Sacred Devil

Chapter 8

After the housekeeper left, ye Zhenglin's expression was still serious, carefully considering the pharmacological collocation and repeatedly pondering.

When ye Ling saw his father's upright appearance, he did not know why in his heart, and some joy came from it.

Perhaps it is to see that the prescription is valued by his father, and his disease is expected to be cured.

Or perhaps it is to think of a certain teenager, that day's stupidity.

About a quarter of an hour later, the housekeeper came back and said to Ye Zhenglin, "master, the master is coming, and he will be in the main hall immediately!"

After hearing this, ye Zhenglin recovered from the prescription. He was puzzled and wanted to blame the housekeeper: "I didn't mean to let you go to see where the old man is, and then come back and report it? How can he come here in person

The housekeeper laughed bitterly and quickly bowed to explain: "the Master heard that the eldest lady was also there, but he took the initiative to come over in person."

Speaking of this, he squinted at Ye Ling, and his voice dropped a half tone: "master Fang is beside the master."

When the voice was settled, Ye Ling suddenly turned pale, and his face rose a little unhappy: "my cousin is not practicing in the zongmenwai courtyard. What does he run to our house all day long?"

On one side, ye Zhenglin knows that his daughter doesn't like her cousin, but it doesn't help. shut one 's mouth.

A father and daughter were waiting in front of the main hall door, and soon there was an old man with white hair and a young man.

The old man is Ye Ling's grandfather, ye Chongshan.

When the old man saw Ye Ling, he began to smile: "Oh, the spirit son knows to meet his grandfather?"

Ye Ling bowed slightly behind his hands and looked playful: "it's mainly because his father is too rigid. He comes to welcome him. How can I make my grandfather angry?"


Ye Zhenglin and his father looked at each other with a smile.

After entering the main hall, Ye Ling took the prescription on the table and handed it to Ye Chongshan as if offering treasure: "look, how is this character written, grandfather?"

Ye Chongshan takes it with a smile. He thought it was Ye Ling's handwriting. He didn't intend to take a close look at it. But after a glance, he couldn't help looking at it.

After a long time, ye Chongshan came back to his senses and nodded: "it's really a good character. Although the font is not written in ink, it still has charm. There is a mood jump between the lines. If it contains spiritual power, it will surely give people insight."

Ye Zhenglin thought that the old man had been looking at it for so long, but he had already discovered the problem. Unexpectedly, he was immersed in the calligraphy font.

Can only take the initiative to open the voice: "father, you pay attention to this prescription, which pharmacological collocation, whether to Ling er's condition has curative effect."

As soon as he said this, ye Chongshan was stunned. He lowered his head again, and instantly changed his look: "this prescription It seems to be aimed at the pathology of congenital cold disease. "

Before ye Chongshan continued to speak, ye Zhenglin couldn't help interrupting: "but does Father also think that these herbs are too common?"

"Yes Ye Chongshan nodded and sighed: "we have used countless Tiancai Dibao, but we have not seen curative effect. Can these common medicinal materials really be used effectively?"

"But this pharmacology collocation is really strange, one ring buckle one ring, the congenital cold disease is completely summarized in it."

Speaking of this, ye Chongshan asked suspiciously, "which medicine refining master wrote this? Not only the calligraphy style is transcendent, but also the pharmacology is just right. Maybe it can really save the soul. "

However, there was a sudden silence. Ye Zhenglin had a bitter smile on his face, while Ye Ling was elated and thoughtful.

Finally, Ye Ling opened his mouth and told the whole story about his encounter with the young man in the wilderness.

Between the words, Ye Ling's eyebrows fluttered, as if he had a good feeling for the boy.

At this time, Fang Jia, Ye Ling's cousin, who had never uttered a sound, flashed a chill in his eyes, but he was not noticed by Ye Chongshan and his son.

After Ye Ling's description fell, ye Zhenglin also said what happened today, and speculated: "father, I doubt that these two teenagers may be one person. Otherwise, there will be so many years of talent in the school entrance examination hall."

For a while, ye Chongshan also had doubts, but he didn't care whether it was two teenagers or one. He just said, "in any case, I think this prescription can be tried. In addition, we should find the teenager who wrote the prescription."

"Housekeeper!" Ye Chongshan called to the housekeeper: "go to the school hall to find out if there is such a young man."

The housekeeper took the order, and then he walked away quickly and could not be neglected.

After the housekeeper left, Fang Jia, who was sitting on one side, stood up and saluted Ye Chongshan and ye Zhenglin: "grandfather, uncle and nephew don't want to stay any longer. They don't dare to neglect their practice."

At this time, not waiting for two people to speak, Ye Ling murmured: "it's time to go."

Fang Jia was not moved by this, and looked at Ye Ling with a smile: "I know cousin, you don't like me, but I will show my sincerity to you with my actions."

After saying goodbye, Fang Jia left.

Only when he left the main house, he speeded up abruptly, turned into a light, rushed out of the mansion, and intercepted the housekeeper only in front of the house door.The housekeeper was shocked: "young master Fang, what can I do for you?"

Fang Jia chuckled indifferently and said to him, "I'd better go to explore the matter of that young man. As the manager of Ye's house, it's not good for you to come out in the trial school library, so as not to drop the tongue."

