Sacred Devil

Chapter 2919

Fu Anyi didn't refute Li Zheng's words. Instead, after the other party finished, he gave a deep look at the other party, with a bit of banter in his eyes.

That's the look of the good play.

"Let's go."

Fu Anyi gave an order to all the people around him, and then the people of LingXiao supreme Palace also started to set up camp on the island of San ferika under the guidance of the other party.

It is still some time before the Xuanlong ruins are opened. All of them have to live on the island for a few days. Even the practitioners who have already built a valley can not sit on the beach like this. Naturally, they have to prepare a temporary camp.

When all the people in LingXiao supreme palace turn around one after another, glass's eyes fall on Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao also looks at each other, but there is no communication between them.

But in an instant, the glass is to take back the line of sight, and then turned toward the LingXiao supreme palace in the direction of the past, but still as before, far away from these people, as if and these people are not familiar.

When the people of Lingxiao Wushang palace gradually disappeared, Li Zheng fell from the air, walked to Jiang Hao's side, and then spoke to the Xuanmen people.

"All of you have worked hard. We will have a good rest tonight and discuss matters tomorrow morning."

It is almost no challenge for the powerful people in the immortal realm to set up a camp. However, a dozen small houses have been built in the west of San Francisco island. These small houses are just like a tribe.

The same is true of the LingXiao supreme Palace on the other side. However, compared with the irregular buildings on the Xuanmen side, the LingXiao supreme palace is much more hierarchical.

This time, Jiang Hao, like other practitioners, built a small wooden house based on local materials. Although it looked shabby, it was only a temporary residence. There was no need to make it so fancy.

As for the temporary residence of Hong Yi and others, it is also built by Jiang Hao. For Jiang Hao, who has been used to this kind of thing all year round, it is just a matter of convenience.

When they settled down, the night was already deep and the sea breeze was slow. When Jiang Hao sat on the beach and felt the sea breeze coming, his mind was pulled back to the time when he was still in Yaxi island city.

At that time, although he was also ambitious and vowed to drive the inanimate creatures back to their homes one day, he was not as steady as he is now.

Speaking of all these years, with the growth of strength, Jiang Hao is more mature than before.

Just as Jiang Hao was sitting on the beach, looking at the seaside scenery in front of him, he was a little dazed. A huge figure also sat down beside him.

Jiang Hao turned his head and saw that Ke lie handed him a wine pot. Instead of being polite, he took it and poured it into his mouth.

A pungent smell ran down the throat.

This wine is not as good or bad as the wine made by the master.

Just as Jiang haopin was drinking wine, the voice of Cray was also ringing in his ears.

"When I was in the city of abominable evils, I knew you were not in the pool at the first sight, but I didn't think that in just a few years, your strength was far above me."

Ke lie's voice is full of sobs, apparently recalling the scene when he first saw Jiang Hao.

At that time, he ranked first in the list of the most evil, and he was a notorious figure. At that time, even the old drunkard had to give him three points when he saw him.

However, Jiang Hao dared to threaten him. Although he was forced to do so, he knew from then on that this young man would definitely have extraordinary achievements in the future.

But I never thought it was so brilliant.

Even himself has been the benefactor of saving lives several times.

"When I was young, I didn't know what to do. I didn't care about some things."

Jiang Hao knew what the other side was saying, and immediately he also said with a light smile.

"What are you and my brothers talking about? It's the so-called" no fight, no acquaintance ". In my life, I really don't admire several people. You, Jiang Hao, are one of them."

When she said this, she could be described as convinced.

In his whole life, he refused to accept orders. Even if his opponent was Fu Anyi, a strong man in the half step chaotic state, he never begged for more than half a point. However, Jiang Hao was not the same. He was really convinced of Jiang Hao.

After hearing what Ke lie said, Jiang Hao raised his head and took a sip of liquor, and then he said.

"I've heard that a lot recently."

Although Jiang Hao's tone did not mean to show off, Ke lie still couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You boy

Perhaps it is because this is also an island, which is very similar to the situation of the city of evil. Therefore, both Jiang Hao and Ke lie can't help remembering the past.

In particular, Kerry has a kind of silence in the past memories of the feeling that it is difficult to extricate , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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