Sacred Devil

Chapter 328

Jiang Hao is the chief senior brother of lingyunzong and a registered disciple of Li Man, the God of war. Behind him, all the famous strong men in the eastern regions are standing.

Therefore, Ye Ling and others can't leave. Once they leave, the temple will be angry with all of them!

"Young master, we will not leave." Feng Yaoyao stood in front of Jiang Hao and said calmly, "before, you protected me. Now it's up to me to protect you. Even if it's life, I have no regrets."

Feng Yaoyao's words are very light, but they show a strong firmness. She will not leave. She takes the heart of death to protect Jiang Hao.

"I said, I has the final say, if you do not leave, I can't play my own martial arts!" Jiang Hao looked at Feng Yaoyao and others, and said solemnly, "besides, I need you to go out and tell the main gate of the eastern region and the plot of the small Buddhist temple."

"High priest, don't let them out!" Hearing Jiang Hao's words, xuanci couldn't help but remind him.

The eye son of the high priest coagulates, nodded, looking at Ye Ling's eye son is also full of killing intention.

He knew very well that once they escaped, the alliance between the little Buddhist temple and the Li Rong tribe would be known to them, and they would probably destroy it.

"Town!" The high priest waved his hand, and suddenly a tremendous energy condenses, and then directly rushes towards Ye Ling and others.

Although Jiang Hao's spiritual power was exhausted, his physique was comparable to that of the inferior treasure. He stepped forward and cut off the immortal blade in his hand.


I saw Jiang Hao chopping knife directly fell on the majestic energy. Suddenly, Jiang Hao was lifted out and landed heavily on the ground.

"Young master!" Feng Yaoyao's eyes were filled with eagerness.

"I'll let you go!" Jiang Hao stood up with some difficulty and looked at Feng Yaoyao and others.

Feng Yaoyao didn't leave. She ran in front of Jiang Hao, and her whole body's spiritual power kept pouring out and protecting Jiang Hao.

"I'll let you go!" Jiang Hao's voice showed a trace of anger, looking at Feng Yaoyao and other people's expressions are also incomparably ferocious.

"I admit it's very touching for you to be like this, but even then, you have to stay here!" The high priest looked at Jiang Hao and others with a look of ridicule.

When the high priest finished, he waved his big hand directly, and suddenly a tremendous energy came again. Jiang Hao's eyes congealed, and Feng Yaoyao was immediately pushed away and welcomed him.


I saw that the majestic energy fell on Jiang Hao's body, and Jiang Hao was immediately knocked out and landed heavily on the ground.

"Xiao city, take them out of here!" Jiang Hao looked at Xiao city and said with a ferocious face.

Feng Yaoyao did not go, Ye Ling did not go, even Li Yu and Wang Shiyan and other Lingyun disciples did not go, which made Jiang Hao feel powerless.

Xiao Cheng looked at Jiang Hao, sighed, and then jumped directly and stood in front of Jiang Hao.

"You take the young master away!" Xiao Cheng's whole body momentum is soaring, his arms are green, and even burning a thick flame.

This is the burning sky sword!

Burning the sky sword at the cost of life!

He is a follower of Jiang Hao, so he can't see that Jiang Hao is in any danger!

"Hum!" The high priest looked at Xiao city, who wanted to resist, and gave a cold hum directly.

Then, the high priest's body like electricity, directly appeared in front of the city of Xiao, a palm to fly it.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath. He took zhenshanzhu out of the storage bag directly, and then bit his finger directly, dripping blood onto the bead.

"Jiang Hao, what are you going to do?" When the high priest watched the blood on Jiang Hao's fingers drop on the Zhenshan bead, his eyes jumped, and a trace of uneasiness swept over his body.

"You go away!" Jiang Hao threw Zhenshan pearl directly, then he looked ferocious and roared.

Ye Ling looks at Jiang Hao's twisted expression, and her tears are constantly flowing out.

This is her hero, her sweetheart!

Feng Yaoyao is also pear blossom with rain, ChuChu pitiful, looking at Jiang Hao's eyes are also confused.

As for mozak and others, they looked at Jiang Hao with grief on their faces.

"Let's go!" Ye Ling's voice trembled incomparably. She wanted to stay. Even if she died, she had no regrets.

But she can't!

She can't let Jiang Hao have worries, and she doesn't want him to regret.

Mozak and others followed Jiang Hao to the ruins, so Jiang Hao could not let them leave their lives in the ruins.

"Jiang Hao, I will guard them for you. If you don't come back, then I, Li Qingshan, will guard your ancestral gate for you and take back your father for you!" Li Qingshan's heart is also covered with a trace of waves, looking at Jiang Hao said.

"Give it to me!" Jiang Hao watched the high priest rush to zhenshanzhu. He looked twisted and cried angrily.

At the same time, Ye Ling and others smashed the talisman, and many space doors appeared.

Looking at this scene, xuanci looks ferocious and rushes directly at Ye Ling and others. However, at the moment of xuanci's rushing out, Han Li suddenly calls out his beloved animal, the earth king, and then stands on the back of the king of earth with a long gun in his hand, and rushes towards xuanci at once."Han Li, go!" Ye Ling looks at Han Li, who rushes to xuanci. She shouts.

The door of space can only maintain the five breath time, but Han Li's talisman has been crushed. If there is no step into the door of space within five breath, then the door of space will automatically disappear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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