Sacred Devil

Chapter 2868

The imperial palace of void creatures, the higher the ranking, the more terrifying the power is. Even if Jiang Hao killed his Highness the first time, he could vaguely detect the strength gap between them when facing the red earthquake.

He can kill his highness with all his strength, but he can't use the same tactics to solve the man who is the Epee in front of him.

"To take my life at the cost of sending out the two royal palaces, are you really willing to live in the void? Aren't you afraid that the two imperial palaces are planted here?"

As Jiang Hao spoke, a huge ancient mirror appeared in front of him, which reflected the sword's momentum. At this time, the attack of the sword fell on the ancient mirror. The time of the ancient mirror soared, and countless attacks rebounded directly after being dissipated.

And the forces that have been bounced back are no longer red shocks.

Chizhen slightly frowned, but did not retreat, but wrist movement, is to launch a more aggressive offensive.

After all, it's not a virtual world. It's very difficult for them to consume energy and supplement. It's not good for them to drag it down. So from the beginning, Chi Zhen had the idea of quick combat and quick decision.

In the face of Chi Zhen's attack, Jiang Hao did not continue to use the ancient Bodhi mirror this time. Instead, he put the ancient Bodhi mirror away and directly met him with his heartless double swords. Suddenly, two crazy figures appeared in the sky.

Innumerable swords fell into the forest surrounded by fog, and countless creatures died in the aftermath of the battle because they could not dodge.

As the so-called gods fight, the little devil suffers.

On the other hand, Leng Meiniang is not in a hurry to separate herself from the mirror in front of her. Instead, she has been looking at the mirror in front of her.

After perceiving that there is no big difference between the strength of Jing Fenshen and Jiang Hao's noumenon, Leng Meiniang's face also shows a look of surprise. It is the first time that she has seen such a perfect inheritance of the body power.

This guy really has a certain skill. Otherwise, he would not kill Xiao Jiu in front of the master.

After thinking of this, Leng Meiniang looks at Jiang Hao again with a trace of different emotions.

"You human practitioners really have some amazing skills. But since you have inherited the great power of noumenon, does that mean that you also have the ability to think independently at this time, eh?"

The last syllable seems to be sent by Leng Meiniang from her chest.

A touch of seductive breath ferments in the air instantly.

"So what, not so?"

Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows slightly, and there was a mark of immortal fire in the center of his eyebrows.

Qingqing Shuangdao and Bodhi ancient mirror have been taken away by the body. At this time, the only thing that Jiang Hao's mirror can use is this immortal fire.

"I'm curious, don't you think that you can become an independent being from your noumenon?"

Seeing that Jiang Hao is willing to take care of herself, Leng Meiniang is not in a hurry to start with the other party.

After asking this question, Leng Meiniang looks innocent and innocent. Because her breath belongs to the seductive woman, when she makes such an expression, it gives people a kind of agitation like grasping the bottom of her heart.

In the air, that strange smell seems to be more obvious.

Under the influence of such fragrance, the external disturbance seems to have little connection with the two people.

In the warm sunshine, the shadow of the trees is whirling, giving people a sense of comfort that spreads to the bones.

"I am me, without him."

After hearing Leng Meiniang's words, Jiang Hao also chuckled and said slowly.

"I don't mean to tease your heart. I just think that everything is reasonable. Have you never thought of being a living and independent human practitioner? Do something completely different from what you are? "

Leng Meiniang is still smiling with pure emotion. What she says seems to be for the other party's good.

But just as she had just finished her words, her face froze. After perceiving some people's Secret small movements, Leng Meiniang, who was still smiling smartly before, now also became gloomy.

This Jiang Hao!

"Why don't you go on?"

Seeing Leng Meiniang's face suddenly changed, Jiang Hao also showed the same innocent smile as the other party before.

The other side wants to attack his Dao Xin, is he really unprepared?


Leng Meiniang was silent.

The vines that had been drilled out of the earth seemed to have vitality at the moment and began to fade away gradually until they returned to her feet. At the moment when all the vines returned, a flame appeared.

At the moment when the flame appeared, the flame suddenly rose and exploded. However, because Leng Meiniang had already prepared for it, the fire bomb formed by the immortal fire did not hurt Leng , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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