Sacred Devil

Chapter 1539

Jiang Hao, with a mysterious smile, said: "no matter whether he is pretending or not, when the time comes, he will be pretending."

"But don't worry, I can handle these things. You just have to spread the news as I said."

Yu Guantong finally nods, carries his companion's body and prepares to leave here.

"By the way, I don't know how to address you..." Through the highly respected Tao.

"I, Jiang Hao, if you don't dislike it, just call me brother Jiang." Jiang Hao said.

"No problem, brother Jiang." Having said that, in through then unfolds the body shape, left here.

However, shortly after he left, a dark shadow, Shua, came to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao looked that it was no one else. It was Yang Biao who had taken over not long ago.

Yang Biao whispered: "brother Jiang, I have fed the pills you gave me to Murong Chongshan."

"Well." Jiang Hao nodded and said, "it takes about half an hour for the pill to work. As long as it works, he will wake up from Murong mountain and recover all his accomplishments."

Yang Biao some unexpected way: "elder brother Jiang, you give me, isn't it poison?"

"Don't we take the opportunity to kill this Murong mountain?"

Since he learned the truth, Yang Biao hated Murong Chongshan deeply and quickly. But now it seems that Jiang Hao did not intend to kill her immediately, so Yang Biao was somewhat emotional.

Jiang Hao sneered: "it's too cheap for him to let him die. Once he dies immediately, there will be no chaos in dayanwu, and you have no chance to become the leader of the gang."

"So, I want to make the wild goose dock completely turbulent!"

Thank you, brother Yang Biao

"Ha ha, Yang Biao, you deserve all these things. In recent years, you have been in charge of the management of Dayan Wu, but your credit has been taken over by Murong Chongshan."

"The city guards, in fact, are made by you. I am very clear about that."

Jiang Hao praised Yang Biao.

Yang Biao was a little surprised. After all, Murong Chongshan had hidden these things very deeply. Few people knew that the Chengwei army was created by him, Yang Biao, and they all thought it was the masterpiece of Murong Chongshan.

In fact, some of them didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to defend the city

Jiang Hao didn't care. He said, "if you really have this idea, I can help you. Even if you want to be emperor, I can push you up."

"But you have to bear in mind that you should never do anything harmful to the common people, especially those ordinary people who have no accomplishments. They are originally vulnerable groups, and they should be squeezed less."

"Although ordinary people seem useless and have no cultivation, and the cultivated crop monks will not eat them, human beings are the spirit of all things. As long as they exist and time, they will have an impact on the surrounding aura environment. Ordinary people can't absorb aura, so they are actually producing aura in their whole life."

"And the friars consume aura, but they don't act to feed nature."

"Therefore, the existence of mortals is the foundation of the cultivation world."

"There is also a saying that people are like water. Water can carry and capsize a boat."

Jiang Hao said directly to Yang Biao.

In fact, he also saw that Yang Biao was a man of great ambition. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Moreover, he appreciated ambitious people very much. Only if his mind was not bad, it would be OK.

Yang Biao, in essence, is not bad, but has been influenced by Murong Chongshan in recent years.

"Elder brother Jiang, I remember what you said. If one day I can really knock down all the cities in this area and establish an immortal Kingdom, I will certainly serve elder brother Jiang as a national teacher." Yang Biao looked serious.

It can be seen from his appearance that he was not joking. What he said was serious. If he was given a chance, he might really unify the surrounding 18 cities and restore the ancient Zhou empire.

Because this area existed as an empire a long time ago, and Quchi city was the capital of the great Zhou empire.

"Well, it's no use saying more. Go down and pay attention to Murong Chongshan's reaction, and then wait and see the good play."

"I have to go back first. After all, there are a lot of things to discuss with yuedonglai."

After leaving, Jiang Hao and Yang Biao started their body method and fled to the new headquarters of their Jingtao gang in yuedonglai.

It is also very difficult to find the headquarters of Jingtao gang. However, due to the rampant situation of Jingtao Gang these days, many people have come to the door.

But these people, for a while, did not dare to do anything to Jingtao , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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