Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 296: 296 God of Death

"Centre? God Centre?"

"Right, he just died from the Conqueress."

"Does that mean it's all part of his plan?"

While the others whispered to each other, Arcansas smiled at Avion.

"And here I thought you're oblivious to what's happening."

"So I'm right..." Avion frowned.

'In the book that I read, it doesn't say anything about God Centre. Only that he and Darea fought, making the whole Flasse tremble...' his eyes widened in realization, 'Wait, in the book, their fight was big and sensational. It even says that the whole continent was frozen by Darea and that didn't happen at all! Does that mean that they will have another fight? Or did I change history?'

In the history books, it only says the brief summary, important details, and some things that his father just want to write about. Avion even only gained a slight advantage even though he is from the future.

"Centre will resurrect after this war. He is attempting to jump the ascension and reach godhood."

'So that's what Godking was talking about.'

In the background, Flasse inconspicuously listened.

'Once this Centre revealed himself, I will use the Divine Booger. And about the Soul Realm, none of the Gods told me about someone making a scene there. They didn't tell me or it's not real.'

"So, in short, if he succeeds we will have to fight a God of Death and that will be the end of all." Arcansas then became solemn, "We need every force and every Rank Es to rank up immediately. Even if we don't work together, we could at least reach a consensus that there will be no fighting, skirmishes, and especially murder. That will delay his plan."

After dropping a "bomb", Arcansas stood up and said, "You two want to go to the Lord Sorcerer, right? I'll bring you there. After that, I will have a talk about this Conqueress who's been waging war everywhere. Meanwhile, my Crome family will help the Shimshemat Shoreland."

She then looked at the others.

"How about you? Do you want me to use force, creating unnecessary trouble, or do you agree and will help even if not wholeheartedly?"

"I will do what our leader decides." it was Gamon who spoke.

"Then I will also. Looks like the situation keeps getting escalating. I and Torge will aid in this... war." Old Maytan responded.

Both looked at Sheran.

"Me?" she was flattered for them to look at her as a leader.

"Her? The Rank Ey?"

"Isn't that Sheran's little sister?"

"Why is she their leader?"

"They must be joking, right?"

Sheran's eyes narrowed when she hears these.

"Of course, we will go! I formed this party to help our homeland in the first place. So what if it is the God of Death!? We will take on the battle!" she said with determination before glancing at Avion.

Noticing this, Avion put up a thumbs up which made Sheran smile.

"How about me!?" Cojier suddenly raised his hand.

"You want to, Cojier?" Old Maytan asked. Up to now, Cojier's side was undetermined.

"Sheran is right. I want to protect my homeland too!"

'But your homeland in where our enemy came from, Cojier.' Old Maytan thought but didn't try to destroy his enthusiasm.


"And who is that teenager?"

"I've only seen him hide from the start."

"But I don't sense his rank."

"He is either a mortal or Rank Es... but why is he hiding?"

These whispers popped Cojier's nerves so he shouted back.

"Shut up! You don't even know who Avion Teller is!"

"What? What's it got to do with Avion again?" Quiare raised an eyebrow.

Nobody answered that question. Old Maytan just whispered to Cojier;

"Don't be scared by Avion, he's on our side."

Cojier nodded, "Yeah, sorry, I'm just feeling that just now."

"That's that." Arcansas took all the attention again. When everyone looked at her, they saw a beast full of killing intent, "But if I heard anyone took advantage of this situation and attack another, they will have to ask Centre himself at the Soul Realm if their death is worth it before their soul gets eaten!"

Many gulped.

These Rank Es Elementalists almost forgot how to be intimidated.

"..." even Gamon and Old Maytan have darkened expressions.

"So, we'll see each other again soon." Arcansas smiled and turned to Avion, "Come, Avion. Let's meet the Lord Sorcerer." she then offered her hand again.

'Why is this woman acting so friendly?' Alisera frowned.

"Umm, just lead the way." Avion denied her hand again.

"... hard to get, huh... Fine, it's not like I can't bring you along without contact. Ready yourself." Arcansas then returned to her flaming body, "We're going to fly."

Without any warning, Avion and Alisera caught on fire. They first panicked but soon felt no pain nor does the flame burn their skin or clothing.

"Goodbye, Queen, I hope you have a safe return." Quiare deeply bowed.

Arcansas nodded before flying up to the sky.

"AHHH!!!---" both Avion and Alisera's echoing screams faded away.

After the three left, Quiare turned towards the other Rank Es Elementalist and fellow family heads and asked, "Do any of you have decided already? Although my Queen didn't say anything about time, I think it is better if you quickly decide."

Sheran stepped forward and said, "We will follow you to the Shimshemat Shoreland and stop Darea's army."

Quiare nodded.

On the other hand, the other family heads answered differently.

"There is a lot of information to digest. I hope you can give us time to make a decision."

"Of course, I hope our recent disagreement doesn't affect your decision." Quiare professionally answered...


Meanwhile, near the Rank Dih Stadium, in an inn-like prison for the winners, Mettany knocked on Edora's door.

"Edora! Open up!" Mettany shouted. Beside her was Tamya who was frowning.

"Stop masturbating and come out!"

The door slammed opened and Edora looked angrily at Mettany.

"Who said anything about masturbating so early in the morning!? I just woke up after a whole night of... what is it!?"

"Avion is not in his cell." Tamya said with blaming eyes.

"What?" Edora was stunned.

"And also, there's a battle between Rank Es Elementalist not far from here. I'm surprised you slept through that. The whole place is panicking." Tamya continued.

"Hahaha, as if you didn't sleep through it too." Mettany laughed.

"So do you know anything about Avion not being in his cell?"

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