Sacred Devil

Chapter 2920

Perhaps it was because the world war was about to break out. He didn't know whether he would be able to return to the city of abomination alive. So, after seeing the island of San Francisco, which is very similar to the city of evil, he could not help but miss the past.

Jiang Hao is different. He just comes out to blow the sea breeze simply because he is a little bored in his heart.

After three rounds of wine, Ke lie suddenly tilts his head to look at Jiang Hao, and says in the other party's puzzled eyes.

"What's the relationship between that glass girl and you?"

On hearing this question, Jiang Hao suddenly had a big head, but he still insisted on answering.

"What does it matter?"

"I saw her look at you. Don't say you don't really know her?"

Ke lie pushed Jiang Hao with his elbow. His face was full of malice.

"I've had a few encounters before, which can be regarded as It's a friend. "

When it comes to the end, Jiang Hao's tone is also a little uncertain.

Originally, the relationship between him and Liuli should be called a friend. After all, he agreed to help the other party after the end of the world war. However, due to the different positions of the two people at this time, it was not very accurate to say that he was friends.

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ke lie also laughed more unkindly.

"Otherwise, you can find a way to bring that girl to our side. After all, I don't think that girl is willing to collude with void creatures."

Although the glass is standing with LingXiao supreme palace from the beginning to the end, the other party's expression is extremely indifferent, and is not a person on the same road at all.

After hearing what Ke lie said, Jiang Hao shook his head helplessly.

"It's impossible. You'd better stop thinking about it."

"It's impossible. If you take that girl away, you're not going to follow suit."

When she said this, she also looked behind her, obviously afraid that the red dress would hear.

He did this for the future of Xiaoqian world. If Hongyi really heard him, he would understand him.

After hearing what Ke lie said, Jiang Hao was speechless for a while. Who could have thought that Ke lie, a man of iron and steel, was such a middle-aged man who was full of gossip in private?

If it wasn't for a good relationship, Jiang Hao really wanted to throw each other into the sea to feed the fish, but after thinking about it, he said.

"Even if the strong man in the half step chaotic state doesn't intend to cover the whole island with divine consciousness, he has a natural instinct for others to explore things related to himself. I advise you to say less like this, or when she comes to her door, I'm afraid that senior Li Zheng can't protect you."

Of course, Jiang Hao's words are nonsense, and the purpose is naturally to scare Ke lie.

Sure enough, after Jiang Hao finished speaking, Ke lie quickly looked around and confirmed that there was nothing unusual before he took back his sight.

This time, however, he did not dare to mention the information related to glass.

After all, the other side is a strong man in the half step chaotic state. If you want to chase him down, you can't hold on to three moves with his strength.

Of course, Ke lie obviously thinks highly of himself. If Liuli really starts with him, don't say three moves. As long as one move, he can let the other party die completely.

This is why, after the appearance of glass, many practitioners in the Xuanmen were dead gray.

While they were sitting on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, feeling the few remaining quiet years, there were waves of changes in the depths of the islands off the coast of San Francisco.

Such a leisurely Jiang Hao and Ke lie stood up at the same time.

"What's going on?"

The thick and ferocious tentacles slapped the sea, and Craig's eyes also looked down at the sea level.

Under the sea level, he felt a terrible wave.

Something seems to be stirring in the deep sea.

At this time, the other practitioners in the Xuanmen also snatched out of the house one after another, and came towards Jiang Hao's direction. Li Zheng asked in advance.

"What happened?"

"It seems that there are other monsters in the deep sea, which should not be known?"

Jiang Hao shook his head and said with some uncertainty.

He has never been to the island of San Francisco, he has inspected all the surrounding waters, and found no other life. The latest batch of sea creatures are also in the deep sea far away from the island.

As for the island, except for some plants, there is no living creature. The aborigines of San Francisco have already moved away, along with the ancient fierce animals that should have lived on the island.

In addition to these places that can be inspected, only the seabed is the only place Jiang Hao did not inspect, because there is a terrible barrier force, which can cut off all the detection of divine consciousness.And it is also the place where Jiang Hao infers that Xuanlong remains are most likely to exist.

That's where the wave comes from. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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