Sacred Devil

Chapter 348

Little Buddhist temple!

Master Shenyin summoned all the mainstays of the small Buddhist temple to the Mahavira hall. Today is the last day when the ruins are closed. Many monks have come out of the ruins, but the Buddhist cultivation of the small Buddhist temple is not seen.

Since they have not come out, then it shows a problem that they are very likely to be destroyed!

"Elder martial brother, the little animal Jiang Hao didn't come out, did he also die in it?" Master Shentu looked at master Shenyin and was silent for a moment.

"I don't know. When the storm is over, we'll find out by looking at it with a telescope." Master Shenyin was silent for a moment, looking at the master and others said.

The peeping glass is a magic tool for communication between the small Buddhist temple and the Lirong tribe in the ruins. It can see every part of the relic. Therefore, xuanci and other people can find the Lirong tribe so easily.

"Elder martial brother, let's keep a low profile during this period. After all, lingyunzong has risen strongly, so we must avoid the edge temporarily." Master Shentu looked at master Shenyin with a trace of bitterness in his eyes.

Although he was reluctant, he was helpless.

The little Buddhist temple used to be the most powerful force in the eastern region. It had five strong young people. Even if one fell down, they still had four.

However, now lingyunzong is catching up. They originally had only three yuanyingqi, but they had the foreign aid of Taixu sect, a top sect. Most importantly, Chu Tian and li man are also honorary elders of Lingyun sect.

This kind of lineup, even if it is a small Buddhist temple, can not breathe.

"Connecting with Tianyin temple, we can't destroy the foundation of Xiaofo temple for thousands of years." Master Shenyin took a deep breath and said in a slow voice.

Everyone was stunned. There was a trace of bitterness in their eyes. Xiaofo temple is a branch of Tianyin temple, while Tianyin temple is an extremely powerful force in the wasteland. Even the Ouyang family could not compete with it.

"Elder martial brother Shenyin, do we really want to return to Tianyin temple?" Suddenly, there is a purple mansion full of Buddhist monk look disgusted and angry asked.

Master Shenyin also had a bitter face. He didn't answer, but his eyes were filled with endless tiredness.

He is tired, not only physically tired, but also mentally tired. He wants to strengthen the Buddhist temples at all costs. But now, all the talented disciples of the small Buddhist temple are in the ruins and never come out!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the small Buddhist temple, and the four masters of Shenyin rushed out of the Mahavira hall directly.

I saw Wan Jian and Luo Feng standing in the air. Behind them, Xiao Cheng and others stood up to defend their swords. Finally, ye Chongshan protected these disciples.

"Lingyunzong, what do you mean?" Master Shenyin looks at Wan Jian and others, and his tone is full of evil spirit!

Lingyunzong's strength is really strong now. Even the small Buddhist temple can't compete with them, but this is not the reason for Lingyun sect to attack them!

"What do we want to do? I think you have a clear idea of what we want to do. I don't think you need to let me say it again?" Wan Jian looks at master Shenyin, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Master Mu looked at the master and said, "master Wan Yin, some of them are hard to understand."

Master Shenyin and master Shentu are very clear. Nine times out of ten, lingyunzong came here because of the things in the ruins. After all, xuanci and the monks of Lirong tribe stayed together, and many monks in the eastern region witnessed it.

"Don't understand?" Luo Feng took a step forward and looked at master Shenyin's eyes with a trace of sarcasm. Then he said indifferently, "since I don't understand, I'll tell you!"

With a big wave of his hand, Luo Feng immediately started with a long sword. Then, Luo Feng waved the sword in his hand, and suddenly countless sword shadows cut through the sky.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, these sword shadows fell, like rain, and rushed directly to the main hall of the small Buddhist temple.

"Luo Feng, you are deceiving too much!" Seeing this, master Shentu waved the Zen stick in his hand and met him without hesitation.

They can't destroy the Buddhist temple for thousands of years.

Master Shentu blocked Luo Feng's sword shadow. Then all the monks above Bigu of the little Buddhist temple ran out and began to form an array!

"Master wanjian, do you really bully me when I am a little Buddhist temple?" Master Shenyin's body momentum rose, then looked at Wan Jian, a gloomy face.

"I don't know whether to bully me, but if my Lingyun disciple is wronged, then we will take the lead for him." Wan Jian looks at master Shenyin with a cold face.

"Xuanci and the aboriginal tribes in the ruins united, which caused heavy losses to the monks in the eastern region. In order to stop them, our Lingyun disciples were seriously injured. Even Jiang Hao, the first disciple of Lingyun sect, has not returned yet!" Wan Jian said in the end, his eyes showed a strong sense of killing.

Master Shenyin's face did not change, but he was shocked by huge waves in his heart. He did not expect that xuanci was so bold that he would kill Jiang Hao and others in front of such people."Lord wanjian, is your reason a little far fetched? We have never entered the ruins. How can we know these things?" Master Shen Yin took a deep breath and pressed down the shock in his heart and said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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