Sacred Devil

Chapter 2752

In the dense jungle, a blue and a white figure are also shuttling among them, but these two figures look very embarrassed, especially the blue figure, whose abdomen is stained with scarlet.

Zhiyuan covers the wound in her abdomen and looks at her back from time to time with a look of despair on her face.

"Sister, you don't care about me. You'd better go by yourself. I don't think I can run out of this jungle."

Seeing those pursuers getting closer behind her, Zhiyuan's face is even more desperate. She opens her mouth to Mu yuan, with a trace of utterance in her voice.

"No, I will never abandon you."

Mu yuan quickly shook her head and said, at this time, because of her long-term escape, her face also became extremely pale.

After listening to Zhiyuan's words, her complexion became even less bloody.

It is absolutely impossible for her to leave her sister like this!

It was not easy for them to leave the town of hukato. Originally, they wanted to go to the surrounding towns along the road of the mountain range, but they didn't expect that there were many pursuers from the supreme palace in the sky.

At the beginning, the two sisters didn't feel much. After all, there was no resentment or hatred between them and Lingxiao Wushang palace. They just tried to avoid these pursuers.

But as they passed through a camp, they heard the general's instructions. At that time, the two sisters knew that the two sisters were among the targets of the pursuit.

When they overheard, they also accidentally alerted the general. In order to get out of the camp in time, the two sisters chose to escape from the camp immediately.

But it was too late. The general was very cunning, and the realm was not lower than that of Zhiyuan and muyuan sisters, so they were entangled by the general.

He was not in a hurry to do any harm to the two sisters, but chose to drag the other side to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Zhiyuan is obviously aware of this and kills the general after being seriously injured.

But because of this, although the two men escaped from the general's encirclement, they were also determined by the pursuers of the supreme palace in the sky.

All the way straight to this jungle.

At this time, Zhiyuan obviously couldn't hold on. The spiritual power in her body could not maintain the healing of the wound. The smell of blood was sent out, which immediately caused the carnival of countless ancient fierce animals.

In addition, because of the long time on the road, Zhiyuan also felt that she could not last long.

I don't think even this jungle can escape.

So she advised Mu yuan to leave alone. They could not both be planted here.

However, Mu yuan obviously could not have left her own sister in any case. Besides, if it had not been for her own sister, her life would have been accounted for in the death prison of Tazhong tower. How could she live to this day?

So after the other party proposed to let her escape alone, muyuan refused the other party's proposal without thinking about it.

"Sister, listen to me. If we both die here, no one will be able to avenge us, and no one will be able to repay the kindness of the abyss Lord."

Seeing that Mu yuan refuses to leave her, Zhiyuan looks at the other party and says with a sad look.

"To be able to see you, in fact, is already dead without regret for me. There must be one person between you and me to live. I am seriously injured now, and there is absolutely no way to run out of this jungle. Please, live on and help me revenge?"

At the end of the day, Zhiyuan looked directly into Mu yuan's eyes. The latter's eyes were already red. After she said that, her tears were like broken beads.

"Even if you say that, I can never leave you. You have done too much for me. If only one of our sisters can survive, then I hope that person is you."

Mu yuan couldn't agree with the other party's proposal at all, nor would she report out such words for me because of what the other side said, so she could leave with ease.

And just when Zhiyuan wants to say more, muyuan grabs the other party's hands and continues.

"You don't have to persuade me any more. I've been protecting you since I was young. This time, I still want to protect you. I'll stay and stop those pursuers. You can leave in disorder."

"No, I'll never leave you. I'll die together."

Zhiyuan shakes her head. She has always been strong, and now she has an impulse to cry.

"Listen to me, you still have people you want to meet. My sister can see that you have feelings for the boy named Jiang Hao, but my sister is different. Her only thought is you." . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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