Sacred Devil

Chapter 1422

Although there were some bad things in his heart, Jiang Hao soon returned to normal. For the tiexinlan, he regarded her as a friend, but if she didn't want to, he didn't care.

It's good to have friends.

But if this friend does not regard himself as a friend, then it is an ordinary person. If the ordinary person is kind to himself, he will also repay his kindness. If the other party offends himself, he will be punished lightly or killed if he is more serious.

But Jiang Hao soon discovered one thing, tiexinlan did not regard himself as a friend, but as an enemy. As for the reason, Jiang Hao doesn't care. He pays more attention to what happens in reality.

A group of disciples from Xiancheng stopped themselves.

"Please, sir." The Xiancheng disciple who led the team said to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao slowly loosened his fist. There were seven people in the other party. But if he did it himself, it would be no more than a quarter of an hour. He would be sure to kill all the other party.

"What do you want?" Jiang Hao said.

"Please leave the morning Luoxian city." The other side said lightly.

There is no reason and no discussion. I just tell you one thing, because this is their place, so I let you leave. This reason is very appropriate.

Jiang Hao didn't ask why, but he left quietly step by step. The other side also followed him, and saw him leave here all the time. A woman in black looked at the group from a distance.

Jiang Hao left chenluo Xiancheng and stayed in it for half an hour.

Of course he didn't leave. He walked around outside and then turned back. Jiang Hao has been around for so many years, and he certainly won't really stop going in because of one breath.

You won't let me in. I'll go in.

As for the young man, who was probably a disciple of Xiancheng, the mark of divine consciousness left on him was erased by Jiang Haoshun. After all, the cultivation of the two people was not at the same level.

He is now dressed in rags, carrying a gourd on his back, disheveled hair and a lot of pockmarks on his face.

He is completely dressed up as a travelling dandy, and Jiang Hao has refined a lot of the power of seven emotions and six desires in his body, which is quite different from that just now.

At this time, don't say that they have changed their faces. Even if they are still the original appearance, those people who are their own do not necessarily dare to recognize each other, because it is too easy for the monk's face to change, so most people follow the breath. After all, everyone's breath is different.

Jiang Haowan is like a half crazy and half stupid person, but the more so, the more ordinary people dare not provoke him. After all, Jiang Hao's dress is like a master.

This is also Jiang Hao's plan to avoid causing trouble. In addition to finishing what Qingyun has given himself, Jiang Hao also plans to have a look at Chen Luo Xian Cheng since he has come to Chen Luo Xian Cheng. He has come a long way. It would be a pity if he didn't look around?

But Jiang Hao was wrong again. He had not gone a few steps in this dress, but a loud voice stopped him.

"That Taoist, stop!"

A fat young man was followed by a few people dressed as servants, blocking his way.

Jiang Hao pressed his throat, half smiling, and asked, "what are you fat man stopping me from doing? Don't stop you if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Hao is very clear about one thing. Since he wants to pretend to be an expert, he has to pretend thoroughly. This young man seems to have some influence in his family. The more such a person is, the less polite he can be. It's better to make it more mysterious and unpredictable. On the contrary, it is easier to solve problems.

Hearing this address, the young man was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, a servant jumped out first, pointed to Jiang Hao and roared: "you pockmarked Taoist priest, what are you talking about! Where is my young master fat? "

"Shut up!" The fat man got rid of the servant impatiently and said to Jiang Hao, "pockmarked face, you'd better have some skills to let me see, or you will not be able to walk out of Luoxian city in the morning."

Jiang Hao began to laugh, laughing inexplicably. At least these people felt that their backs were chilly and uncomfortable, including the fat people.

"There are thousands of roads. Who dares to stop me?" Jiang Hao said as if he were crazy.

Jiang Hao originally wanted to pretend to be a crazy monk. No one was willing to offend him, including himself. When he met such a monk, Jiang Hao would be very cautious. That's what he thinks. He wants the other party to step back and stay away from himself.

But he was wrong again this time. He thought the other side was a man of cultivation who had seen the world, but he didn't expect that he had overestimated the degree of the other party's straw bag.

The fat monk didn't know whether he understood it or not, but said in a loud voice: "come on, let me talk about this pockmarked face. What are you talking about. I'm going to stop you. I can't stop the road in chenluo fairy city! "

Several servants were obedient and jumped out. They ignored the regulation that morning Luoxian city can't do it, and directly dealt with Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao sighed, then his eyes returned to Qingming.

At this time, the fat young man's heart suddenly flashed a trace of bad. He only saw that the monk who seemed to be a madman was not crazy, and then looked at his own eyes very , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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