Sacred Devil

Chapter 1587

Otherwise, why is it so clear where his teleportation array is located?

At the thought that he might live in the sight of another person these days, Jiang Hao felt uncomfortable. He swore that he would catch the maggots hiding in the dark!

Jiang Hao thought like this, while starting to check the one-time transmission array, the results in which he had a new discovery!

He had thought that his disposable transmission array was destroyed by those mysterious people hiding in the dark, but he did not expect to see the figure of long Qianqian among them.

His transmission array was destroyed by long Qianqian!

The reason why Jiang Hao didn't guess at the other side was that the strength of the other side was not enough to destroy the one-time transmission array he had arranged.

But in this array of destroyed breath, there is indeed the breath of long Qianqian.

And the other side is destroyed with the divine mark!

After getting this result, Jiang Hao's face became gloomy again. He carefully checked the marks of Shenwen. With the in-depth examination, his originally gloomy face suddenly improved and became confused.

In this divine mark, he heard the words that long Qianqian said to him.

"I'm sorry, I have to. I hope you don't hate me."

After seeing this sentence, Jiang Hao thought of the sentence that the other party left him in the stone chamber. He was more confused. Is it because he was coerced?

In addition, Jiang Hao can't think of any other explanation. After all, his relationship with the Dragon Palace is rather subtle. Although Jiang Hao killed the elder martial brothers of the other side, he deserved it. Offend him first. If he is not strong enough, then he will die.

Therefore, Jiang Hao had no regrets about these things. However, because he saved the Dark Dragon King and helped to find the mysterious man, the Dragon Palace even made friends with dayanwu on the surface. Jiang Hao really couldn't understand why long Qianqian wanted to kill him.

The only explanation is that the other side is coerced.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao collected the disposable transmission array. Then he decided to go to the other party's cave to look for long Qianqian. Maybe only after seeing her can he know the whole truth of the matter.

Before going to the Dragon Palace, Jiang Hao first went back to the plantation and visited Xiao'ai. Now Xiao'ai has completely turned into a young deer. He is very cute. After seeing Jiang Hao back, he is even more coquettish with his innocent and bright big eyes.

And the growth of Shenwen Xiancao in the plantation is also very good, with the presence of Xiaoxiao, the grade of these Xiancao has increased a lot.

Seeing this account is also satisfied. After nodding to confirm that the plantation is in good condition, he left the plantation again and went to the Dragon Palace.

This time, however, he did not go directly to long Qianqian, but to Xiao Longnu, trying to find out other information from each other.

Seeing Jiang Hao's arrival, XiaoLongNu showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

"Jiang Hao, do you know how long you disappeared? If you don't show up again, I can't help but wonder if you are still in the Quchi city. "

With a trace of resentment.

Seems to be blaming each other, so long did not come to her.

"Well, I've been busy practicing recently."

Jiang Hao touched his nose and explained in an unnatural way that it seemed that long Qianqian had not told each other that he and he had gone to the ruins together.

"So it is. I thought you had forgotten our agreement."

Xiao Longnu said naturally that Jiang Hao helped her and promised to help her trace the whereabouts of the mysterious man.

"I haven't forgotten. I'm just busy recently."

Jiang Hao shook his head. How could he forget about the mysterious man? Judging from the events happened in these days, whether it was Xiaoxiao or long Qianqian, he could see the trace of the mysterious man.

Now he wants to catch the so-called mysterious man more than XiaoLongNu.

"It would be better not to forget."

After hearing this, the smile on XiaoLongNu's face is shining again.

These days, because of taking care of the Dragon Palace, her temperament has been oppressed, and she looks extremely cold. But I don't know why in front of Jiang Hao, she can't help but relax.

"That's natural. Have you seen your uncle recently?"

After a lot of circles, Jiang Hao finally entered the theme.

After he asked this question, little dragon girl looked at him with strange eyes and said after a long time.

"It seems that martial uncle has been staying in the cave recently and has not seen any guests. Even I haven't seen him for a long time."Although he didn't know why. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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