Sacred Devil

Chapter 2910

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Hao is quite speechless. When he had not broken through the realm of xianzun in the past, he always felt that all the strong people in the realm of immortal respect should be non cannibalism.

As a result, the present age together is enough to compete with Xuanlong. Today, they are naive enough to show off their strength.

It's just crossing the sea. It's not really a contest. As for one by one, it's such a big battle?

You know, whether it's the doutian continent or other marginal continents, there are countless eyes staring at this place. These old folks are not so upset because of this?

Just when Jiang Hao's face was a little strange, the red dress standing beside him asked.


Just at the beginning of the conversation, Hong Yi didn't know how to continue. Instead, she looked at Jiang Hao. She knew that the other party should understand her meaning.

At this time, on the golden beach, there were only two people left: Hong Yi and Jiang Hao. As for the other strong men, they had already left by magic power.

Jiang Hao turned over and looked at the red dress, then reached out his hand and pulled back his hair, which was a bit messy due to the sea breeze, back to his ear and opened his mouth.

"It's OK. I've read the map before. I just need to confirm the location, and then I can take the transmission array to go directly. I don't need to be like these predecessors It's such a trouble. "

Jiang Hao couldn't find the exact adjective for the behavior of these predecessors.

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, Hong Yi could not help but feel relieved.

As a matter of fact, she had thought of this for a long time, and those predecessors probably thought of it, but after you had made a bad start, these people were able to compare it.

This kind of behavior makes red dress don't even know what to say.

After all, even her Venerable Master joined the ranks.

Jiang Hao first looked at the map for the last time. After confirming that it was correct, he put the map away. Then he looked up at the sea in front of him. The look in his eyes became solemn at the moment.

The red clothes on one side also stopped talking at the moment and stepped back two steps. Then he looked at Jiang Hao, who had never been to San Francisco island. It was obviously not easy to establish a transmission array between the two places under such circumstances.

Plus, it's a long way to go. Even if it's a transmission array, it's going to take a while.

However, the red coat obviously underestimated Jiang Hao's accomplishments in the array. It was only a time for a stick of incense, and Jiang Hao, who had been motionless, began to move.

As soon as his hands were printed, several flags full of special fluctuations appeared in front of them. Before the red coat could see the changes between the fingerprints of each other, an array portal emitting fire red light appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the array gate in front of her eyes, red also showed a little surprise in her eyes, and then she could not help walking forward to touch the gate with her hands.

But just at this time, Jiang Hao's hand took the lead to grasp the wrist of red clothes. Under the puzzled eyes of the other party, Jiang Hao said: "I'll take you in with me."

Although he has already refined the teleportation array, he has never been to the island of San Francisco before. For the sake of safety, he naturally does not want to let the red suit go first.

Although in Jiang Hao's opinion, there should be no danger.


The red dress looked back at Jiang Hao, and her long hair danced with the wind of the sea. For a moment, she was so beautiful that she couldn't help it.

I don't know if it's because of being together with Jiang Hao. Compared with Jiang Hao when he first met each other for the first time, today's red dress has a little less heroism between her eyebrows. On the contrary, she has a little more flattery from a woman, which makes Jiang Hao look a little stunned for a moment.

But soon Jiang Hao reacted and took the other party's hand and walked into the transmission array.

As they entered the portal, the wanton transmission array disappeared, and the golden sand beach was calm again, as if the arrival of a number of strong men was just an illusion.

Soon after the transmission array disappeared, a pair of Bi people appeared on the island of San Francisco.

After seeing the scene in front of her, the other party couldn't help but exclaimed: "it's really beautiful here ~"

"before, I always thought it was hard to match the reputation, but after seeing this landscape today, I feel that people who come to this island for the first time describe it a little shallow."

The tone of the red dress is full of wonder. She lived in luomei Pavilion since she was a child. She was used to the strange mountains and rocks and many beautiful sceneries. But today, after seeing the scenery on San Francisco Island, she still couldn't help being astonished.

As expected, it is worthy of the word "paradise". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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