Sacred Devil

Chapter 2869

But even so, Leng Meiniang's face was still livid. Her original idea was to directly rebel against Jiang Hao's separation. Even if she could not, she would plant a seed of suspicion in the other party's heart. As a result, she did not expect to be turned into an army by the other side.

This makes the cold Meiniang who seldom fails to pass through.

"I look down on you, but if you want to be a complete person, the void will always be open to you, but before that, you have to live!"

At the end of the cold Meiniang's words, the enchantment has disappeared and replaced by a beautiful snake with a scarlet tongue.

Her previous obsession with the mind, which was deliberately shaped by her, has now become countless poisonous needles emitting cold light, and the target of these needles is all aimed at Jiang Hao.

"I thought you would continue to procrastinate, so that I could still understand the closed array here, but now you are not all brainless creatures."

Being locked by numerous concealed weapons, Jiang Hao's face only showed a look of regret.

He thought that he could continue to procrastinate with the other party, but he didn't expect that he just hit the other side in the face and did not achieve good results.

"When I crush your head to powder, I'll see if you can be as smart as you are now."

Jiang Hao's regret obviously infuriated Leng Meiniang completely. His original delicate and charming face directly broke open. A monster several tens of feet tall appeared in front of Jiang Hao after breaking through the shackles of the human body.

And before that a beautiful body at this moment is also become a sky of flesh and blood, and then floated down.

Wrapped by the immortal fire, Jiang Hao did not get those flesh and blood, but there seemed to be a Sanskrit sound in the world, which seemed to feel pity for the innocent human girl's body.

Seeing the cold Meiniang in front of her finally revealed her body, Jiang Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

"As ugly as expected."

Jiang Hao's words can be said to be the last straw that overcame the camel. Almost at the moment when he finished, Leng Meiniang's sickle like arm was cut towards Jiang Hao, as if to cut off Jiang Hao's head directly.

"Without arms, shaped like a sickle, you make me think of one of your companions. His name is magic. I don't know whether you know him or not. He has ugly arms like you. He can only prey on monsters like you."

Although the monster in front of him was different from any empty creature that Jiang Hao had seen before, his sickle like arm made Jiang Hao think of the Nine Emperor's Royal Highness sitting down and magical beast magic Teng.

Leng Meiniang naturally knew that Mo Teng and Mo Teng had died under Jiang Hao's hand long ago. The poison needle that had stopped in the air seemed to feel the master's anger. When Jiang Hao dodged Leng Meiniang's attack, countless poisonous needles attacked Jiang Hao like all kinds of holes, taking Jiang Hao's death hole.

However, at this time, Jiang Hao was wrapped up in the immortal fire. Although the poisonous needles were fierce, they evaporated immediately after touching the immortal fire, which did not cause any obstruction to Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao's immortal fire has left traces one after another on the cold sickle back.

Of course, Leng Meiniang is not without success. During the fight with Jiang Hao, she broke the defense of the other party countless times. The black sickle collided with the fragile skin, making a metallic collision sound.

This result also made Leng Meiniang a little surprised. It was not long before Jiang Haocai stepped into the realm of xianzun, but the other side's body seemed to have reached a perfect state.

Even if she is a gifted void clan, it's no wonder Fu Anyi is not at ease to let her and Chi Zhen come together, and even prepared a seal array, which is afraid that they can't solve Jiang Hao in the first time.

At that time, when she knew Fu Anyi's decision, she felt that the other party was making a fuss, but now she found that the young man in Xuanyi was far less simple than she had just thought.

If she came alone, she might not be the rival of the young man in front of her.

When did such a powerful person appear in this small thousand world?

"Leng Meiniang, what are you dallying about? Get rid of him

When Leng Meiniang stops attacking and is slightly surprised, the voice of red shock is also ringing in Leng Meiniang's ears.

Hearing this, Leng Meiniang also regained her consciousness, and then launched the next wave of fierce attacks on Jiang Hao. Although Jiang Hao's strength of this mirror is not much different from the body, as time goes on, the difference between them will be revealed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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