Sacred Devil

Chapter 1918

After finding blacksmith Wang, Jiang Hao also gave some of the minerals he obtained these days to blacksmith Wang. There are even many implements and spirits sealed by him with the power of divine text. I hope these things can play a role in blacksmith Wang.

Although today's Jiang Hao has entered the stage of half step fairyland, and the realm is much better than before, but in the face of blacksmith Wang, Jiang Hao still has a feeling that he can't see through each other.

Obviously, the other side is a kind of master who hides himself in the market. He just concentrates on making iron and is not interested in the world.

As for Jiang Hao's gift, blacksmith Wang also gladly chose to accept it.

As far as he is concerned, the instruction of that day was just the result of his planting, and Jiang Hao's gift today is also the fruit of his good harvest.

Looking at the lovely little Lori in front of him, blacksmith Wang squatted down. He just wanted to touch each other's small face, but he saw himself. Because of the callous palms of his hands, which had been covered with calluses all year round, his hands in the air also stopped. He lovingly looked at Jiang ChiYan and said.

"It's a lovely little doll to be born with the spirit of heaven and earth."

After praising this sentence, blacksmith Wang also looked at Jiang Hao again, and then continued to say.

"Young man, you are a lucky little fellow."

Naturally, with his vision, he saw the origin of little Lori and knew that the other party was a spirit born of magic tools.

"I also think I'm very lucky. I'm still thanks to the guidance of my predecessors. Otherwise, the younger generation will have a black eye on the polishing of tools."

Jiang Hao bowed respectfully in the direction of blacksmith Wang. The latter did not evade, but generously accepted Jiang Hao's courtesy.

After visiting blacksmith Wang, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated, but took xiaoluoli to the direction of Jishi medicine hall.

However, before they came to the shop of Jishi medicine hall, Jiang Hao heard a lot of noise, so he moved a little faster. As a result, when he got to the pharmacy of Jishi pharmacy, he found that there was a lot of noise in the street because there were too many people coming to see the doctor.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao was also relieved. He had heard the noise coming from here earlier. He thought that someone was making trouble. It seems that he had thought too much.

"Jiang Hao!"

Just before Jiang haogang appeared at the door of Jishi medicine hall, a clear voice sounded. There was joy in the voice, which could not be hidden.

Jiang Hao looked in the direction of the sound and saw a pale pink figure coming towards his direction.

"Long time no see."

Chen Qiaoqiao stood in front of Jiang Hao, with a sweet smile on her face. She looked at Jiang Hao, and her beautiful eyes also showed a trace of attachment.

Soon, she noticed Jiang ChiYan beside Jiang Hao, and then her face became a little surprised. Finally, she said.

"Is this your daughter?"

As soon as he heard this, Jiang Hao was not able to laugh or cry, and then quickly waved his hand to explain.

"No, no, her name is Jiang ChiYan."

After that, Jiang Hao also told Chen Qiao about the origin of xiaoluoli.

Chen Qiaoqiao's face became very surprised when she heard that xiaoluoli in front of her was actually the embodiment of the spirit. After all, she was also a person who had seen the spirit. She knew what the original shape of the spirit looked like. She had never met such a girl like xiaoluoli?

"Hello, little sister. She is so beautiful."

When Chen Qiaoqiao looked at Chen Qiaoqiao with a rather strange look, he did not show any discomfort at all, but said hello to Chen Qiaoqiao very cleverly and lovingly.

"You too. You are very, very lovely."

Luoli said, and then she was slightly touched by a small head, and then she was a little flattered.

"The little sister is also lovely. Before I came here, I heard the master say something about you. The little sister is a very brave girl."

Jiang ChiYan did not resent Chen Qiaoqiao's touching his head, but looked at Chen Qiaoqiao with those big bright eyes and said solemnly.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao on one side was also a little surprised and looked at xiaoluoli. Obviously, he didn't think that the other side had some talent on the road of teasing her sister!

It's just that you, a little Lori, learn how to seduce girls!

before Lolita could make complaints about the other, Chen Qiaoqiao had already walked the little Lori's hand toward the back yard of the medicine hall, and directly put Jiang Haoliang aside, as if he had forgotten his existence.

Jiang Hao:

Jiang Hao, who was ignored by two beauties, one big and one small, also touched his nose and followed up helplessly.

After walking to the backyard, Chen Qiaoqiao also made a pot of tea for the two people. At this time, Doctor Chen was sitting in the medicine hall. After learning that Jiang Hao had come, he arranged for a servant to come to receive him and repeatedly told Chen Qiaoqiao to treat them , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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