come here?" The woman in Black said coldly.

After listening to this sentence, Jiang Hao knew that he did not admit his mistake.

"Why can't I come to Luoxian city this morning? Isn't it your family's business? " Jiang Hao said lightly.

Tiexinlan, however, scoffed at her face and said, "chenluo fairy city is certainly not opened by my family. Of course, anyone is welcome to come, but for some people, forget it."

"Who am I? You don't say it. " Jiang Hao frowned and said.

"What can't you do, blackmail, intimidation, murder, robbery, bullying, all of which you have done?"

Looking at the other side's vigilant eyes, Jiang Hao suddenly felt puzzled. Although the relationship between the two people was not very good at the beginning, they experienced a variety of things. Although it was not perfect, it was also good.

"How long have you been following me?" The handlebar of tiexinlan put on the hilt and said coldly.

Jiang Hao's face also gradually became calm, since the other side did not give him a good face, he did not need to continue to greet, the joy disappeared completely, and then he was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Jiang Hao turned around and left.

But tiexinlan is not willing to let him go.


Her sword was half an inch out of its sheath, but it did not come out, and then it closed again. Because Jiang Hao had put it on her sword handle and pressed her hand.

Iron core Langton's face changed greatly. Although he was extremely angry, he had nothing to do.

"Don't use force in Xiancheng." Jiang Hao said.

"That's for you foreigners." Tiexinlan said with a cold hum.

Jiang Hao secretly force, and then directly released his hand, iron core Langton can not control the force, and then quickly back, back a few steps.

"Bold." Tiexinlan roared.

Jiang Hao snorted coldly. At this time, the shop assistants slowly gathered around, but Jiang Hao didn't want to cause trouble. After all, he had not finished the work here. Although tiexinlan's temperament changed so much that it was annoying, it was undeniable that she seemed to be a disciple of Xiancheng, and she was still at the elite level.

"You hurt me and I want to get out of here." Tiexinlan said coldly.

The second time her sword came out of its sheath, it turned into a streamer and rushed to Jiang Hao's back, showing her murderous spirit.

"You want to die." Jiang Hao's forward footstep forced, rushed to his sword, and immediately stopped in the air, and then fell to the ground shaking, and then tiexinlan spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously connected with the heart God of the sword.

"One more time, I'll kill you." Jiang Hao said coldly.

This time, he strode away, and tiexinlan didn't dare to stop him. But looking at the back of Jiang Hao's leaving, tiexinlan's expression is still cold. He wipes the blood from his mouth and picks up his sword step by step.

Then he took out a jade card, silently sent out a divine power, and then crushed the jade card. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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