Sacred Devil

Chapter 2753

"So promise your sister to live well."

Mu yuan looks at Zhiyuan with a look in her eyes.

They two sisters are difficult to get out of the bitter sea, but the result is not expected, just out of the bitter sea and into the wolf's nest.

After being told the deepest secret in her heart, the expression on Zhiyuan's face became extremely complicated.

"Sister, don't say any more. I will never abandon you in any case. Even if I die here with you, it will be better for me to spend the long years in the future alone."

Even if the other party has said such a share, Zhiyuan is still determined not to leave.

"Silly girl, as long as you live there is hope, you'd better go."

Seeing that Zhiyuan always refuses to leave alone, muyuan also pushes her to push her away.

But just then, a scornful and sarcastic laugh rang out behind them.


After hearing the laughter, Zhiyuan and muyuan are alert at the same time, and then look to the end of the jungle.

And at this time, a figure is also the first to appear in the sight of the two sisters.

It was an old man who looked like a fairy, but the other side's face was a treacherous smile that didn't match his identity and clothes. Just one glance made Zhiyuan hold the long sword in his hand.

The old man was followed by a group of cavalry in black armour. These soldiers looked solemn and dignified, with half a black mask on their faces. Of course, the most striking thing was the group of panting wind unicorns where they sat down.

Without exception, these unicorns have a pair of red eyes, and their riding clothes are engraved with a big "Ling".

At the moment of seeing this word, Zhiyuan's eyes widened and recognized the identity of the visitor.

It's a person from LingXiao supreme palace!

Then, when Zhiyuan recognizes the identity of these people, the old man who laughed earlier also opened his mouth with sarcasm in his mouth.

"It's really a sisterhood. I might have taken pity on you on weekdays, but now you can't escape either of your sisters."

After the old man finished, he winked at the cavalry behind him.

In an instant, the cavalry surrounded Zhiyuan and muyuan.

If Jiang Hao were here, I'm afraid he would recognize the old man's identity at a glance, because it was not other people who were hunting for the two sisters, but Qiu Tianyan, who once had a deep hatred with Jiang Hao!

Looking at the cavalry surrounded by her sisters, Zhiyuan also looks at Qiu Tianyan and says.

"Our sisters have always had no enmity with Lingxiao Wushang palace. They also asked themselves that they had not done anything to apologize to human practitioners. Why did LingXiao supreme palace want to kill all our sisters?"

"With the wisdom of your sisters, I don't think you don't know the answer."

After hearing Zhiyuan's words, Qiu Tianyan also laughed. Instead of answering each other's questions, Qiu Tianyan looked at the former and asked back.

Qiu Tianyan didn't directly attack the two sisters because they still had a big use. After all, the palace Master said that he wanted to live.

"Is it related to the Lord of the abyss?"

After hearing Qiu Tianyan's words, Zhiyuan is silent for a long time, and then she asks.

"That's right. It's about the abyss Lord. If you two sisters are smart, you'd better tell us the whereabouts of the abyss Lord. Otherwise, we can only acquiesce that your sisters have an affair with void creatures."

After hearing Zhiyuan mention the abyss Lord, Qiu Tianyan's face also showed a satisfied look, and his tone became a bit gentle.

If you can get the whereabouts of the abyss Lord from the two sisters, I think the palace master will be very happy, and he will certainly reward himself.

After thinking about this, Qiu Tianyan is also more patient.

But this time he was obviously disappointed. After he said this, Zhiyuan was silent again for a while, and then her face showed a helpless look.

"My sister and I don't know the Lord of the abyss."

"How could that be! On that day, in the arena of the heroic society, there were countless pairs of eyes watching the abyss Lord save you from the hands of elder Xuanyi. If there was no contact between you, how could the abyss Lord help you both! "

After hearing Zhiyuan's reply, Qiu Tianyan immediately retorted.

Obviously, he didn't believe what the other side said.

If the other party had nothing to do with the abyss Lord, how could the abyss Lord save Zhiyuan and muyuan in public at the risk of being exposed?

"But that's the truth. My sister and I don't know the Lord of the abyss."Seeing that the other party didn't believe what she said, Zhiyuan repeated it again. . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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