Sacred Devil

Chapter 285

The party continued to walk forward, led by Jiang Hao, and began to cross the desolate land.

Unconsciously, another three days passed, but no one said anything in the past three days, because they all know that even Jiang Hao is not easy.

"Young master, look ahead!" At this time, walking in the front of the Xiao city some excited pointed to the front, said.

Jiang Hao raised his head. He saw a mountain in front of him. There were countless trees on the peak!

This is the first time that they have seen a plant in the past few days.

"Everybody follow me!" Jiang Hao took a deep breath and turned to look at mozak and others with a calm face.

All of them took a deep breath, and their eyes were filled with a thick color of joy. After walking in this desolate land for so many days, their hearts would have been restless. If it had not been for their hard work and perseverance, they would have let Jiang Hao down.

Eight people closely follow Jiang Hao, step by step toward the mountain.

However, when they were close to the mountain, they saw a huge beast coming out towards the peak, and then looked at Jiang Hao and others fiercely. Jiang Hao was indifferent and had a thick dignified look in his eyes. His hands could not help holding the handle of the knife.

The fierce beast did not make any movement. He stood at the mountain peak and kept yelling. However, they were afraid when they looked at Jiang Hao and others. Only when they looked at Ye Ling, his eyes were very fierce. It seemed that he might give a fatal blow at any time.

"Chu Yue, you give Ling Er that giant animal skeleton." Jiang Hao looked at the fierce beast, frowned slightly, and said to Chu Yue.

Chu Yue heard Jiang Hao's words and nodded. She took out the rib that Ye Ling had lost from the storage bag, handed it to Ye Ling and said, "this is your discarded rib!"

Ye Ling's cheek was reddish, and then he took the rib.

This rib was lost when ye Ling lost his temper three days ago, but Chu Yue picked it up because he knew that it was comparable to a sword weapon.

After Ye Ling took over the ribs, the ferocious beast became more honest. He looked at Jiang Hao and others, and his eyes were filled with unwilling color.

Jiang Hao took a step forward, and the fierce beast took a step back.

All the people looked at this scene, and their eyes were full of joy. As Jiang Hao said, this rib can suppress other fierce animals.

"Keep your formation. We are going to cross the mountain. We should be careful and alert." Jiang Hao looked at the huge beast retreated, and then looked at Xiao Cheng and others said.

All of them took a deep breath. They saw Jiang Hao as the leader, Han Li as the leader, mozak and Chu Yue on both sides, Xiao Cheng in the middle of jiedan period, and Ye Ling, Wang Shiyan and Li Yu were wrapped in the center.

Jiang Hao looked at the lineup and took a deep breath. He summoned the winged snake and asked Feng Yaoyao to take charge of the sky.

Suddenly, under Jiang Hao's arrangement, this lineup can also be called impregnable.

After they entered the peak, there were many fierce beasts around, but on Jiang Hao and others, the ribs of the mysterious beast made them dare not attack Jiang Hao.

A group of people walked slowly, and it didn't take long for them to cross the mountain peak. But outside the mountain peak, there were flowers and trees, which were much better than that desolate land.


Jiang Hao took a deep breath, his eyes full of joy.

"Out of that damned desolation at last Han Li looked around and said.

All the people laughed, they spent these days in the desolate land, almost maddening, that there is no sign of life, no sound, just like a dead land, let people extremely crazy.

"Young master, do you think there will be people living in the ruins?" At this time, Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao with some doubts and asks.

"A relic is actually a small space. Some relics will show signs of life, while others will not. Obviously, this site has signs of life, so there must be people living." Jiang Hao smiles and explains.

Feng Yaoyao heard Jiang Hao's words, with a faint smile on her face.

As for the others, they looked at Jiang Hao in shock. They had blind confidence in Jiang Hao. After all, they could not move in the desolate place, and even pacify them, which made them admire Jiang Hao very much.

"Little Lord, have you ever entered the ruins before?" Chu Yue looks at Jiang Hao and asks in some doubt.

Not only Chu Yue, but also other people looked at Jiang Hao curiously.

They all know that Jiang Hao's talent in lingyunzong was not very good before, but after that, he rose directly and became unstoppable like a dragon at sea.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're curious why I know so much, right?" Jiang Hao laughed, looked at Chu Yue and others and said, "because I know more, I will follow you together."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Jiang Hao's eyes with a trace of gratitude.They all knew that with Jiang Hao's strength, if he was alone, his harvest in the ruins must be much greater than following them, but he did not enter the ruins alone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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