Sacred Devil

Chapter 2746

According to common sense, the other party should be in this canyon just like them.

But from just now on, Jiang Hao didn't see Ke lie, so he looked puzzled.

After hearing Jiang Hao's question, Anluo mountain also got up from the couch and drove to the most humble house, then opened his mouth and said.

"Brother Kelie is now in the closed door."

Speaking of this, anluoshan also stopped for a moment, his face showed a worried look, and then said.

"The monster in his body is not a charity guy. Although the monster is in a deep sleep because of his soberness, the monster will take advantage of the opportunity to fight for the control of the body once he is seriously injured."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao frowned and asked, "is there no way to make that monster disappear forever?"

"No way."

Ann Luoshan shook his head.

Although he is only good at attacking the soul, he has a high attainments in the soul at least. Naturally, he can not be clearer about this aspect.

"The monster in his body is formed by the evil spirits left in these organs of his body. Those evil spirits are very cruel. If you want to destroy them by force, they will also drive those parts of the body that should not belong to Kerry to explode on their own."

In that case, Klein will not be far away from death. After all, most of his body has been grafted onto the organs of other fierce animals. Once these organs explode out of control, even the state of Klein will not survive.

After listening to an Luoshan's explanation, Jiang Hao also fell into silence. After a long time, he sighed and asked.

"Is there no other solution?"

"Not without it, but basically impossible."

Anluoshan originally intended to shake his head directly, but at the moment when he was ready to shake his head, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and then said.

"What is it?"

Jiang Hao quickly asked.

If there is a glimmer of hope, you have to try, right?

"That is to let the soul of the fierce soul be completely integrated into one, but how can the fierce soul be willing to be erased, and the consciousness and the soul of the fierce soul can be merged, so I said that this method is basically impossible."

At the end of the day, Mount Anluo couldn't help sighing.

As a friend of CREI, he can't bear to see each other fall into such a state.

After hearing what anluoshan said, Jiang Hao was also silent for a short time, and then asked in doubt, "can't we force it into a fusion?"

"Yes, but it needs the cooperation of fierce spirit. Do you think he will cooperate?"

Asked Anluo mountain.

That fierce soul now only wants to get the control of the body of Klein, how can he honestly let his soul be fused?

"But if we don't solve this problem, it will be a hidden danger in the end?"

Jiang Hao and his worried mouth said, but just after he had finished his words, a bright voice came from the wooden house.

"What are the hidden dangers?"

Ke lie came out with a gentle smile on his face and looked at Anluo mountain and Jiang Hao.

Obviously, he just did not hear the conversation between the two people, only heard the last sentence of Jiang Hao.

After seeing Ke lie come out, Anluo mountain and Jiang Hao say hello to each other at the same time.

"Brother Craig, how do you feel now?"

Anluoshan looked at her and asked with concern.

"Don't worry. As long as I'm alive, the monster won't come out."

Cret answered confidently.

But when he finished answering this question, Ke lie seemed to suddenly realize something. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Hao and an Luo Shan and then said.

"The hidden danger you just said is not the monster in my body, is it?"

After hearing Ke lie's question, Jiang Hao and an Luo Shan also looked at each other. Then Jiang Hao said, "yes, after all, brother an and I have seen that monster."

"That monster is much more powerful than other deviant beasts. He's attacking the heart."

And then came mount Anluo.

Those monsters with entities are not terrible. They can be easily surrounded and eliminated by the three of them.

However, this monster in Ke lie's body is obviously not an ordinary character. Once Jiang Hao and an Luoshan start to fight, they will certainly hurt him.

So if you want to solve it, you can only rely on Kerry himself. They outsiders can't help a little bit.

After hearing the words of Jiang Hao and an Luoshan, Ke lie is also silent for a moment. As the master of this body, he knows the strength of the fierce soul better than anyone else.They are monsters created by the combination of the residual souls of void creatures and the spirits of ancient fierce beasts.

At the end of the day, it is estimated that this is the only one. . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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