Sacred Devil

Chapter 1917

It turns out that the silver snow fox cloak can block the power of all walks of life, the most important reason is that there is a magic fox method in the silver snow fox cloak.

It is because of this magic fox method that messengers can travel between the two countries.

Just as Jiang Hao felt the mystery in the silver snow fox cloak with his divine sense, Jia Feiyu on one side also explained. With the other party's explanation, Jiang Hao also got the place where the snow fox people live. However, because he had to cross the fortress, he could not find the place directly.

Jiang Hao also has some regrets about this, but in addition, he has no other harvest.

After returning the silver snow fox cloak to Jia Feiyu, Jiang Hao also planned to leave the far north plain.

During the polar night period in the northern plains, Jiang Hao was the one who gained the most. Of course, the greatest harvest was to help Bodhi mirror breed the spirit. In the following years, Jiang Hao also had a little Laurie to raise.

"Master, where are we going next?"

Little Lori, who is more than one meter tall, follows Jiang Hao behind her, and asks him curiously.

"Jufeng city."

Jiang Hao walked ahead and said without thinking.

After hearing the name of Jufeng City, xiaoluoli also nodded. Although she had not been conceived at that time, she could feel the past experiences of Bodhi ancient mirror and know the adventures and events of the master in that city.

But she didn't know why Jiang Hao wanted to return to black rock city.

But it's not something that little Lori cares about. More than that, she's more concerned about what to eat tonight?

"Master, are there any flowers for Xiaochi today?"

Jiang ChiYan tilted his head and looked at Jiang Hao with those bright and innocent eyes.

"And more."

Jiang Hao replied.

"Thank you, master."

After hearing this, Jiang ChiYan also showed a clever smile on his face.

Obviously, what she eats is the most important thing for her.

After coming out of the far north plain, Jiang Hao took little Luoli back to the city of hope.

As soon as he entered the city, people from all directions gathered in Jiang Hao's body. At the same time, many people looked at the girl loli dancing behind him with a kind of suspicion.

If they remember correctly, Jiang Hao went to the far north plain alone. How could he come back with such a cute little Lori.

When was Laurie on the far north plain?

Of course, it's just a joke.

More people's attention is still on Jiang Hao. At first, when the latter appeared in the city of hope, not many people cared about him. After all, there were many experts in the city of hope, and Jiang Hao's strength was only up the middle and upper reaches.

But who would have thought that such an unknown little man killed Li Chungang, one of the top ten top ten experts in the city of hope, and killed all directions in the northern plains, becoming the biggest winner in the polar night period.

Jiang Hao didn't pay too much attention to the sight that fell on him. Instead, he took xiaoluoli's hand and walked towards the transmission array in the city.

A flash of light, Jiang Hao and Xiao Luoli are completely disappeared in the city of hope.

Although Jiang Hao left, there are legends about the other side, which will obviously spread in this city of hope for some time.

After leaving the city of hope, Jiang Hao also returned to Jufeng city again.

Although left for such a period of time, Kyoho city has not changed much. It looks the same as before. Of course, the patrols in the city are still very strict, and they are more careful in the face of idle people.

However, when they passed Jiang Hao's side, they didn't stop. Instead, they nodded to Jiang Hao, and then continued to investigate other outsiders.

Although Jiang Hao was a little surprised at this phenomenon, he soon accepted the special treatment. Obviously, when he and Chen Qiaoqiao went in and out to Jufeng City, they remembered his face by the guards. Therefore, these guards would not investigate Jiang Hao as carefully as when they first saw him, and they would take him to prison if they did not agree.

Thinking of some things he experienced when he first came to black rock city, Jiang Hao could not help but feel a little sigh. At that time, he just got the Bodhi ancient mirror. Soon after, Xiao Luoli had not been conceived, but now.

Jiang Hao looked at the little Lori beside him, then stretched out his hand and rubbed each other's hair. The latter also looked up curiously and looked at Jiang Hao innocently. Obviously, he didn't know what had happened.

Naturally, Jiang Hao did not say much about this, but took Jiang ChiYan's hand and walked in the direction of the blacksmith's shop.

At that time, the blacksmith was the one who helped the blacksmith.Blacksmith Wang also had a missionary grace for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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