Sacred Devil

Chapter 329

Han Li did not dare to step into the door of space, because he was afraid that xuanci would destroy the door of space, so that everyone could not leave.

Soon, the door of space disappears, and Ye Ling and others leave, while Han Li and xuanci fight madly together.

He can't do without it!

Since he couldn't leave, he accompanied Jiang Hao to fight together.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and zhenshanzhu was like a mountain, and the high priest was shot down to the ground in an instant.

But the high priest's face is a little ugly. Zhenshanzhu is the treasure of Li Rong tribe's inheritance, but now, he is injured by the inheritance treasure of his own tribe.

"Give me a start!" The high priest roared and his eyes were still full of cold color.

The Zhenshan bead that originally fell on the high priest also rose in the air. When the Zhenshan bead rose in the air, Jiang Hao suddenly burst out with blood, which made him extremely weak.

Just now, his blood drops on the Zhenshan pearl have been preliminarily refined. Now, the high priest forcibly recaptured the Zhenshan pearl with his strength, and Jiang Hao was also bitten back.

"Jiang Hao, I didn't expect that you would also use the inheritance treasure of our Lirong tribe, but even so, you will surely die!" The high priest looked at Jiang Hao with scorn in his eyes.

"Is it?" Jiang Hao still very difficult to stand up, and when he stood up, he saw a fist size dark bee flying.

Iron wing bee!

This is Jiang Hao's strongest card!

In the moment of the appearance of the iron and steel wing bee, a strong momentum is oppressed, and then, the flying bee needle falls down.

These bee needles did not attack the high priest, but went to these Buddhist monks and some monks of the Li Rong tribe.

The iron winged bee is already a king level fierce beast, and its bee needle is much stronger than before.

The high priest looked at the bee needles flying all over the sky, didn't say anything, and his face was indifferent and his hands were waving wildly.

And then they go straight to the bee.

"No words, flying snow, forming a battle of ice and snow!" Ding Yi looks at the bee needle that falls toward Jiang Hao. His eyes coagulate, looks at Ding Buyu and Ding Feixue, and shouts angrily.

Suddenly, Ding Buyu and Ding Feixue's internal momentum rose, and then all kinds of weapons, line into a triangular battle array, and their energy seems to be condensed together, endless.

Ice and snow battle is the foundation of ice and snow tribe, of course, this is also their strongest means.

As the three generals of the ice and snow tribe and the three leaders of the ice and snow tribe, they are naturally very skilled in the ice and snow battle.

The three people are like one, step out directly, and then swing the weapons in their hands at the same time. All of a sudden, the three energies are gathered together, and the momentum is more magnificent.


All of a sudden, the weapons of the three fell, and the bee needles that had fallen towards Jiang Hao also exploded and scattered around.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Ding Yi had such a strong array.

"Han Li, be careful." Jiang Hao looked at Han Li, who was fighting with xuanci, took a deep breath and said.

He is now very difficult to protect himself, so he does not have enough time to pay attention to Han Li.

Han Li did not answer. He was silent in the battle. Xuanci was much better than him. If the king of the earth under his feet was not very powerful, he might have died under xuanci's Zen stick.

The iron and steel winged bee stayed by Jiang Hao's side, guarding him. Ding Yi, on the other hand, formed a battle line to compete with the high priest.

As for the Buddhist monks in Xiaofo temple and the monks of Lirong tribe, they did not act rashly. The friars of Lirong tribe didn't have the order of the high priest, so they didn't move. The Buddhist cultivation in Xiaofo temple was due to the iron winged bee beside Jiang Hao.

Others do not know the strength of the iron wing bee, but he is very clear, also very understand. Even if Fang Jia, who was taken away by the gods and demons, suffered from the iron and steel winged bee, how could they be the opponent of the iron and steel winged bee.

Jiang Hao takes a crystal from the jade pendant. He breathes deeply and absorbs the energy in the crystal crazily.

"Stop him, don't let him recover his strength!" The high priest looked at Jiang Hao, who was recovering his spiritual power. He looked at the friars of the Lirong tribe and called out.

The friars of Lirong tribe heard the words of the high priest and rushed to Jiang Hao crazily. However, the steel winged bee around Jiang Hao suddenly disappeared.

Immediately, the iron and steel wing bee appeared, and a friar of the Li Rong tribe fell down. Then, the iron and steel wing bee disappeared again. When he appeared again, another monk fell.

However, the steel winged bee seems to be a little dissatisfied with the speed of killing. Its wings condense into a series of wind blades, and then pass around.

The friars of the Li Rong tribe, who had been frantically attacking, were also injured in the wind blade of the steel winged bee.

"Everybody, back off!" Meng Xian looked at this scene and couldn't help exclaiming.

Unfortunately, the speed of the iron wing bee is also very fast. Even if the friars of the Lirong tribe retreated, they lost a lot.At this time, the spirit power in Jiang Hao's body also recovered a little, then stepped back a few steps, his eyes showed a thick cold color.

He took a deep breath, then took the relic out again and began to absorb the Buddha power.

Jiang Hao felt that his strength had reached the edge of condensing the golden elixir. Therefore, he would absorb the Buddhist power in the sarira. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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