Sacred Devil

Chapter 998

In the early morning of the next day, Meng Tian, the princess of Tiandu City, ordered the guards to buy the medicine to make the deformed water. The dispensing process was complicated. Even with good luck, it took several hours to complete the preparation.

Jiang Hao's injury recovered quickly, and the undead kept repairing the injured meridians and viscera. By noon, the wounds on his shoulder that had been penetrated by Wei Tian's spear had all recovered, and the fresh muscles and meridians seemed to be more robust and powerful than before.

The viscera that were seriously injured by Wei Tian and his patrols have also recovered. It is believed that before the night comes, the youngsters who were still dying yesterday will become vigorous and vigorous.

This successive battle of life and death made Jiang Hao benefit a lot from it. He felt vaguely that he had reached the threshold of the robbery period. Therefore, it was urgent to step up the search for the steel of heaven and soul.

Before nightfall, Meng Tian finally prepared the potion. When he delivered it to Jiang Hao, the darkness enveloped the whole city of Wei Dan. Strange music sounded, and frightening paper figures floated from every corner of the darkness.

"You have to think clearly, this trip is extremely dangerous," Meng Tian solemnly told Jiang Hao, "and this potion is not easy to make. Although the required materials are not expensive, it is difficult to collect. I just scraped the Weidan city once before making it. It is impossible to get in and out frequently. You should cherish every opportunity to enter."

Jiang Hao nodded and drank the medicine.

Meng Tian looks at the change of Jiang Hao's body, and finally becomes a figure with the paper man outside.

"Go," Jiang Hao said the last word to Meng Tian.

"Remember, what you see doesn't have to be real. There are a lot of illusions there." Meng Tian suddenly remembered something and said to Jiang Hao in a loud voice.

It's just that Jiang Hao has already drifted into the army of paper men. I don't know if you hear that.

After the metamorphosis, Jiang Hao's spiritual sense was slightly weakened, perhaps due to the drug. He even felt dizzy and swelled for a long time. After he followed the army of paper men, he did not know how far he had gone before he completely recovered to normal.

Of course, he did not hear the last warning from the princess.

More and more, Jiang Hao found that these paper men were not only wandering in Weidan City, because with the distance they traveled, the three Weidan cities had already finished, and the surrounding area was no longer the appearance of Weidan City, but an ancient and strange wasteland.

This makes Jiang Hao more careful.

After wandering in the dark wasteland for a long time, Jiang Hao gradually felt the cold and Yin Qi, which seemed to come from the deep underground, and restrained each other with the red lotus fire of the undead.

"This dark world is really a big deal." Jiang Hao sighed and looked up to see where he was going to drift.

There was a light in front of them, which seemed to indicate that they had reached a place.

But in the light, there was a huge fat baby.

If Jiang Hao is not a paper man now, he is afraid that his eyes will fall off. He has never seen such a huge baby. Even this can't be called a baby. The mountain like body should be called a monster.

The baby is also doing strange things, holding countless paper figures in his hand and stuffing them into his mouth. The paper figures here seem endless. He keeps swallowing them until his stomach is full and round. He can't sit down and can only lie down.

At this time, in addition to the baby and the paper man, three other forms appeared in the dark.

They seem to have only shadows and no substance, floating around like ghosts, murmuring and not knowing what to say.

As the army of paper men kept moving forward, Jiang Hao was getting closer and closer to the huge baby. He began to worry about whether he should fight back if he was caught by the baby. Once the gesture was returned, his identity would be exposed. In that case, he would be pursued by the army of paper men, and even the ghost like shadows would not let him go.

Fortunately, there are so many paper people that the giant baby doesn't know when to start eating, and finally there is no more food in his stomach.

He lay on the ground and greedily scratched, as if he were a gluttonous glutton who would never be full, but those paper people would never get into his mouth.

All of a sudden, the shadows screamed, like a human military charge, and the tide drowned the huge baby.

The baby didn't want to be killed. His hands kept waving, but he was too fat, slow and weak. The shadow was invisible and intangible. He could not catch any of them. The battle was like ants gnawing at an elephant. Even though the process was huge, the result was almost doomed. No matter how long the elephant hit several trees, it was futile to struggle, and soon the baby stopped moving.

What's strange is that every time the baby's body disappears, human figures will pop up. If you don't look at them carefully, they will not be noticed, because they will soon be eaten away by the army of shadows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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