Sacred Devil

Chapter 1586

Under such research, several months have passed.

Jiang Hao sat on the stone bed with his legs crossed. The whole person was still and completely entered the realm of cultivation. Those mantras had been recorded in his mind. Even if he didn't have to look at the skeletons, he could also depict those mantras one by one. As the mantras he portrayed became more and more perfect, his understanding of these mantras became more and more profound.

With the sound of Sanskrit in his mind, Jiang Hao's heart was tempered again. Now he is a bit more tough than he used to be.

These mantras seem to have been handed down from ancient times. They not only contain the understanding of Shenwen, but also contain a secret skill to build the divine text transmission tower.

In addition to studying the understanding of Shenwen, Jiang Hao spent more time on this secret skill of building Shenwen transmission tower.

Jiang Hao is sure that as long as he can learn this secret skill, he can build a transmission tower from the stone chamber and leave the ghost place.

However, it is obviously very difficult to learn this secret skill. Even if Jiang Hao thinks that he has good talent, he is also baffled by this secret skill. This secret skill has strict requirements on spiritual power. With Jiang Hao's present spiritual power, if he forcibly implements this divine text transmission tower, the success probability is very low, as low as one hundred percent, and there is a great probability that he will fail and fail Jiang Hao is not sure what the price will be.

However, he was not a rash man. Knowing that things could not be done, he still faced the difficulties, so he stayed in the room and studied how to build the divine text transmission tower according to Nai's desire to go out to find out the answer.

As time went by, until one day, Jiang Hao, who had always closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. He breathed out a puff of turbid air. His eyes were more clear than before, and there seemed to be a lot of things inside.

"It's half a month. It's time to try to build the divine text transmission tower."

Jiang Hao murmured in a low voice.

These days, he has been understanding the mystery of mantra, and with the deeper understanding of Shenwen, the less difficult it is to build Shenwen transmission tower. Even if today's Jiang Hao has not fully learned the secret skill of building Shenwen transmission tower, he is sure to leave this ghost place.

Jiang Hao mobilized the strength of his body, and suddenly the majestic breath gushed out like a spring. The strong man's breath, belonging to the great and full during the robbery period, was revealed!

Jiang Hao inspired the power of Shenwen and transformed it into a huge brush. In the air, he began to sketch the shape of the transmission tower of Shenwen. Each stroke contains the mystery of Shenwen. The breath is really fascinating. If Jiang Hao would dive down to sketch and study a stroke on weekdays.

However, at this time, he was very difficult. With the gradual formation of the Shenwen transmission tower, Jiang Hao's forehead was also covered with dense fine beads. It was obvious that under the outline of the whole spirit, there was a great test of his spiritual strength.

It was only after the completion of the last stroke that Jiang Hao was relieved. A complete Shenwen transmission tower appeared in front of him.

Looking at the finished Shenwen transmission tower in front of him, Jiang Hao did not hesitate, but went directly into the Shenwen transmission tower.

A white light flashed by, and the space where the Shenwen transmission tower was located was instantly distorted. The next second, Jiang Hao's figure disappeared in the room.

But ten thousand miles away, Jiang Hao's figure appeared in a busy street.

Because he appeared suddenly, people on the walking road were also shocked. Obviously, they didn't know why a person suddenly came out.

Fortunately, although everyone was a little surprised, they didn't see any strange things happened to the practitioners. So after a short period of surprise, they all went away and were busy with their own affairs.

Jiang Hao used Shenwen transmission tower for the first time. Its success rate was not very high, so there was a deviation in positioning. This time, he did not transmit him to Quchi City, but transferred him to another city.

However, just come out. This time, instead of using the Shenwen transmission tower, Jiang Hao used the transmission tower between cities and towns and directly transmitted it back to Quchi city.

After returning to Quchi City, Jiang Hao's first thing was to arrive at the place where he had arranged the one-time transmission array before.

As soon as he entered here, Jiang Hao noticed that there was something wrong with it. He quickly went up to check the disposable transmission array that he had spent a lot of effort to arrange. Soon his brow was wrinkled. As he had guessed, the disposable transmission array had been tampered with. No wonder he could not be activated in the stone chamber.

It's just that his one-time transmission array was arranged by himself without anyone's knowledge.

In this case can be found, can only say that the person dormant in the dark, the means is a little clever, perhaps that this person has been staring at himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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