Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 319: Lonely Isle

When Darea took off to find Avion, she found something. She had forgotten about this but back then when Avion was still staying at the Romen Mansion, staying in the country of Haliviana, she tried to create a book while time was stopped.

Darea didn't know what to make back them. She was just wanting to try a theory of hers. She tested it with Avion's stoppage of time. After thinking for some time, she finally got the conclusion.

Darea wanted to mark Avion so that if ever he tried to escape and had the ability to do so, she would be able to know his location. But that was not enough. There are already Elesp books like that existing.

She wanted to test the advantage of stopped time. She wanted to have a challenge and create a new unique book. So she planned and pondered if it was possible. Not only would she mark Avion, but she would also be able to directly teleport to where he is.

When she was done, she called it Spaceless Distance Elesp!

But before using it, Darea hesitated. She wants to know what Avion was doing first. Is he with someone? What is he doing right now?

That's why she turned into her Immaterial Body. Although Avion could still see her there, it was fine. What she didn't want was for others to see her.

So after entering her Immaterial Body, she used the Spaceless Distance Elesp. She disappeared once - disappearing from Sinmei and Jamina's eyes. Then she disappeared the second time - disappearing from her physical location and reappearing to the unknown island.

She opened her eyes and saw Arcansas, a strange creature, and pair who were sitting with their hands held together.

Arcansas looked around and felt some cold stare she could not determine where it came from. Even she was not able to see Darea's Immaterial Body.

A tight feeling became evident in Darea's chest.

'New women? And what is he doing?'

She was unable to restrain herself and disappeared right after.

Sinmei who carried Jamina towards Darea's location received a message and stopped to change direction.

A few hours later did Sinmei finally arrive at where Darea was. Sinmei was confused. It was in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere she looked, there was only the ocean. There was a land of course but this land could not even be called an island.

It was small which one could not build a house on. Darea's solitary figure stood there, facing the rising sun.

"Sinmei, leave Jamina here." with her eyes still closed, Darea said and continued, "I want to talk to her in private."

Neither Jamina nor Sinmei asked why. Sinmei stopped on top of the small isle and Jamina jumped off. Right now, Jamina was already a Rank Cee Elementalists. She never thought she could become an Elementalist but now she was already Rank Cee because of the Generals.

So dropping off from that height was nothing to her.

Sinmei flapped her wings and went to where she would give them privacy like what Darea ordered.

Jamina stood behind Darea waited for her to speak. When Sinmei was finally out of sight and sunk into the horizon, did Darea only speak.

"Should I take Avion captive?"

Jamina was surprised by this. Only after a few moments did she asked.

"Why, Great Ruler?"

"He's becoming an obstacle to my growth. However, I cannot kill him because of his time abilities. I cannot bind him down either using elesps. I don't know what to do except to take him and put him where I won't be able to see him again."


Jamina knew Avion's abilities and how Darea was mysteriously immune to them. However, the same could be said to Avion.

After a lot of thoughts before, Darea found that it is possible that the two cannot harm one another. The Oath Elesps could not harm Avion but the Spaceless Travel works because it is more beneficial than harmful.

From her interaction with the Generals, Jamina learned more of the Great Ruler's personality. She would only look at one place and that is above. Since power rules everything, Darea sought it.

Thinking about this, Jamina asked.

"Great Ruler, why do you want power?"

"Who does not, Jamina?" Darea immediately replied.

Jamina didn't back down.

"I don't."

But Darea just shook her head.

"Can you still say the same after you know that you will die without one?"

"I know having power is the same as preserving life but... in my opinion, power is not life."

"Life will be nothing but miserable if you keep getting oppressed if you're weak. It is true that power is not life but it could be likened to money. Money itself isn't happiness but using money, you can buy the things that can make you happy."

Darea said which stunned Jamina for a second. She lowered her head and said.

"Great Ruler, if you only keep working to get money, when will be the time you will use it?"

"It can only be likened to money, Jamina. Power is different. Once I have enough power, I will be immortal and time will be irrelevant. I can enjoy anything I want without the fear of it being able to be taken away."

Before Jamina could speak, Darea continued.

"I was once a noble girl. My parents enjoyed the luxury but when we were invaded by an Apexial Beast, we lost everything in a blink of an eye. I escaped, of course. I should be drinking tea, being cared for by my attendants, and playing with dolls but instead, I was defending myself against elemental beasts. I thought I was safe and secured, but I fell deeper than rock bottom. The disparity of two lives made me who I am today."

Jamina frowned. She expected this kind of story. If she was in Darea's place, she wouldn't be able to survive. But that didn't sway her belief.

"But when does power becomes enough, Great Ruler? Aren't you already the strongest right now?"

"Far... I'm too far..."

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