Sacred Devil

Chapter 918

With the character of the three elders of the Dragon Palace, who dares to say more. Even if Jiang Hao really cheated, no one dares to talk nonsense.

Wei water adjusted his breath and looked at Jiang Hao, whose face was calm. His hatred was heavier in his heart. He had a bit of luck in his mind, thinking that the appearance of that level of vision was the work of others.

It's really difficult to connect with the gods and Buddhas just because of the power of the monk Jiang Hao in the period of concentration. But seeing the excited appearance of these three elders, the result is already obvious.

He is not willing, he must kill him, no, and then suffer endless.

Although he has controlled his strength, he still causes great damage to him.

The aura in the body jumps up and down in disorder, and a few areas have become permanent damage.

He had to use aura to turn it into a thin thread and wind it around the damaged body to smash it in order to grow a new body.

Jiang Hao looked at Weishui, with pity in his eyes and chuckled. If we knew today, why should we have done it in the first place? He never wanted to fight with him, but he repeatedly humiliated him.

Clay figurines have three fire natures, let alone such a big living man.

"Elder, Jiang Hao is just a monk in the middle of his concentration period. It is hard to believe that he can achieve such a great achievement only with a few words of assurance from the elder." Wei water forced himself to stand up, his words were not very clear.

Zhengchu's tantrum came up again. He pointed at his nose and said angrily, "Wei Shui, blind your dog's eyes! You mean that we three elders can not count their character. "

"No, that's not what I mean. I'm just afraid that the elder will be taken advantage of by those who have a heart." Wei Shui explained that he had just been slapped, but he didn't want to be slapped again.

Wei water gave Dong Tongfang a color, and Dong Tongfang understood immediately.

Dong Tongfang just ate on Jiang Hao, and his heart was full of anger. He was worried that there was no place to vent his anger.

"Jiang Hao, although there are three elders who promise you, it is difficult to convince the public. Dare you fight me? As long as you can win me, it means that your score is not cheating. And are you willing to let the three elders bear the name of you? " Dong Tongfang said.

The last sentence is the most lethal.

If Jiang Hao does not dare to fight, it shows that Jiang Hao will not fight for the sake of the elder's reputation.

All of them looked at each other and looked at Jiang Hao.

Meng ran put his hand on Jiang Hao's shoulder and whispered, "don't promise him. Although Dong Tongfang is not the top of the Dong family, he is also a first-class master. If he kills you by mistake, the Dragon Palace won't really do anything to him. "

Jiang Hao covered his face, sighed and said, "I don't want to fight with you?"

"Hum! A coward is indeed a coward. A wild man who runs out of nowhere has no courage to prove himself. " Dong Tongfang sneered and restored his pride.

Meng ran was relieved, but Jiang Hao's next words made him startled.

"No, I think you misunderstood me. I'm afraid I can't stop and kill you carelessly." Jiang Haoru Shi said.

If you can't provoke the Dong family, then don't provoke the Dong family.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Dong Tongfang pointed to his temple and laughed recklessly, "your brain is broken! Don't you really think you are a strong man in the robbery period? I tell you, even a strong man in the robbery period can't kill me

Jiang Hao shrugged his shoulders helplessly, sighed again, and said, "since you have said that, I have to do my best. I hope you can take over."

"Don't be wordy. If you want to fight, you can fight." Dong Tongfang said.

The crowd left one after another, leaving an empty platform for them to fight.

Wei Shui was overjoyed. Seeing Dong Tongfang like this, Jiang Hao would be disabled even if he didn't die.

He secretly whispered to Dong Tongfang: "Mr. Dong, if you can, I hope you will kill him."

"Go away! What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to let me do things? " Dong Tongfang preached with a cold pride.

In his opinion, Wei Shui and Jiang Hao are no different, they are just mole ants.

Wei water ate a soft pimple, but thought of Jiang Hao's fate, the heart was happy to bloom.

Hatred can easily make people lose their sense.

He never thought, Jiang Hao can get 10000 points, the strength does not know how much higher than Dong Tongfang.

He didn't want to know, and he didn't want to know.

He needs a hope that he can succeed in revenge.

"Dong Tongfang, please enlighten me!" Dong Tongfang seldom gets serious and gives a courtesy to Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, please enlighten me!" Jiang Hao also paid back.


Dong Tongfang took out his spear and banged the tail of the snatch on the platform, making a sound.

The body of the gun is as white as snow and extremely smooth as a mirror. It can clearly reflect the surrounding scenery. As soon as you can see, it is made of high-quality ink steel, and its materials are precious.

After a careful inspection, we found that there are many golden lines on it, which are Fu Zhuan. The price of these seal characters is extraordinary. They are used to strengthen the body of the gun and strengthen the attack and defense of the spear.If you look at the silver head of the gun, it looks like a sharp awl. You can see a silvery fog. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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