Sacred Devil

Chapter 917

"Hum! Who knows what you're thinking, maybe it's because you made a mistake. Ten thousand points. Do you think you, a monk in the middle of concentration period, can do it? " Wei Shui didn't want to let Jiang Hao go and continue to add fuel to the fire.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jiang Hao laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Dong Tongfang asked.

"I laugh that your vision is too narrow. What you have not seen will not exist and should not exist. Is it too ridiculous?" Jiang Hao said.

"Presumptuous! Now you cheat and you refuse to admit it. Come on, catch him and kill him on the spot to show the strict discipline of the Dragon Palace. " Wei water can't wait to say, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"I think who dares?" Meng ran said angrily that if it had not been for Jiang Hao to save him, he would have died here. He saw Jiang Hao and killed the flame beast. There is a great possibility that such strength can get 10000 points.


Dong Tongfang slapped Meng ran in the face and slapped him to the ground.

"Meng ran, even if your father came, he would not dare to talk to me like that. What are you? " Dong Tongfang reprimanded.

Meng ran didn't dare to fight back and clenched his fist.

"If you dare to touch my brother again, I don't mind suppressing him on the spot." Jiang Hao threatened to kill.

Dong Tongfang squinted at Jiang Hao, chuckled and said, "what are you? If you have the right to suppress me, I'm afraid you can't even take out a hundred Amethyst. A corner of my dress is enough for your life

"Jiang Hao, what are you fighting with me? I can crush you with just a few words. I've given you a chance. If you were a good servant, you wouldn't have done so much. " Wei Shui sends the voice to Jiang Hao.

"Damn it!" Jiang Hao was infuriated, flushed and bloodshot in his eyes, which was obviously the result of suppressing his anger.

"Somebody, take this cheating guy down." Wei Shui ordered loudly.

Several friars immediately came forward, ready to start to catch Jiang Hao. They also have some hesitation in their hearts. If Jiang Hao really gets 10000 points, their behavior is no different from seeking death.

"I think who dares?"

A voice came from a distance, two old men and a beautiful woman appeared out of thin air.

Many friars naturally recognized the three elders, saluted one after another, and said in a loud voice, "I have seen the elder."

"Elder, this man cheated and arbitrarily changed the score of the token. I'm going to capture him to rectify the reputation of our dragon palace." They will not give up the water.


Zhengchu is the most fiery temper, directly slapped the Wei water to fly. Wei water vomited a mouthful of blood, full of good teeth will not be more than half.

"Tampering without authorization, what about the evidence? It's kind of you to rectify the name of our dragon palace. You can take people down without any actual evidence. " Zhengchu said sarcastically.

Everyone heard the sarcasm in the original words.

"Guard water, do your duty well." Long eyebrow said, words intriguing.

Dong Tongfang was not reconciled and said, "where did the 10000 points come from? No one has ever seen the test can get 10000 points, not cheating, what is that? "

"Ha ha!" Chang Mei looks at Dong Tongfang with interest.

If someone else was staring at him like this, he would have killed the man. However, this man has reached the fairyland and is the elder of the inner gate of the Dragon Palace.

Different from Meng ran, Changmei can kill him on the spot and then hide in the Dragon Palace. The Dong family has no way.

Therefore, Dong Tongfang did not dare to mess around.

"It's interesting. What I haven't seen is cheating. I thought the Dong family was a big family. I didn't expect to be so narrow-minded." Jiang Hao sarcastically said that he had already guessed the intention of the three elders.

This is to say that the Dong family acted recklessly and oppressed others with pressure. If they wanted to say that someone cheated, they would say that they cheated. As long as they had not seen it before, it would be OK.

"What are you? Are you entitled to comment on our Dong family? " Dong Tongfang cursed.

Without waiting for Jiang Hao to reply, Zhengchu got angry again and scolded loudly, "what are you?"

If he had not seen Jiang Hao's strength before, he would not speak for him. However, since he knew Jiang Hao's strength, he made up his mind to pull Jiang Hao into the Dragon Palace.

Dong Tongfang's face changed greatly, and he said, "is the Dragon Palace going to war with our Dong family?"

"War? You think highly of yourself. There are so many talented disciples in your Dong family. There are just two under my family. Do you think the Dong family will fight against me When did a disciple dare to talk to him like this.

This Dong Tongfang did not know how to advance or retreat. Do you really think that the Dong family is invincible?

"The elder can't think that Jiang Hao didn't cheat, so Jiang Hao didn't cheat!" With the help of the disciple in black, Wei Shui reluctantly stood up.

He covered his swollen right face and looked at Jiang Hao. His eyes were full of resentment.

"To guarantee the three of us, Jiang Hao did not cheat. He did kill a lot of elemental life." It's just the beginning and the right , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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