Sacred Devil

Chapter 1540

Because Tiansheng chamber of Commerce has spoken, after their investigation, Jingtao Gang is not responsible for picking up the explosion.

After all, the auction was held by two forces together. They both knew each other very well, and their actions were conducted together. They had no chance to install any Rune bombs.

Even so, many still refused to give up, so they blocked the gate of Jingtao Gang's headquarters.

On the high mountain, there is a hall that looks like a shadow after the clouds. In front of the hall, there are two people standing, just like the center, with heavy looks. They seem to be thinking about something.

The other, who was in a state of anxiety, walked around the man in the middle.

"Boss, what should we do? If we go on like this, our Mountain Gate will be broken sooner or later!" Li ba is the one with a worried face.

And the person who is thinking is not others. It is yuedonglai.

I saw the moon Donglai overlooking the distance, originally some tight frown eyebrows, suddenly opened.

"It's OK. Brother Jiang is here. As long as he is there, everything can be solved."

Hearing this, LI BA's face also opened, looking into the distance, and sure enough, there was a hidden light cutting through the clouds and coming towards them.

And the breath of this escape light is so familiar, not Jiang Hao, who is it.

"Brother Jiang, you can count on coming, but let us wait!" Li ba is a little angry and strange.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "I understand the specific situation, but you can rest assured that I have already made the arrangement. After a while, these people will be scattered."

"Because the real criminals are coming to light."

Jiang Hao's words, however, aroused LI BA's interest. He did not know who the real prisoner was, so he asked, "boss, who is the real prisoner you are talking about?"

"Don't you know who planted the bomb under the auction house

"Dark Dragon King?"

“…… Is it brother Jiang you? "

Jiang Hao, with a black line on his head, said with a smile, "of course it's not me. What am I doing when I'm free?"

"In fact, these bombs were buried by Murong mountain."

Li Ba said with a smile: "I didn't think that the boss before you reminded us not to stay in the auction hall for a long time, so I thought that you buried the bomb."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "if I want to kill people, there are 10000 ways. Why should I spend so much time burying bombs?"

"To do so is nothing more than to plant the loot to Murong Chongshan, but it is the least necessary way to deal with Murong Chongshan."

Li ba nodded and apologized: "brother Jiang, I know. I won't talk about it any more. By the way, what do we do now?"


Jiang Hao only said one word, but it caused LI BA to ponder.


"But elder brother Jiang, you should have seen the situation at the foot of the mountain. They are eager to break the mountain gate. In this case, how can we wait?"

"We still have to wait. As long as we wait, they will leave." Jiang Hao is quite confident.

Because as long as Murong Chongshan is a fake coma, then all the spearheads will turn to Murong Chongshan.

In fact, Murong Chongshan is not a fake coma. His injuries are real.

According to the amount of Rune bombs he set up, it was impossible to blow him up like this. However, Jiang Hao did something to raise the power of the bomb to a higher level. Thus, Murong Chongshan was transformed into this one.

"Is he in a false coma?"

"And the wound on his face is false?"

Jiang Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "of course that's true."

"However, for a monk, his appearance is extremely easy to change, so the scars on his face may be completely recovered in ten days and a half months. However, with his nature of mind, in these short days, he will be as miserable as eating excrement."

LI BA was stunned. Suddenly he put up his thumb and said to Jiang Hao, "brother Jiang, you really have you."

"Well, let's not talk about it. It seems that a friend has come to the door." Jiang Hao's expression suddenly dignified, looked at the sky not far away.

"Friend? We don't seem to have friends visiting us? " Li ba is a bit confused.

On the other hand, yuedonglai also looked at the distance, and the expression on his face also became serious.

"Brother Jiang, what's the origin of this man?" Yue Donglai asked, "why do you feel his breath is very similar to the Dark Dragon King, but it is so powerful..."

"It seems to be a strong man at the level of famous immortals?"

Jiang Hao could not deny: "yes, he is a free immortal, and he and the dark dragon king should practice a kind of skill."

"I'm afraid it's not a coincidence. He came to avenge the Dragon King!"

Jiang Hao's judgment did not take long. In the sky not far away, a man came out.This man, with white light all over his body, is the king of Guangming Jiaowang.

"Boy, you killed my younger brother?" The bright Dragon King spoke faintly, and the mountains were shaking faintly.

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