Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 317: Space Crunch

Old Maytan had yet to fully recover but that was the same as Gamon when the battle began.

That was why he was not able to last more than a day before he lost control of his power.

"World Elementalist? Another troublesome fellow." Hanmer muttered.

Breathing in deep, Old Maytan used one of his offensive World Elesps. Due to his evolved elements, he didn't have that much elesps up his sleeves. Up till now, he had only use three elesps; Separate World, Opposite World, and Anywhere Travel.

Opposite World is what flipped the Manuio Isle, defeating almost every Rank Ey Elementalists and lower.

This time, he would use another offensive elesps. It was not as strong as Opposite World but that was because Opposite World affects an area as large as a country. This time, Old Maytan only needs to defeat these three Generals from the Great Darea.

"Space Crunch."

Before any of the Generals could reach, Old Maytan palms collided.

Bang... fwoo~~

It was silent but a shockwave still spread.

At that moment, Kerion used a natural elesp - Earth's Armadillo.

All of a sudden, a strong gravity pulled them into a center!

Jmsdwefshiuwen was countered. No matter how fast he is, he was not able to escape gravity!

Instantly it was pulled in the middle.


"Earth's Armadillo had no effect!?" Kerion shouted in surprise. He didn't think that gravity can be manipulated!

A sphere of rocks was formed when all those that were in the radius of the gravity "dropped" towards the center where Jmsdwefshiuwen was caught!

All except the Five Elements. Energy is immaterial after all. 

"Only the Great Ruler can change into the body of immaterial. But we, we're done for here!" Jmsdwefshiuwen shouted in pain. He felt his insides being crunched. The implosion was so strong that he coughed out blood.

Kerion didn't remove the Earth's Aramidillo or the soil that the gravity attracted would bury them! Although it wouldn't do much damage, it would impede their escape!

But still, Kerion put up another Rank Es Matter Natural Elesp, strengthening Jmsdwefshiuwen's body.

Soon, Hanmer collided with Jmsdwefshiuwen. His weight was great and he was the easiest target if not for his strength.


Hanmer also felt the implosion crunching his insides. Only Kerion stood his ground while helping increase Hanmer's defense as well!

Darkness swallowed them as the soil covered the faint light outside.

"Damn it! Don't underestimate us, demons!" Jmsdwefshiuwen finally used a Rank Es Wind Natural Elesps.

Old Maytan who was maintaining the implosion felt a sharp wind come at him!

There was no sound, in an instant, he felt numb on his left leg. He looked down and for the first time, Old Maytan almost lost his concentration.

"Urgh...!" he groaned.

Blood poured down from his left thigh. He was amputated without him noticing, ignoring his defenses.

The implosion weakened while Jmsdwefshiuwen laughed.

"How'd you like that!? There's more where that came from!"

Finally, Hanmer got a hold of himself.  In anger, he used a Rank Es Strength Natural Elesp, an evolved form of Plant Element!


As the sound travels from his giant roar, all types of elesps were instantly canceled.

Space Crunch disappeared as the sphere of soil dropped. Hanmer jumped out, destroying everything in his path.

Old Maytan was too much in pain and too focused on the approaching wind blades that he was an easy target for Hanmer's World Crushers.


With that explosion, Hanmer felt the recoil and was needed to retreat a few steps back. Meanwhile, Old Maytan was sent flying like a meteor away.

His body was almost flattened, blood burst from his mouth, and two more of his limbs were sliced by Jmsdwefshiuwen's wind blades.

"Hah! I was busy evading the five elements that I'm only able to cast an elesp now!" Jmsdwefshiuwen came out of the rubbles while holding his stomach with one hand and wiping the dark blood from his mouth with another. 

"Tsk! I was saving my energy for the dragon..." Hanmer complained.

"Let's go kill him before he recovers..." Kerion exhaustedly said.

Meanwhile, the five elements have disappeared and condensed into a person. Gamon woke up but he could not feel his body.

'I... I lost control of myself!'

"Looks like he's back." Jmsdwefshiuwen said before flying away, "I'll take care of the World Elementalist."

Gamon only saw a giant cyclops loomed over him and with his hammer raised.

"Make it quick, we have to help Hearoid after this."

'Damn... am I finally going to die?' Gamon thought to himself.

But before his sight could fade into darkness, his eyes caught a purple-red fire, bathing the giant cyclops.


Jmsdwefshiuwen who was on his way towards Old Maytan was interrupted. It should've only taken him a second but a giant lizard blocked his path.


Before he could react, the fire covered his entirety.


This fire was strong enough to travel hundreds of meters to cover Hanmer.

However, Hanmer has already been doused in this fire. Although he was getting charred, due to Kerion's strengthening his defense, he was able to continue his smash.


Old Maytan's eyes widened. He had stopped his bleeding but hearing this sound made him sat up and feel the five elements disappear.

The dragon paused for a second and was in disbelief.

Jmsdwefshiuwen dropped onto the ground, roasted alive, and was barely breathing.

'If not for Kerion, I would've died right now...'

Using one of his wind blades again, a silent blade went towards Old Maytan to decapitate him but the dragon swooshed in response and wound her wing.

She opened her mouth again and breathed another great flame.

At his last breath-


Jmsdwefshiuwen released all of his remaining energy, creating hundreds of wind blades that can wound Sheran's tough scales.

These hundred giant and silent wind blades rain upon Old Maytan and Sheran. Since Jmsdwefshiuwen died before he could control every single wind blade, it randomly scattered, even hitting Kerion and Hanmer!

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