Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 318: 318 What Are You All Doing?

"Argh!" Hanmer groaned as he tried to defend his fatal spots from several wind blades. His already-charred skin was further torn off.

Earth's Armadillo!

Kerion put up his Rank Es Matter Elesp but it could only block three of Jmsdwefshiuwen's last wind blades before it was penetrated. He then teleported in front of Hanmer and took all of the damage.

The majority of wind blades were directed towards Old Maytan so Sheran used her large dragon body to protect him.


She roared in pain. Her scales were getting shattered and blood dripped from it. These wind blades were fast and the rain of blades only occurred for a moment.

Afterward, Hanmer and Kerion looked far and saw that the hydra was gone. 

"First General..." Kerion then looked at Jmsdwefshiuwen's body, "Second General Hearoid and Eight General, Jmsdwefshiuwen died..."


Hanmer's teeth crashed from how much he gritted his teeth.

"The dragon's going to pay..." he muttered, murderous intent exuding from his body.

Kerion was not surprised by this. Even he wanted to purge the dragon into hell.

Before, all Apexial Beasts were enemies, having to protect their own territories. Only when their Great Ruler came and took them under her did they become Generals.

For a hundred years, they were all together. Hundred years of fighting, of competing, of helping, and of protecting each other's back.

For the first time, a General died, no, two of them.

Sheran, who was injured all over her body turned to them and saw Hanmer walking towards her.

In her dragon form, smoke rises from her mouth and nose. Old Maytan leaned on his one remaining limb, his right arm. While the dragon left him, he covered himself with his defensive World Elesp, Separate World.

At the same time, far from behind them, light beamed out of a sinkhole!

The fortified dome was destroyed and came out was Cojier!

He was bleeding and was trying to escape. It was finally night again.

Earlier, when the sun rose, Cojier turned back to his human form. Torie Gando and Dogun Mo took this chance to charge at him.

Knowing that he was now at a disadvantage, Cojier made his escape only to evade their every attack within the dome.

Hours after hours, he used up his energy. Meanwhile, Unfer was everywhere! There were hundreds of him like a sea.

The more number he has of his body, the weaker his healing capabilities - to heal himself and heal others. That was why Dogun Mo limply walked with his cracked body.

He was not able to recover.

Only Torie Gando, the most flexible of them all was about to keep his health and chased Cojier around.

Cojier was like a normal Rank Es Elementalist in his human form. If he was hit by Torie Gando's claws, he would bleed and die.

There are times where he was hit. That was why he bled. But when night finally arrived again, the Three-Tailed Prismatic Wolf went berserk!

Unfer's body count was reduced as he merged himself so that he could heal Dogun Mo. But right when Dogun Mo was fully healed, light shone once again, deepening their worry and fear.

The light was light a pummel of all elements. Mimicking other elements, Cojier's light does not only have one color. Each color represents an element, countering the three of them.

Unfer's body count exponentially increased while Dogun Mo felt he was about to break.

Torie Gando was in the worst state. He was unable to escape and could only attack Cojier!

But before now that Cojier was in his wolf form, Torie Gando could only scratch him before his next was bitten and a chunk was removed.

Seeing this, Dogun Mo released his dome of fortified earth.

"Escape!" he shouted at Torie Gando. However, it was too late...

Out of anger, the sea of Unfer swarmed over Cojier like clouds of dust from afar. Each body only has strength below the average of a Rank Es Elementalist but his sheer numbers made Cojier choose to escape.

Now that the dome broke open so as well as the light he emitted escaped bringing us to the present time.

Cojier made an escape, the light faded while a swarm of Unfer followed him.

Dogun Mo went to Torie Gando and no longer felt the energy from him.

"Wolf!" he shouted as a pillar of earth rose, pushing him up the ground and chasing Cojier as well!

Sheran looked back to see this and Hanmer took this chance to jump at her!

Kerion wouldn't be able to teleport in or he'll just impede Hanmer's attack. The best he could do was give his everything to strengthen Hanmer's defense.

Sheran's instincts were not to be taken lightly too, she turned her head and another fiery breath was about to come out when Hanmer was pushed back and another burst of flame came from above.

This shocked Sheran as she didn't expect a flame strong enough to block hers!

'No... this flame is stronger!'

Hanmer felt an invisible force pulled him away. He was startled but when he looked up, his jaw dropped in ecstasy.

Old Maytan, who was a stubborn and resilient old man, finally lost hope. He didn't expect this outcome.


Meanwhile, Sheran deeply frowned. She subconsciously took steps back.

Kerion looked above and saw.

"Sinmei and Jamina?" those were the first people he saw until his eyes rolled to the side where an unimaginable power was coming from.

"Great Ruler..." he mumbled in disbelief.

White long hair heroically fluttering in the harsh wind. Moonlight shone over her black outfit. Her white and smooth skin seemed translucent under the moon.

With her eyes closed, she "looked" down.

"Hearoid, Torie Gando, and Jmsdwefshiuwen died. What are you all doing?"

She whispered but her voice reached everyone including Cojier and the thousand bodies of Unfer. Hearing this, he and Dogun Mo's anger faded and was replaced with fear. Immediately, they changed their directions and came towards Darea.

Jamina trembled in fear while Sinmei placed her down.

Hanmer and Kerion dropped their kneels on the ground as well...

Tens of kilometers away, Krisiana who bit into the dead Rank Es Water Elemental Beast heard Darea's whisper and shuddered. Using her fastest speed, she responded without hesitation.

It was not that far for an Apexial Beast like her. Soon, she joined the greetings after learning that three of the Generals died.

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