Sacred Devil

Chapter 9

Liang Yan was stunned. He even thought he had heard something wrong.

But the last sound of the words was still floating in the gravity chamber, and there was no doubt about him!

"Boy, you want to die!"

All of a sudden, Liang Yan was furious.

He was the 13th strongest disciple in the outer courtyard. Several times, his ranking was extremely stable, and he even made progress in stability.

In the outer courtyard, he is a group of strong people at the top of the pyramid.

Even in his top few masters, but also to consider the consequences of gains and losses, otherwise he would never dare to speak disrespectfully to him.

However, it is such a young man who wears the clothes of the trial school hall that he dare to humiliate himself and kowtow on his knees?!

Lingguang riot, he has already moved to kill the heart.

Liang Yan's cultivation was in Lingyun sect, and was highly praised as "Vajra's body and body treasure". Now, the first layer of great success, his body and soul are as hard as a rock, shining with earthy yellow halo.

Jiang Hao felt the pressure coming, and his face was calm, but he felt a little sigh -

in the double gravity array, he could still have such a fast body movement speed, which was much better than the garbage just now.

But even so, in Jiang Hao's eyes, this man is just a "not a special waste Waste '.

Jiang Hao's body.

The spirit sea closed by him suddenly surges, and the power of a miraculous elixir sweeps the whole body in an instant and is released by him.

His spiritual power is introverted, and only the palm of his hand has a flash of light.

If elder martial sister Wang is present at the moment, she will surely recognize that this is the "cloud piercing cone" which has been improved by Jiang Hao.

It seems that the name of the latter is not as overbearing as the former, but it is a little more focused There is only one word for "wear".

Finally, Liang Yan came.

He did not use any combat skills, his biggest reliance is a rock solid body, two iron fists stormed down. In his eyes, the next moment Jiang Hao's head will be broken and his body will die.

But at the same moment, Jiang Hao was just a short figure, with a shining right palm, and went straight and lightly.

Liang Yan turned a blind eye to this. He was confident of his strong physique, and even a trace of ridicule flooded his mouth. But his ridicule froze in his face at the next breath -


A huge sound reverberated throughout the gravity chamber. Liang Yan felt as if his abdomen had been pierced, and a burst of suffocating pain suddenly came.

"Ah Liang Yan flew back and forth. He looked down and saw that his abdomen, which was covered with earthy yellow halo, began to crack. From one point on, he scattered.

What is described in the first layer of Vajra's body treasure is true.

The whole body is as firm as a rock.

But there are always things that can make a rock fall apart, and a broken rock will only crack because of a little damage.

At this moment, Liang Yan was frightened in his heart and frightened in his face. He wanted to shout for mercy.

Your treasure body is damaged. If you are hit hard again, your accomplishments will fall short!

However, these things have nothing to do with Jiang Hao, since he wanted him to be a servant. In Jiang Hao's eyes, he is already a waste man.

Jiang Hao hit the "cloud piercing cone" again, and the earth yellow halo on Liang Yan stopped cracking. Instead, it was like an egg shell that exploded from inside, and the fragments of spiritual light were flying.


A dull sound, Liang Yan's body heavily fell on the ground, the whole person was silent.

Outside the door.

Countless disciples in the outer courtyard could not help but look at them when they heard several explosions.

Some people laughed: "such earth shaking noise must be the handwriting of senior brother Liang Yan. His Vajra refining body treasure is the first layer of great success, with divine power!"

"I'm afraid that man has been smashed into meat sauce and blood mud?"

"As elder martial brother Liang Yan, killing a student of the trial school doesn't need to be punished at all. It's just that the fool is too stupid to go straight into the room occupied by senior brother Liang Yan."


At the same time, the stone door of the gravity chamber that they watched was opened from the inside.

A bang!

A shadow of a man was thrown out at the first time, and the people were staring at it, and suddenly they were shocked --

"what is it that is the servant of senior brother Liang Yan?"

"What's the matter? Was he angry with Liang Yan and punished by Liang Yan? "

But just when they suspected the conjecture, another strong figure was thrown out. It was so powerful that he ran into the stone wall in the corridor, and then he immediately slipped down.

At this moment, a strange cry sounded in the crowd.


"Why, how could it be like this?"

"Senior brother Liang Yan, he..."

It's true that the strong figure is Liang Yan, whom they admire and fear, and who is the 13th strongest person in waiyuan.At this time, the open door was closed, and a dull sound came out, which made them recover from the shock.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized and looked incredible.

"Is it that senior brother Liang Yan was defeated by the student of the trial school?"

"It's more than defeat. If you look carefully, elder martial brother Liang Yan's spirit is lax and vanishes in the world. It seems that The skill is broken! "

As soon as such words come out, there is a sound of cool air in the field.

