Sacred Devil

Chapter 1541

If the emperor is angry, the corpse will be a hundred miles away.

Sanxian anger, corpses everywhere!

In this spiritual world dominated by friars, the immortal talents are the real dominating force of the array. Powerful immortals can even destroy the whole city by their own efforts and disappear in an instant.

"I ask again, did you kill my younger brother?" Guangming Jiaowang gritted his teeth and asked with great indignation.

"Your younger brother?"

Jiang Haomei picked his head and said with a smile, "your younger martial brother, is it the dark dragon king who is bold and steals my things?"

"Wow, I'm angry, boy. My younger brother was really killed by you?"

"Who is behind you Guangming Jiaowang said, his eyes really looked at the direction of yuedonglai.

In his eyes, yuedonglai's strength is higher than Jiang Hao. He thinks that yuedonglai killed the Dark Dragon King and pushed Jiang Hao out to take the blame.

In Jiang Hao's body, he did not notice even a trace of strong breath.

However, it's just unnecessary to care about these, because he has already made a decision to turn this place into nothing, and let these people in front of him be buried with his younger brother!

"Well, I'm not interested. All of you will die and be buried with my younger brother!"

Guangming Jiaowang became angry. He was really angry.

As a matter of fact, he didn't wake up for a long time from the practice of seclusion. He helped the Dark Dragon King connect with Huifeng city. Seeing the implementation of the plan, he could take Quchi city as his own. But at this time, his younger brother, the Dark Dragon King, was really killed?

What's more, according to the records in the crystal of illusion, it was the young man who killed his younger brother.

What's more, the strength of this teenager is not too strong.

However, the king of Guangming Jiaowang did not dare to take it lightly. It was because the young man in front of him was indeed a little evil.

Under the black hood, he could not see clearly.

That looks like a very pretty face, so hidden in the shadow, people can not spy.

The king of Guangming Jiaowang has already become an immortal. According to reason, there is no way to stop him from exploring his divine sense, but the young man in front of him has done it.

To be precise, it is not the young man in front of him, but the black robe on his body.

Therefore, the pocket robe on his body must be a good treasure.

The king of Guangming Jiaowang was moved.

However, he looked at the two people around Jiang Hao with some fear.

Yue Donglai and li ba.

Both of them did not achieve the cultivation of immortality, but they were very close to the realm of immortality. After a while, they could achieve the body of immortality.

In front of the two quasi immortals, he really did not dare to be extravagant.

Since the other side has the ability to kill his younger martial brother, he must not be a mortal, and there must be many means.

Thinking of this, the king of Guangming Jiao did not keep it and took out the treasure left by his master.

But it is a dark scale. It looks simple and simple, but it is like a black hole. As long as you keep your eyes on it, it seems that the spirits will be sucked in.

"Is it a black dragon scale?"

"How could he have the scale of the black dragon? Is he a disciple of Wansong cliff? "

Yue Donglai frowned and looked extremely nervous. He seemed to have thought of something. He immediately exclaimed: "no wonder the Dark Dragon King has no rules. He wants to occupy the underground forces of Quchi City, and Wansong cliff is the man who killed evil."

"Wansong cliff?" Jiang Haomei's first pick is that he has heard a little about this force and seems to have a fight with dayanwu.

However, the difference is that dayanwu is a decent force, while Wansong cliff is a veritable demon sect. Its disciples commit many crimes and are bloodthirsty. Everywhere they pass, they are in a mess.

However, I didn't expect that this time, Wansong cliff took an eye on Quchi City, and the Dark Dragon King was afraid to lurk in Quchi City, waiting for an opportunity to move.

"Yes, you know the goods well."

The king of Guangming Jiao showed a proud smile and said, "I thought Wansong cliff hasn't gone out these days. You little people don't know the name of Wansong cliff!"

"If you know the goods, you will die." The king of Guangming sneered.

"Ha ha, it's just a Wansong cliff. I haven't paid attention to it. Don't say it's you. Even if you are the real helmsman of Wansong cliff, I won't be afraid." Jiang Hao laughs and looks at the bright Jiaowang, but he shows his disdain.

Guangming Jiaowang eyebrows a pick, he did not expect, Jiang Hao strength is not small, tone is not small.

Since the black dragon scale was sacrificed, there was no reason to take it back without killing people. So he murmured a few times, and the black light on the black dragon scale became tens of times larger.

This huge scale of the black dragon soon fell on Jiang Hao's head. If he didn't stop it, Kong would have died under the huge scale on the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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