Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 108: Too Cunning and Shameless!

The maid's name was actually Jamina. She didn't know about Avion's thoughts.

Jamina led Avion to the master's room. On the way, there were other servants who looked at Avion with pity and sadness on their faces.

'Don't get fooled I tell you. This man is uglier on the inside!'

After a short time, they've arrived. Before she knocked on the door, she breathed deeply. She didn't want her anger to affect the strength of her knock. It would be too rude.

Knock* Knock*

"Master Numui... this assh-... ehem! Relle have arrived."

After a pause, a voice behind the door replied.

"Okay, let him in."

Jamina closed her eyes as she opened the door. This is a form of respect towards the master but also because she didn't want to see this bastard's ugly face!

Immediately after Relle stepped in, Jamina bowed and was about to leave when she heard;

"Fuck, thank you." Avion was still expressionless.

Master Numui who just stood up from behind his desk paused.

Jamina glanced at her master as her jaw slowly dropped.

"Umm... Relle, we can talk about your compensation later." Master Numui said and ordered Jamina, "Please go inform your Lady Shamira to come here."

Jamina nodded and closed the door. She thought about the master's words and sudden realization struck her.


She remembered Runa's story and how she was offered to the master's relative.

'Is this ploy of that demon!? He said that as if it was an accident. Suggesting that he wants some... maybe.' her thoughts appeared one after another.

Her forehead sweated and her breathing became heavy and ragged.

'The kind master took it since he is always true to his words. I, a lowly servant, wouldn't be able to refuse such a request from the master!'

But remembering about Relle's face and how despicable he is, Jamina shuddered and change her thought, 'No, no, the master isn't that harsh. If I refuse, the master wouldn't force it right?'


'Ah! This is all that demon's fault! I mean, there's no way he would think that Fuck is really my name. There's no one that stupid!'


Inside the master's room, Numui, the head of the Romen Family welcomed Avion.

"Avion, you are finally here." Numui had an elegant demeanor, befitting of the richest man in the capital. However, observing Avion's face, he frowned.

Since Numui knew Avion's real identity, the latter dropped his "peerless" acting and replied.

"Sorry about my face but there's a problem in activating Identity Change Elesp."

"Ah, ahahah, sorry for my rudeness. I didn't mean that at all." Numui laughed. He was a Rank Cee Elementalist and the head of the richest noble family, Romen.

However, at that moment, he was actually talking to Avion as if they were at equal status.

Master Numui was seen as kind but prideful at the same time. In his head, Avion is someone not to be looked down upon. Someone who could face against the Leaf Humming Blade and still had the power to defeat multiple Rank Cee Elementalists shouldn't be looked down upon.

Even though Avion seemed like a Rank Bih Elementalist, Numui was talking to him like they were equal.

But this was not only due to his pride but also fearlessness.

"Let's sit down first and wait for my wife to come so that we can talk."

In the master's room, it was simply large as if it was a house in itself. After all, this is the room of the richest man in the Trading-Hills Capital where businesses were flourishing.

Avion followed and the two sat opposite each other. He let out a comfortable smile when he felt the softness of the chair.

It was truly high-quality. Glancing from side to side, everything was proper. From the rows of bookshelves and the books within it to the curtain that was waving behind the desk. Everything was grand.

While waiting, Numui chatted nonchalantly something about the weather, how he was stress these days, and so on.

Meanwhile, Avion could only reply in passiveness. He dropped his acting but he felt how convenient it is to seem like he does not care.

'I can't open him up.' Numui had been actually trying to probe Avion even a little. After all, in their eyes, Avion Teller is a mysterious Rank Bih.

At that point, the door opened. This was the master's room and to think someone opened it without asking for permission. Who else could it be except Numui's wife, Lady Shamira Romen?

Shamira wore a fashionable dress as if they were just her casual clothes at home. Additionally, she was shining from all the pieces of jewelry she was wearing. Although she was turning old just like her husband, Numui, she still had the grace and sophistication that was entrancing to men.

"Wife, come sit here. Meet Avion Teller." Numui stood up and spoke when Jamina had left. Avion's true identity is better to keep secret.

When she saw Avion's face, Shamira was stunned and have quite an interesting face for a while.

But it didn't take long before she keeps up her composure and slightly bowed, "Nice to meet you, Avion Teller. I'm Shamira Romen, you can just call me Aunt Shamira from now on."

Avion nodded while he stared at Shamira's jewelries. Each of them had different shine. Even her earrings had multiple colors that were beautifully reflecting the lighting stone from above. Her necklace was the prettiest of them all.

Unknowingly, Avion seemed like he was staring at Lady Shamira's chest but was actually infatuated with her necklace.

To this, Numui frowned before saying, "Please, I will give you the maid later. Restrain yourself."

Shamira shuddered from being observed at.

These two are assuming indeed.

Numui loves her wife and was sensitive to such things. meanwhile, Shamira still thinks she was young and gorgeous.

Without knowing the meaning behind Numui's words, Avion just replied with-


Numui was internally shocked.

'He didn't even deny it...' 

In the world of nobles and businessmen alike, there are all kinds of schemes and meaningful words. Numui was used to have his words being scrutinized and him to others' words as well.

He didn't think that Avion wouldn't understand him.

Before even they began to talk for real, Numui and Shamira were already looking at Avion with apprehension.

Numui's brain began working at a great speed.

'He's too shameless and arrogant. To look at my wife with that gaze and didn't even apologize!'

'This Avion must've think that he holds the initiative. Is he aware that we will talk about the contract and that is why he's too quiet?'

'He must be planning something... Then, is there a deeper reason for him to mutter fuck earlier?'


'Avion Teller is cunning!' Numui changed his plan and became straightforward.

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