The housekeeper is at a loss. How can we let young master Fang handle the matter that the master has told him?

Moreover, master Fang has an engagement with the eldest lady, and he will be the master of Ye's house in the future. He is not good at bothering each other.

But after Fang Jia insisted on it again and again, he still let go: "since young master Fang insists on this, if the master and the master ask about it, the young master must bear some responsibility for me."

"Nature." Fang Jia watched the housekeeper leave, but her smile suddenly converged and became cold.

"Young people in the trial school? It's quite interesting! "

"Well, I want to see where you are."


It's in the learning hall.

Jiang Hao used secret method to refine the power of two huilingdan, but even so, he underestimated one of the miraculous medicines containing essence of medicine.

After seeing one of the best miraculous elixir absorbed by himself, Linghai began to saturate, and the remaining elixir level treasure medicine had no effect. It's very likely to disperse.

He immediately sealed the sea of spirits to keep the medicine.

"This can't work. We must find a new path, or we will waste this elixir level treasure in vain."

Search for secrets in your heart, but none of them are available.

In the final analysis, the current Jiang haoxiu is too low, and many secret methods can not promote the operation.

At the same time, he had a flash of light: "yes

"In my last life, I once got a pitiful formula for controlling animals in ancient times. My accomplishments in those years have been completed. However, this magic formula needs to be practiced again. Unfortunately, I missed it in the past. Now, it's a great opportunity."

With this in mind, Jiang Hao immediately began to act and practice according to the ancient divine formula in his memory.

For half a day, he was immersed in practice.

Until sunset, when the aura was collected, he had mastered the first level of shenjue.

When his mind moved, a bee in the flowers outside the house was directly controlled by him, as if he had turned into a sub body. He penetrated into the room through the window and landed in his palm.

A secret method was introduced into it. The bee, which was just the size of a soybean, actually doubled. The tip of the needle became ferocious. The bee has changed from an ordinary insect to a ferocious beast.

"I'm just a beginner. I can control the bee and make him grow into a fierce beast!"

"If according to the description of the ancient shenjue, the Dharma formula is so successful that it can control the dragon and the Phoenix, and multiply the combat power!"

Feeling in his heart, Jiang Hao played with the ferocious beast bee for a long time, which restored his mind.

At this time, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: "if you want to refine spiritual power by practicing ancient divine formula, you can't do it. Among them, 90% of the magic power of precious medicine still exists."

As for the ancient magic formula, there is no way to continue to practice. He needs to improve his own cultivation before he can continue to practice.

"I can only go to the body refining hall. Since there are so many medicinal effects of the precious medicine, I will rush to build the foundation and refine my accomplishments."



Jiang Hao arrived, paid ten spirit stones in front of the door, and directly entered the area of the body refining hall.

Among them, there are dozens of exercise rooms, which contain gravity array, which can let people exercise their bodies in them.

The double gravity body refining room in the front row was directly ignored by Jiang Hao. For him, double gravity has no effect at all. He goes directly to the area of double gravity.

In the physical training hall, most of the students in the double gravity area are the students of the trial school, but when they reach the double gravity area, they are all the disciples of the outside school.

At this time, there are long lines in front of the door of each body refining room. Each room can only hold ten people to practice together, so they need to wait in line.

Jiang Hao frowned at this scene, looked around, and finally found that there was no one in front of the door of a body refining room, so he walked away.

At the same time, many people discovered the existence of Jiang Hao, and some people laughed at him --

"can the disciples of the trial school dare to come to the double gravity area? Can he hold on?"

"Hehe, whatever he is, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive and escape soon after he goes in."

"Wait, you see The man went to Liang Yan's room. "

"Ha ha ha ha, there's a good play to watch. This man will be seriously injured or even killed miserably. Liang Yan is the 13th expert in the outer courtyard. "

During Jiang Hao's March, his ears moved and collected all those sneers into his ears.

Liang Yan?!

The hospital ranked 13th?

I hope he is as strong as you say.

When he came to the door, the heavy stone gate was pushed open directly by Jiang Hao. Only when he stepped into it, his whole body was covered by a strong gravity.

He was a little bit sorry. The double gravity array was a little too weak.

But at this time, in the dark chamber of secrets, a spiritual light burst out and came straight to Jiang Hao. The sound caused by the vibration of aura was harsh."Noisy!"

Jiang Hao snorted coldly. He dodged in a flash, and then hit the attacking figure with a fist.

In the gravity array, Jiang Hao's action is unimpeded, but the opponent's body speed is suppressed, and he can't dodge at all, and is hit by Jiang Hao with one punch.


The man didn't even shout. He just spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground and fainted.


At this moment, suddenly came the sound of people pumping cold air from the room.

Then, there was a person out of the shadow, red fruit on the upper body, as if the muscles of the rock as tough as a block.

"This servant of mine is also a good player in the top 50 of the outer courtyard. You can beat him with one blow."


"As long as you are willing to be my new servant, I will allow you to enjoy the gravity array in the corner of my room!"

"Now, throw this trash out to me first!"

However, after a long time, Jiang Hao didn't move. He just looked at each other coldly and showed a sneer -

"I'll give you three rest time, kneel down and apologize to me."

"Or you'll end up like him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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