Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 295: 295 Meeting in the Spirit Realm

"We all have one common enemy."

Arcansas' words made confused many.

'She still considers someone an enemy even though she's already Rank Eses?'

They all thought. But what bothers them the most was the word "common"

The logic is simple. As Arcansas' enemy, the strength of this group or individual rivals a Rank Eses. And if it is their common enemy, this could only mean that all of them had a Rank Eses enemy.

Reaching this conclusion, even the Rank Es Elementalists sweated coldly.

"Who is this enemy?"

Just as Avion asked, Alisera fully woke up, "Avion...? What happened?" 

Avion stood up and grabbed her with him.

But Alisera was already full of energy since she was reverted by Avion. She was only confused and thus, feeling dizzy.

"We'll get to that later. But from that statement, you must all know what side you are on."

"You mean we are going to form an alliance?" Gamon asked.

"Not that far. I just want us to work together for the time being."

"That's what an alliance is."

Arcansas frowned, "Penta Elementalist, what I mean is, if you still don't understand, I don't trust you all nor do any of you trust the Crome Family. By work together, I didn't mean we are going to help each other. Hm, sorry for the misunderstanding. I don't want any fighting between us... because whether you like it or not, we are going to fight the same enemy in the near future."

"Is it the Conqueress you are talking about?" Old Maytan rested and finally finished his meditation.

Although he is far from being fully rejuvenated.

"No, I don't even know her yet. Avion, remember the realm I mentioned you?"

"The Spirit Realm?" Avion recalled.

"Yes, but that's not the only Realm out there. There is also the realm where everyone will go once they die. Do you know what's that called?"

"Soul Realm? And stop asking, I want to know what enemy you're talking about." Avion scratched his head. He was getting curious but Arcansas' consistent questions made the itch worse.

'Is she a pre-school teacher before?'

"Hahaha, sorry, it's just fun letting you answer it. Once we die, we will go to the Soul Realm. That's the limit of my knowledge about the Soul Realm. However, while ascending, I learned more about what's in this realm." 

While everyone was listening carefully, they couldn't help but question internally.

'Wait, why does it seem that Arcansas is only talking to Avion and we're just listeners?'

"The reason how I learned it is due to Haliviana."

"While ascending?" Quiare muttered, 'Does that mean this Haliviana met our Queen in her vulnerable state without us knowing?'

"Yes. While ascending, I still retain my consciousness and that was when Haliviana reached out to me. It was a long time ago but I still remember it to this day."

Elder Khor internally commented while listening, 'I forgot how talkative the Queen is back then. But it is good she didn't change.'

"Anyway, she told me that she will help me in my ascension in exchange for my trust. That is why I sent Galion over to her island and got some information."

"Hm?" Gamon frowned. He didn't recall anything like that from Galion's memories. Glancing at Galion, he saw the old man's surprised expression.

'Is my mind that vulnerable?' Galion paled.

Avion raised his hand and said, "Do you mean that you and Haliviana met in the Spirit Realm instead?"

"Oh! Correct answer, Avion!" Arcansas enthusiastically clapped.

Avion smiled and nodded.

"What are you smiling for?" Alisera asked. She was unable to keep up. Before her sight went black, the situation was precarious and heavy, but now it's like a classroom with a teacher and students.

Quiare then sighed in relief, 'So it was out of our control. I thought we let somebody in without us knowing.'

Alisera held Avion's hand tightly.

'I don't know what's happening. I just had my resolve and now, I'm being useless.'

Feeling Alisera's grasp, Avion brought her close to him.

"Alisera, for you, nothing much happened... but for me, I had a lot of time to think about it."


However, Avion couldn't tell what it was since Arcansas continued.

"Haliviana is a descendent of the Plant Origin, the Sentient Grand Tree, Herandiu!" she exclaimed, startling everyone except those who already knew this.

"Unfortunately, the reason why no one in Flasse knows that the Origins have descendants is that they were hunted till this day. We have four primary elements; Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Other elements are just derived from these four. That is why the others are rare while these primary elements are the majority. In short, there are four Origins! The enemy already took the other three and Haliviana is the only one surviving."

"What does that mean... if they took it?" Old Maytan asked. Even with his vast experience, he just knows a portion of what Arcansas was talking about.

"It means that they have the powers of the Origins. As for how they got it, it's simple." Arcansas opened her mouth, "They ate them."

At that point, everyone understood who the enemy is.

"The Immoral Faction?"

"Yes, only the Immoral Faction has these kinds of methods."

"They are hidden, after all, so it wouldn't be surprising if they hold many secrets."

The listeners, the Rank Es Elementalists whispered to each other.

However, Arcansas denied them.

"No, not exactly the Immoral Faction. I doubt that their cadres are aware of what they are doing. There is someone behind controlling the scene. The one who wants war. He likes death to complete the ritual."

Galion's eyes widened. A cold shiver ran through his back.

"Queen! In the land of Haliviana, they have a grand plan for people to eat one another, gaining their power. This then would unlock the power of the cadres. Is this the ritual you are talking about?"

Galion once colluded with the Rianzares Family back on the island of Haliviana.

"Yes, one that is bigger. Eating one another, that is the sign of gluttony. If that's what you are thinking, you are correct old man... if Flasse is plunged into war, there will be many deaths and especially, murder. Going back to the Soul Realm, Haliviana revealed to me that the enemy just died and is eating all the souls."

"Centre..." Avion mentioned.

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