That's "Vajra's body and body's treasure", which can be called "baojue". All of them are the most powerful cultivation methods that can be practiced to the "Yuan infant period".

But now, the first level of this kind of treasure is refined to a great degree, and the almost perfect Liangyan's skills are broken and his accomplishments are lost.

"Demon, that's a monster!"

"You must remember the appearance of the man. If you encounter him in the future, you must avoid it!"

Jiang Hao didn't know it and didn't care about it.

He untied the seal of the spirit sea. The power of the miraculous elixir was spreading. He needed to start refining immediately.

Another ten spirit stones were thrown out by him. With the help of the power of the gravity array, a defensive array was formed to block the stone gate to prevent being disturbed.

In fact, even if Jiang Hao did not set up the array, no one would dare to attack again. Liang Yan was beaten up by him. Unless the top ten experts in the outer courtyard arrived, others could only come to the door to find death.

However, Jiang Hao was careful, and Wanzai practice made him understand that he could live longer if he was in peace. He was about to impact on the foundation period. He could not tolerate any interruption at an important moment.

Finally, he sat in the middle of the array and began to refine his medicine and body.


That night, Liu Feng received a paper message from Zhu Ziyu in the residence of the disciples in the outer courtyard.

Jiang Hao even wanted to kill her, which made Liu Feng angry. He loved Zhu Ziyu so much that he had already regarded her as a companion. As long as Zhu Ziyu could be promoted to the outer courtyard, they would become Taoist lovers.

"Well, you Jiang Hao, you have seriously injured me and disgraced me. Now you have to kill my partner! If you don't take revenge, you will never be a man. " Little did not know, Liu Feng has long forgotten that it was he who really captured his fiancee.

Liu Feng roared and took out a jade pendant from his arms. The jade pendant was carved with patterns, but only half of a mountain peak was found. Obviously, there was another one.

He transported the aura into the jade pendant. The sound of chanting was heard quickly. After a long time, there was a aura that flickered twice.

See here, Liu Feng look a song: "brother finally out of the customs, received my message, should be able to rush to just."

Immediately, Liu Feng came to the courtyard door to wait.

Sure enough, there will soon be a handsome young man coming from the night. He is Liu Feng's brother, Liu Bin.

Seeing his brother's cultivation at this time, it seemed that he was more sophisticated and unpredictable than when he met last time. Liu Feng was very happy: "Xiaobin, your cultivation is more and more unpredictable, and I can't see through it for a while."

However, Liu Bin even sneered: "brother, you are so qualified that you can't see through me. Let's go Go in and talk about it! "

Liu Feng's face was stagnant and a little uncomfortable. Since his younger brother showed his extraordinary talent and was admitted to the clan elder, he became more and more rude to him.

But Liu Feng also has nothing to do. Now he is his brother, but he relies on him, and he is his elder brother.

Entering the room, Liu Bin sat on the throne, closed eyes.

Although Liu Feng is not happy in his heart, he can only pour tea and water for him, and then open his voice: "Xiaobin, I asked you to come this time. A few days ago, there was one..."

Liu Feng's words can be said, Liu Bin then eyes a Lin, interrupted him: "enough! What a disgraceful thing to say? "

Liu Feng suddenly face a burst of embarrassment: "you, you all know?"

"The disciples in the outer courtyard were defeated twice by the students who tried to learn, and were beaten to be seriously injured. How can I not know if they are spread all over the courtyard?" Liu Bin was very angry and angry: "you really lost the face of our family."

Hearing this, Liu Feng was also angry and couldn't help but drink: "Liu Bin, don't bully me too much. I'm your brother in the end! As for Jiang Hao, his strength is weird. I think it's not much worse than you! "

Than me?!

Liu Bin laughed, and Jie sneered: "is a student trying to learn to compare with me? Liu Feng, my brother, you lost your courage and broke your heart because of the first World War. A student who tries to learn will be afraid of you like this

"Good, good! I will avenge it for you! But remember, don't give me any more disgrace to the Liu family! "

After that, Liu Bin directly put down the tea cup and left.

Liu Feng looked at the figure gradually away, the heart is angry, but also helpless.

But at least one thing can make him feel relieved

"If Xiaobin makes a move, Jiang Hao will certainly be put to death!"

On the other side.

Liu Bin, who returned to his residence, recruited his entourage. These two men are also among the best in the outer courtyard."Senior brother Liu Bin, your brother is looking for you, but because of the trial school?"

Liu Bin nodded, but his attitude towards the follower was much better than his elder brother: "that rubbish, let my Liu family throw into the face, yesterday Li zongmen elder still despised me, wondering how my Liu family can have such a waste."

Speaking of this, Liu Bin ordered: "this revenge must be revenged, I want to save the reputation for my Liu family."

"You two go and find out where Jiang Hao is. If you get the news, you can report it immediately."

Liu Bin clenched his teeth: "I want him to die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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