Sacred Devil

Chapter 347

Dongyu, lingyunzong!

Wan Jian and ye Chongshan are all sitting in the main hall. Their looks are ugly, and they also show a trace of anger.

Today is the last day of entering the ruins. Many disciples have come back. Only the monk and Jiang Hao of the little Buddhist temple have never come back.

After Ye Ling and others came back, they told ye Chongshan everything in the ruins. They did not hide anything. After all, the trip to the ruins was a plot of the small Buddhist temple, and they had nothing to hide.

However, today is the last day of the ruins, but Jiang Hao has never come out of the ruins, which makes it difficult for WAN Jian and ye Chongshan to accept.

Luo Feng didn't say anything, but when ye Ling and others came back, he heard Jiang Hao alone facing the high priest who was comparable to Zifu. His eyes were full of worry. After Ye Ling and others returned, Han Li also came back.

At that moment, Luo Feng already knew what Jiang Hao thought. He could leave with Han Li, but he didn't because he wanted to stop the plot of the little Buddhist temple.

"Can't he come back?" Look at wanjian and others.

He once thought of accepting Jiang Hao as his apprentice and teaching him how to make alchemy. However, Jiang Hao refused, but this did not affect his love for Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao treated Ye Ling's congenital cold disease by himself. Later, Jiang Hao cleared up the potential crisis of Lingyun clan. Later, he took Ye Ling and others out to experience, breaking the title of four swordsmen of Lingyun!

"No, he won't! He said, let's wait for him, and he will come back. " Outside the zongmen hall, Ye Ling, who has been eavesdropping, rushes in and shouts.

If something happened to Jiang Hao, she would be the first one who couldn't accept it. At the beginning, when Jiang Hao was a disciple of Lingyun Zongshi college, they met.

Although only one year has passed now, in one year, they have almost experienced something that no one else has experienced for ten years.

Wan Jian and ye Chongshan are also silent, and they are not willing to accept this matter. After all, Jiang Hao is the future of lingyunzong and a rare genius for Lingyun Zong in a thousand years.

"I also believe that he won't have an accident. He still has too many things to do. His parents are still waiting for him. I believe he will come back. It's only a matter of time." Luo Feng stood up and said calmly.

With Luo Feng's words falling, Wan Jian and ye Chongshan take a look at each other, their eyes are full of helpless color.

This period of time, if you say who is the most heartbroken, that person is Luo Feng!

Luo Feng has no children, so he regards Jiang Zhen as his own and has no hidden instruction. But in the end, he sees his apprentice seriously injured, and his wife is taken away, but he is helpless.

Jiang Hao is Jiang Zhen's only child, so Luo Feng never regarded Jiang Hao as an outsider. He watched Jiang Hao grow up step by step, and he was extremely happy.

Once, in Xihe village, Jiang Hao was in danger. He ignored zongmen's commandments and drove him away. After Jiang Hao was bullied by Lu San, he risked his life to attack and kill Fang family members to take the lead for him.

When ye Ling and others came back, he couldn't accept the fact, and his hair turned white. That's enough to see how sad he was.

"Master, I ask to destroy the little Buddhist temple!" At this time, mozak and Wang Shiyan came in and looked at Wan Jian and said.

Jiang Hao has done so much for them in the ruins. Now it's their turn to do something for him.

"Patriarch, Xiao Cheng requests to join Lingyun sect and become a disciple of Lingyun sect. I will shoulder the responsibility of young master when the young master does not return." Xiao Cheng in mozak and Wang Shiyan behind, looking at Wan Jian and ye Chongshan said.

At the beginning, Jiang Hao gave him the opportunity to join lingyunzong, but he chose to follow Jiang Hao. Now, Jiang Hao is still in the ruins and has never returned. Then, he will shoulder the responsibility of Jiang Hao with his life.

"Leave the little Buddhist temple and wait for the chief senior brother to come back!" Han Li was silent for a long time and said slowly.

Han Li entered the hall without saying a word until the end of his speech.

Now lingyunzong is already the top force in the eastern region. In addition to the great power of the clan, they also have very strong foreign aid.

Chu Tian, li man, the God of war, and taixuzong are all the foreign aid of Lingyun sect, especially Taixu sect. They are almost the same in advance and retreat, and they are all sectarian forces.

"It is impossible to destroy the small Buddhist temple overnight. We need to discuss with Li Man Mian." Wan Jian was silent for a moment and said.

Everyone nodded, and no one said anything, but Luo Feng stood up and left directly.

Wan Jian showed a trace of bitterness on his face and a trace of worry in his eyes.

He is very clear about what Luo Feng is going to do. He has always been like this. He can't tolerate the slightest injustice of his disciples at any time.

"Would you like to come with me to the little Buddhist temple to collect some interest?" Luo Feng went to the main hall, turned to look at Xiao Cheng and others, asked.

They were stunned, with a trace of expectation in their eyes, and then nodded, followed Luo Feng and left toward Lingyun Zong. Wan Jian and ye Chongshan look at each other, then stand up and go to the small Buddhist temple with Luo Feng.Lingyun sanyuanying, this is about the three of them. Luo Feng wants to get justice for Xiao Cheng and others. How can they be absent as the leader of Lingyun sect? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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