Sacred Devil

Chapter 2751

"If the three of us act together, the goal is too big. It's easy to attract the attention of those old guys in Lingxiao Wushang palace. In terms of strength, I'm the better one among the three of us, so let me go alone is the best choice."

Speaking of here, Jiang Hao also pause for a moment, and then look at Ke lie.

"In any case, the monster in your body should be solved as soon as possible. If it takes a long time, it will only lead to a greater disaster. Now, he can be suppressed by you. But when he becomes more and more powerful in the future, is it possible for the brothers to suppress him?"

When he said this, Jiang Hao also looked directly into Ke lie's eyes.

Strong gaze and straightforward questions make Ke lie have no way to escape this question. After Jiang Hao finished asking, he was silent for two seconds. Finally, he sighed helplessly, and then said solemnly.

"Little brother Jiang Hao, this is the last time I call you" little brother Jiang Hao ". From today on, you are my brother. No matter what happens in the future, as long as you give an order, even if it is a mountain and a sea of fire, I will never care about it."

When he said this, Craig's tone was very firm, as if he was making a promise.

After hearing this, the look on his face also changed rapidly. Then he began to speak to Jiang Hao in front of him with both hands clasping his fists and learning from Ke lie.

"The same is true of Anluo mountain. From today on, you are not only the eldest brother of brother Kelie, but also the eldest brother of Anluo mountain. I am as indifferent as he is."

When he said this, Anluo mountain was also full of firmness.

Not to mention the saving grace of Jiang Hao to him and Ke lie, just say that under these days, Anluo mountain has a general understanding of Jiang Hao's character.

Know that the other person can follow for a lifetime.

What's more, Jiang Hao's strength is far superior to him and Ke lie. After seeing Bodhi ancient mirror today, Anluo mountain is more and more determined. In the future, Jiang Hao is bound to be the person standing on the top of the peak. If you follow each other, you can't be wrong.

Moreover, the most important point is that Jiang Hao will never secretly collude with void creatures to betray human practitioners like his former master. It is precisely because of this that Anluo mountain will be so eager to stand up after finishing his words in class.

After hearing what they said and looking at their faces, Jiang Hao was moved. He never wanted to be their elder brother, but after hearing what they said, Jiang knew that he could not refuse at all.

So after they finished speaking, Jiang Hao helped them for a while, and then he said.

"You and I are brothers. There is no need to say more. As long as our brothers work together, we will be able to overthrow the plot of LingXiao supreme palace and expose the true face of Fu Anyi, the old fox."

At the end of the day, Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed. What he was most afraid of was that there was no opponent. Now if he had an opponent, he should be careful now.

"What brother Jiang Hao said is very true. As long as our brothers are of one mind, we will never allow LingXiao supreme palace to continue to deceive the world."

Said Craig, nodding.

"Yes, as long as we work together, this time we will be able to overthrow the supreme palace."

Anluoshan also nodded and said.

Although they had failed once before, and paid a painful price for it, but I don't know why, after Jiang Hao said these words, they firmly believed that all the previous plans would be realized this time.

And revenge for those who lost their loved ones!

"Well, but at present, the most urgent thing is to help brother Ke lie go to the town of hukato to get the liquid of Youlan xuanzhi Qiong, so you'd better stay in the valley for me these days."

Although he was determined to follow him, Jiang Hao had no way to change his address for a while.

Of course, the most important point is that Jiang Hao did not intend to change.

Just after Jiang Hao had finished, this time both Ke lie and an'anshan did not continue to refute Jiang Hao, but nodded and agreed to the other party's arrangement.

After discussing the follow-up matters, Jiang Hao also walked out of the canyon and began to move in the direction of hukato town.

But this time, Jiang Hao has changed his face and even his name.

At this time, even those who were very familiar with Jiang Hao could not recognize him after they saw him. Just as the former said, his camouflage skill can definitely rank among the top three in Dou Tian continent.

Unless they met Fu Anyi, those practitioners whose realm was lower than Jiang Hao would never be able to expose Jiang Hao. . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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