Sacred Devil

Chapter 286

"Elder martial brother Jiang Hao, look at someone in front of you!" Right here, Han Li said.

All of them looked at the place where Han Li pointed to. A few middle-aged people in animal skins came over and looked at Jiang Hao and others with vigilance on their faces.

Jiang Hao looked at these middle-aged men with a trace of indifference in his eyes.

These friars were all dressed in ordinary animal skins, which shows that these middle-aged people are the remains of the middle-aged aborigines.

"Are you invaders?" The middle-aged leader looked at Jiang Hao and others and asked.

Jiang Haomei frowned. He looked at these middle-aged weapons as ordinary wooden forks, and their clothes were very simple. Except for their fierce body, they seemed to have no sense of threat.

"We are not invaders. We just have no intention of entering your tribe. Would you like to lead us into the tribe for a period of time?" Jiang Hao looked at the middle-aged leader and said with a deep breath.

The middle-aged leader looked at Jiang Hao's clothes, and then saw the ribs pinned to his waist. His eyes were full of respect.

"Since you have holy bones, you must be monks. Since you are monks, please follow us into the tribe." The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Hao and said with a smile.

"Brother, what's the name of your tribe?" Jiang Hao also wanted to find out all these.

"We are the Blackstone tribe. In this area, it is also a big tribe." The middle-aged leader said, "the head of our tribe is also a monk."

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, then looked at the head of the middle-aged and continued: "brother, when I was traveling, I heard the tribal elders say that there are Buddhas in our continent. I don't know if this is true or false?"

"No one knows where the Buddha was imprisoned. Apart from the most powerful beings, almost no one knows about the Buddha. Since your tribe knows about the Buddha, it must be a big tribe." Head of the middle-aged eyes with a trace of envy, said slowly.

Jiang Hao laughed and said nothing.

He is not the man of the ruins at all, and he does not know which tribe is more powerful in the ruins.

"Brother, why are you still using wooden forks? Why don't you use refined iron to make weapons, or use those powerful and fierce animal bones to build weapons? " Jiang Hao was a little curious at this time. Since there were monks in the ruins, why did these people still use wooden forks as weapons.

"It's very difficult for us to find refined iron. Some large veins are controlled by big tribes, and we are not rivals to you, so we can only use wooden forks as weapons." The middle-aged leader looked at Jiang Hao bitterly and said slowly, "my name is Heishi Boying. Don't call me big brother. Just call me by my name.

Jiang Hao nodded and took Xiao Cheng and others to follow the black stone Bo Ying, and went directly to the black stone tribe.

Several people's speed is very fast, then enters a small village.

There are not many people in the small village. There are only dozens of people, half of whom are old and young, women and children.

"Bo Ying, who are these people?" At this time, a big middle-aged man came out. The big middle-aged man took out a white bone in his hand, and his whole body showed a strong momentum.

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was shocked.

He didn't practice the ancient magic and magic power, but his whole body had a great power, which was comparable to the ordinary building foundation.

"Patriarch, these are monks who are wandering around. They want to enter the tribe to rest, so I brought them back." Black stone Bo Ying looked at the big middle-aged and said.

The burly middle-aged man looked at Jiang Hao, but his guard did not drop. Some wandering monks did enter some tribes, not only to have a rest, but also to exchange for something they needed.

However, when he looked at the physique of Jiang Hao and others, he did not want to be a monk at all. He had never seen such a friar as Jiang Hao and others.

"Sir, I want to know what kind of state you are." Looking at Jiang Hao, he said.

Jiang Hao laughed. He pulled out the ribs pinned on his waist and waved them gently. Suddenly, he carried hundreds of thousands of huge forces on his ribs, crushing the void directly and making a sound of breaking the void.

The eyes of the burly middle-aged are tight and full of shock.

"This power is almost the same as mine, and the holy bone in his hand is even better than his own."

Looking at Jiang Hao and others, he said, "I'm Heishi Baihu, the patriarch of the Blackstone tribe. During this period of rest in the Blackstone tribe, what do you want to exchange for? As long as we have the Blackstone tribe, we can provide it."

Jiang Hao heard Heishi Baihu's words, just nodded, did not say anything.

As for what to exchange, he didn't even know what the Blackstone tribe had. Naturally, he would not say anything.

There are many bones that can be used as weapons in Chu Yue's storage bag. Although these bones don't fit into the ribs, they have good pages of weapons. Moreover, Blackstone tribe has no refined iron. Jiang Hao and others have a lot of useless weapons. If you take out one of them, you can make the black stone tribe , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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