Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 109: Negotiating About the Contract

Avion was in front of the head of the Romen Family. Once sat on a comfortable chair, he remembered-

'I need to pee!'

Not only that but-

'My nose is itching!'

However, the second problem was not really a problem. Avion just picked his nose. He could stop time but he didn't do it.


Avion's reply would be, why not?


Master Numui and Lady Shamira were speechless before they even start talking. There was only one thing that came into their mind-


"Please, hurry up. I don't have any more time to waste." Avion said as he finished picking his nose.

The door was closed. Although the window is opened, Avion was not comfortable exposing his rod out where everyone could see. Even if time was stopped, it was against his conscience.

After gritting his teeth, Master Numui spoke, "Okay, we will start." he then released a formless book and it popped like a bubble. Its fragments flew in all direction and spread all over, "As of now, no sound will exit this room. This is to prevent eavesdroppers."

Avion looked around, still wanting to pee.

"I believe you have already read the contract between the Guild Master and us." Master Numui was indeed a professional. He had his back straight and an amiable expression.

In their eyes, Avion was another Rank Bih like the Guild Master. They are lower than him.

The master thought that it is because of his manner earlier, treating both of them as equal that made this Avion Teller aggressive.

'Then I'll act passive-aggressive! Once you let down your guard, I will strike!'

"Yes" Avion answered.

"Since you're here, then you chose the second way to repay the Guild Master's debt. He is after all also a Rank Bih so we don't want to pressure him. Hayss... if only the tax didn't increase, we could've let it go." Master Numui sighed as if he was in regret.

'Husband's acting skills are still superb!' Lady Shamira inwardly chuckled.

"No, if it's a debt, we will pay it." but Avion destroyed their moment.

His words translated into another in the couple's heads, 'Get to the point.'

"Ehem... then the second way is for you to personally do a request from us. Meanwhile, you can stay here and act like another person. In this way, you can hide from the Crown Council's sight and still live comfortably." Master Numui recalled the benefits he was giving.

But Avion was unmoved, "Sure, so what request?"

'You should say thank you for that!'

"My request is also your surface job here. You should know Kalin Romen, right?" Numui remembered back then when he regretfully brought his son to the princess' welcome party.


"He's my son. I'm not going to sugar-coat it, that child is one mischievous brat. He does whatever he wants." thinking about it made Numui lost his composure for a brief second.

Because of what Kalin did to the Idiotic Rivals back then, the Romen Family was pressured by both Anzteran Family and Aranre Family.

This time, it was Lady Shamira's turn to speak, "Avion Teller, we want to become Kalin's bodyguard, in the dark. These last days, he's becoming suspicious."

"That kid will surely try more than alcohol if he gets some." Numui sighed again.

Lady Shamira continued, "If possible, we want to know what he is doing behind our backs. He doesn't want to have bodyguards around him. Even if we set it up, he will cry and give tantrum like a small child! Then if we forced him, he will run away, crying. We can't let him taint the name Romen anymore..."

At this, Avion interrupted, "I have a question."

'Here it is, he's serious.' Numui mentally prepared himself, 'Here come the negotiations. If only he appreciates our help, he would do what we say. However, since he is unmoved, he will surely bargain about the conditions.'


Avion's eyes sparked, giving off a light of intelligence, making the couple warry.

"Where's the bathroom? And can I go there first?" 


"S-sure..." Numui pointed, "Just go outside and you will see a maid there. Ask her and she will lead you there."

Avion nodded, "Thank you." before he stood up.

'That's the part you said thank you?!'

When Avion left, the couple looked at each other in a daze.

"We're still lacking some skills." Lady Shamira said while Master Numui nodded;

"In exchange for a little bit of image, we can interrupt a discussion. This is acceptable but the speaker's flow will be disrupted. Persuasion will be reduced and the impact of the other party will be lessened." Master Numui's eyes shone as he studied Avion's act.

"The other party will lose their patience while you have a bathroom break, thus giving you an advantage!"

"The more they lose their patience, the more they become desperate and agree on your terms while you have time to think about it!"

"Brilliant! We can call this Bathroom Technique"

Lady Shamira then interrupted, "Husband, Rank Bih Elementalists are out of our league. We should give way for this one and not offend him."

Master Numui nodded without saying anything.

Meanwhile, without any knowledge of the effects of his actions, Avion came out of the bathroom with a relieved face.

"Tsk!" Jamina never forgot to click her tongue on this sight.

"Fuck, I'm done, please lead the way." Avion respectfully said.

'What's with him!?' Jamina didn't think that it became her name now. However, she kept quiet as she led Avion back.

"Thank you again, you're so kind, Fuck."

"Oh, shut up!" Jamina restrainedly exclaimed.

Avion was surprised by this reaction, 'Ah, my acting, I forgot!' so he became expressionless again and said, "I don't care."

"Ah..." Jamina stared widely as "Relle" entered the master's room again.

Before Avion closed the door, he heard multiple thuds on the floor. He went back and sat back on the couch.

"Then, as we are saying. We just want you to spy on our son for a year." Master Numui said with confidence.

"A year!?" Avion was actually surprised.

"Eh?" Numui didn't expect this. Their plan was actually five years. They were the ones who helped the Guild Master with a large sum of money, after all.

"Ehem, nine months then." Numui was conflicted, 'Is a year that much for 50 selns? I didn't think he would have a large problem with it that he had to exclaim. He may use this against me!' 

"I thought I heard a year?"

'He did use it to pressure husband...' Lady Shamira wanted to bite her nails out of frustration. This Avion Teller is too good at negotiating.

"Then six months."

"A year, nine months, then now six months?"

"Okay, a month! That's it!"

'Ah... He suddenly shouted. I'm just asking.' Avion thought so he didn't ask any more questions, "Okay, thank you."

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