Sacred Devil

Chapter 2747

It's obviously not easy to get rid of them.

Previously, the reason why Ke lie said that was just to let Jiang Hao and an Luo Shan not to worry about it, but now it seems that they can not hide from them.

In that case, Kerry did not continue to hide, he said with a positive voice.

"Since I escaped from the death prison in Tazhong tower, the 108 soul locking nails have been removed, and my locked soul has also been released. I have been able to suppress his existence in prison before, let alone now."

"And the reason why you saw that monster was that my soul was in a short period of weakness when I was taken off the shackles, so he took advantage of it and took control of my body. But you can see that when I recovered, I quickly regained control of my body."

After hearing the explanation from Ke lie, Jiang Hao and an Luo Shan felt relieved. However, the next words of the former let them lift their relaxed breath again.

"But it's very important to maintain this kind of state, the premise is that I can't appear in front of Fu Anyi."

At this point, the expression on her face became dignified.

"Can't appear in front of that palace Lord, why?"

After hearing what Ke lie said, Jiang Hao also quickly opened his mouth and asked.

But standing beside Jiang Hao, Anluo mountain is a thoughtful look.

"Probably because I escaped from the prison which he thought was absolutely impossible to escape from for the first time, Fu Anyi planted a soul eating curse in my body when I was put in the death prison of Tazhong tower for the sake of safety."

Speaking of this, the corner of her mouth also showed a wry smile.

When the evil man was put into prison again, he planted a soul eating mantra in his body. Once the other party started the curse, his soul would suffer from the pain of being bitten by ten thousand insects.

At that time, he would not be able to separate his mind to suppress that fierce soul.

The original purpose of Fu Anyi's old devil was to turn him into a walking corpse.

The most important condition for becoming a walking corpse is that the soul of the original owner must be wiped out first. However, due to the fact that the soul of cret is too strong, if it is forcibly wiped out, then it will disappear together with her body.

That's why the old devil Fu Anyi came up with such an idea.

After listening to Ke lie's explanation, Jiang Hao almost understood what was going on. At this time, the eyes of those looking forward were full of sympathy.

The other party should be like him, walk in this magnificent world, and have a warm and beautiful life.

But because of fuanyi's reason, he has become the present appearance of no man, no ghost.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao could not help feeling sorry for each other.

"It seems that I have seen its solution in some ancient book."

Just when Ke lie was silent and Jiang Hao felt sorry, an Luo Shan, who had not spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

Hearing each other's words, a surprise flashed in their eyes. Then they looked at the Anluo mountain one after another. Craig couldn't help but ask eagerly.

"How to solve it?"

"It seems to be on a mirror and on the liquid of dark orchid and dark branches."

Anson answered hesitantly.

"I know that you LAN Xuan Zhi Qiong Ye is a tonic for the soul, but a mirror?"

Ke lie said that when he came here, he also looked at Jiang Hao, because the latter often took out a mirror that looked very primitive and simple when he was fighting.

I don't know whether the mirror mentioned by anluoshan has anything to do with the pristine mirror that Jiang Hao often uses?

"The mirror mentioned in the ancient book is not Bodhi mirror, is it?"

Being watched by two people, Jiang Hao's face also showed a strange look, and then he stretched out his hand, a very simple looking mirror also appeared on Jiang Hao's hand.

Ke lie and an Luo Shan quickly gathered around to observe the ancient Bodhi mirror on Jiang Hao's hand. The latter couldn't help but feel the frame of the mirror and muttered in his mouth.

"Bodhi has no self, and the mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in the world. Where can it cause dust? "Is this the Bodhi mirror? Tao is a little similar to the mirror I saw in that ancient book. "

Looking at the ancient mirror in front of him, anluoshan couldn't help speaking. After saying this, he also raised his head to look at Jiang Hao, and then asked.

"Brother Jiang, where did you get this mirror?"

After hearing the problem of Anluo mountain, Jiang Hao's face also showed a look of surprise.

I didn't expect that the Bodhi mirror in his hand was really the key to breaking the game at this time.

But it's right to think about it. From the day he got it, all the powers displayed by this ancient Bodhi mirror far exceeded other magic weapons Jiang Hao had ever seen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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