Sacred Devil

Chapter 999

Jiang Hao felt a chill in his heart. The baby was like a pig. After fattening, he was slaughtered, and the method was extremely cruel.

The army of paper men was not stopped by this scene. The baby was gnawed clean, and no bones were left. As Jiang Hao passed by the place where he had been lying, he could not help sympathizing with him for a moment. He did not know what the giant baby was.

The road of darkness seemed endless. Jiang Hao did not know how long he had gone. After gnawing at the baby, those black shadows disappeared completely. Now the dark world is only left with their floating paper figures.

However, Jiang Hao noticed that his body was quietly changing. Originally, he thought that it might be the effect of water deformation. What's more, he was not very familiar with his paper man body.

But later, he felt more and more that there was something wrong with his body. If he had a mirror in front of him, he believed that he must be the fattest among these paper people.

This change made him think of the huge baby who had just been eaten clean.

Before Jiang Hao had time to produce a trace of vigilance, he felt that his head was becoming more and more bloated and empty. The more he wanted to keep a trace of soberness, the faster his intelligence would disappear, just as you tried to hold a handful of sand and lose more and more.

"It's over," Jiang Hao thought in despair. "I'm afraid I'll become someone else's dish."

He is like a machine, with the army of paper men advancing, the rhythm is the same as puppet.

"Are you willing? When you die like this, you haven't even reached the robbery period. Where's your pledge to become the strongest one? "

Jiang Hao, who was sluggish, suddenly heard this voice in his head, "yes! How can I be reconciled to die like this. I want to live, I want to be the strongest, "he cried in his heart reluctantly:" Jiang Hao, you can't die! "

It's like an ancient oath. The immortal bird in the body stimulates the fire of Honglian industry. Jiang Hao keeps his divinity at the last moment.

Jiang Hao, who had been back to God, was in a cold sweat, dripping down his paper man's body.

"Damn it, I almost got it." Jiang Hao scolded secretly in his heart, and did not dare to take it lightly again. He kept vigilance at all times.

However, the anomaly just now attracted the attention of other paper people, who circled around Jiang Hao, who was slightly fatter than them.

The weather suddenly turned cold, the cold air in the air, turned into a thin mist, the fog stained the paper man, and turned into dew rolling down.

This perfect cover up, just now Jiang Hao cold sweat straight out of the flaws.

These paper people seem to understand what's going on. They turn their heads one after another and continue to move forward.

Jiang Hao long breath, aura only dare to release a little, bouncing forward, with the paper man army reached the kingdom in the abyss.

This kingdom is similar to the city-state of human beings. It only has the same wooden house, and there is no craft and aesthetic feeling to speak of. They only have the most primitive function to shelter from the wind and rain and to live. The Kingdom has no walls, just like the most primitive human tribes, but more backward.

At this time, a large number of paper men gathered in the open space similar to the square. These paper men seemed to only deal with wood. There was a huge wooden platform in the middle of the open space. I didn't know what it was used for.

All the paper men who came to this abyss kingdom with Jiang Hao stopped here. Jiang Hao did not dare to make any changes. He could only look at the wooden platform with hot eyes just like them.

As two paper men boarded the wooden platform and wrestled with each other, Jiang Hao understood that this was a martial arts contest.

On the stage, you come and I don't know how many paper man wrestling, Jiang Hao really can't see down, similar to the human wrestling competition, for his concentration period peak monk, is really no fun to say.

However, he knew nothing about the abyss kingdom in the dark. He left this action which was quite different from all the paper people, for fear that it would make him more vulnerable. He could only stay where he was.

The first paper man on the stage defeated one opponent after another. No one wanted to compete with him. He swaggered on the stage and showed arrogance that only a paper man could understand.

Jiang Hao felt that the paper man was jumping and jumping on the stage, and his movements were the same as those of human fools. He sneered in his heart, but he didn't mean to appear on the stage.

But someone was pushing him, and more than one.

Maybe the paper man on the stage was too arrogant and provoked public anger. Although the paper man under the stage was not satisfied, he was not sure that he could win him, so they recommended Jiang Hao to beat him.

After all, Jiang Hao's body is fatter, or stronger than all of them. He is the largest, and in the eyes of these paper men, he should also be the strongest.

Of course, Jiang Hao did not know what they were thinking, but he knew what they were going to do. At present, there was no other way but to fight.

He didn't dare to use his mana, learn the wrestling posture of other paper men, and fight with the strongest paper man.

The paper man is very light, of course, his body is also very light at this time, but this does not hinder, he does not rely on magic, easily lifted the paper man, fell to one side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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