Sacred Devil

Chapter 2909

"As long as we can completely kill Jiang Hao in the Xuanlong ruins, I can guarantee that even if the void creatures attack the world of human practitioners in the future, we will never touch the forces under your ancestors."

This guarantee is obviously very destructive to Jiuyou Laozu. As soon as Jiuyou Laozu, who was still a little tangled, immediately agreed to it.

"In that case, I decided to make an exception, but not to submit to the empty creatures, but to seek a way out for my disciples and grandchildren."

Although it is agreed to come down, but Jiuyou Laozu is still made clear his position.

In any case, Xiaoqian world was defeated in the end. He went to the boundary area and went there. It was better to make peace with the void creatures, which could avoid the destruction of the Jiuyou family.

"This is for the sake of our children's good fortune. We will be glad for what we have done today."

Li Wenxin naturally understood the meaning of Jiuyou Laozu. Even if he followed the other party's words, he had a happy smile on his face.

Although he has always had a certain degree of assurance about today's move, Li Wenxin's heart still can't help but take a long sigh of relief after the matter is really successfully completed.

It's still a bit risky to talk about things at the gate of luomei Pavilion, but it's worth the risk.

Li Wenxin looked back and took a deep look at luomei Pavilion. In his mind, the Holy Land in the mind of countless practitioners was destroyed.

Thinking of the ruins, Li Wenxin also showed a smile.

It's really exciting.

After discussing the cooperation, Jiuyou Laozu and other people did not continue to stay, but went back to the mountain gate.

At this time, a huge figure in the void land opened its closed eyes. In the scarlet eyes, it seemed that a young figure flashed by, and then a burst of Jie Jie's voice began to ring.

"Xuanlong, tens of thousands of years have passed. After all, I'm still a good chess player."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie."


Originally, the island of San ferika was a small island in the deep sea. However, an alien practitioner came here later and described the island as a beautiful place in the sky and on earth. Therefore, it attracted numerous tourists and adventurers.

As time went by, ships bound for the island of San Francisco were found on the docks in the western part of doutian.

However, for a group of strong people who have reached the level of xianzun, if they want to cross the vast ocean and go to the island of San Francisco, they don't need the help of a boat. It's just that the eight immortals cross the sea and show their magic powers.

On the golden beach connected with the ocean, a group of strong men with different styles stand here. With the arrival of these strong men, the spiritual power here has become much more abundant.

As for those sea monsters who used to be tyrannical on the beach, they are hiding in the deep sea and dare not even come out of their heads for fear of offending the powerful people in front of them.

And those who practice in remote cities only dare to look out from afar. Even those who are closer to the golden beach are afraid.

Is this what Xiaoqian world has accumulated over the years?

Looking at these strong people who are absolutely impossible to see in ordinary times, many practitioners can not help but feel this emotion.

They don't even know what kind of strength these powerful people have reached. They only know that when these people appear together, even the boundless sea seems to be much smaller.

Under the gaze of the outside world, you advocate Laozu also can't help but be full of high spirits. He has always maintained his immortal character and the appearance of a world expert. He hasn't played for many years. This time, he seems to have found his youthful aggressiveness.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since we have reached the edge, I will wait for you on the island of San Francisco."

You advocate the old ancestor of old age to say to everybody beside.

After he finished, he did not wait for people's reaction. He waved his hand directly. The dust that was still in his hand flew out and stayed in the air.

And you advocate the ancestor is a little bit, the whole person fell on the dust, the next moment is completely disappeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, how old is this old guy, and he still plays with the operation of wind and Sao."

Just after the first crossing of the sea, mu Wenmao had a helpless smile and shook his head. Then the star Epee behind him fell in front of him, and in the next moment, mu Wenmao disappeared in his place.

Looking at mu Wenmao's flying sword, people are speechless for a while? He even said that other people played some wind and Sao operation. It was really the elder brother who laughed at the second brother.

However, after the two men used their magic power to cross the sea, other strong men no longer hesitated. They all put forward their own housekeeping skills and prepared to directly cross the distance between the island and the land. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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