Sage Emperor

Chapter 1001: Control of Evil God Herald

“Evil Gods, this is the map of the kingdom, your body, has been sealed by me outside, and your will, has now entered the map of the kingdom, can no longer go out, how about? Submit! Being enslaved by our spirit can avoid spiritual dissipation. ”

Yang Qi's will was huge, the whole will seemed like the seal of the gods, a little golden man, but outside his will, rolling civilized long river spinning, the void burst, revealed his spiritual strength.

Now his spiritual scale, at least, reaches the “two” level. Still, however, it is not a terror class, because the physical body is too strong to know the sea, but if it continues, it will sooner or later be promoted and not in a hurry.

This spiritual index, mastering the 24 robberies without bad bodies, is easy to write, free and comfortable. Yang Qi's strength was shocking and horrifying. As soon as he had subjugated the Evil Gods, he went out to build his country. In the midst of turmoil, subjugating countless fairy worlds and establishing luck, now the fairy world's luck is too intense.

As long as it can be truly built, the understanding of Heavenly Taoist tombs will deepen to a deeper level.

“You….. who exactly are you, there are so many Pharaoh, Wangtu of the Worlds, the seals of the gods, and the complete Wangdu of Heaven…” The Evil Gods hereditary knows at this time that his will is in Wangtu of the Worlds, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get away.

But at this time, his cunning appeared, calm, cunning, cunning. If he truly entered the kingdom of the universe and the will was united, it would be very powerful, it would be difficult to suppress him, but now he is in a naked and dangerous situation.

“I can bow to you, but don't kill me. ”

“I am a true strong man in this great age!” Yang Qi said: "Anything has to be on my body, but you have lied to me many times, I will not believe any of your language, this time just die! Gentlemen, initiate spiritual slavery, completely suppress him and become my puppet! ”

“Hahaha..." Finally, the Lord burst out a thunderous voice: “Good Yankee, good boy, I really underestimated you. Turns out you are the most critical person of this era, the Immortal Age, the owner of the Gods' imprint. In the future, the owners of the Gods' imprint are arrogant, the owners of the Tai Ancient Era are a mystery man, no one knows his origin, and the Gods' imprint of this Immortal Era has not yet appeared, it should actually appear on your body, and even more terrible, the inheritance of the Immortal King and the Gods' imprint, appeared on a person's body. ”

“In fact, this was Yankee's body before it split apart.” The Immortal Path.


The owners and others sucked in a cold breath of air and never expected such a thing to happen.

“I am the Nothingness of Fate, the Creator and the Eternal.” Yang Qi said again: “Well, it's more than enough to be the younger lords of Tianzong. ”

“It's more than enough!” The Patriarch laughed happily: “Now I don't doubt what kind of power you are, because you are the owner of the Gods' imprint, and it's wonderful to be our young Patriarch. After you get out of trouble today, you will go back to our Ruyi Tianzong. Come on, I will convene a general meeting to make you a few lords. After you break through to reach the horror level will, you will be a lord, and we old men will retire and practise closure. ”

“Haha, Congratulations to the Patriarch, Ruyi Tianzong will certainly thrive with such a small number of Patriarchs in the future.” The Lord of Memory Peak and Lord of Heavenly Peak flashed a strange glow.

“Well, as a matter of urgency, surrender this evil god hereditary, then enslave his spirit, and then I will teach him that true evil will never destroy his body. His spiritual strength can be cultivated to more than fifty robberies, without any effect on his own functioning, repaired to double, and then I will release him! Disrupting the nest of Ancient Road Law Enforcers, I will take the opportunity to steal countless treasures, you can also come with me, how many treasures in Ancient Road Law Enforcers treasure trove, and they will not suspect us! ”

Yang Qihaha laughed with satisfaction.

“Nice…..” the lord and others nodded, revealing an ecstatic look on his face.

The treasure trove of ancient road law-enforcers, hundreds of millions of years of savings, 10,000 Ruyi Tianzong is not comparable, inside can be a real treasure, even get one in 10,000, can make Ruyi Tianzong flourish, the mastery level is not unlimited, their strength is greatly improved.

This sweep is a tremendous fortune. With the ghost of Wangtu, you can surely take a great lead.

At this time, the major experts truly admit that Yang Qi is the younger lord of Ruyi Heavenly Sect, but they are the happiest thing of Ruyi Heavenly Sect.

Yankee can also release his disciples, all from the virtual kingdom of God, and put them in the superior gate sect of Ruyi Tianzong, and then reach the outside world, surrender the hundreds of millions of immortals, and get the heavens and earth luck.

“You want to spiritually enslave me!” The evil god's messenger heard this word, his whole body trembled. What he now will convert is an evil god. Unfortunately, though the evil gods are strong and transcendent, under the seal of the gods and the holding effect of the Wangtu of the Worlds, they cannot reveal the strongest divinity at all, they can only be suppressed everywhere, it is terrible.

“It's impossible for you to succeed!” Then he said in a pleading tone: "Little brother, I was wrong before, now I can correct, I can swear to you, do not enslave me? ”

“I'll believe you swear? You have any way to stretch out.” The immortal spoke separately, laughed haha: “Anyway, my will to reach the horror level, in the map of the kingdom of the world, is my lord, even if your soul explodes, energy cannot be released, and it can be restored, unless it is your god who can escape, unfortunately you are not. ”

“Gentlemen, let's do this together! Everlasting Heaven Song.....”

Yang Qi sang, and suddenly a heavenly song lashed out, held onto the bodies of the people, and then covered to the evil god hereditary, who was immediately covered by many negative halo rings.

“This is…” the monarch once again lit up, he immediately realized the role of Eternal Heaven Song in the mass warfare, more determined, to die caged in Yang Qi, determined at all costs. He did not reckon with Yang Qi's mind, because Xianxian was promoted to the horror level, mastered the map of the kingdom of the universe, and there was no way to reckon, not to mention, how could Yang Qi himself be reckoned with in many ways, if he did not reckon with success, such as Yi Tianjing himself was in danger of destruction. The Patriarch himself knows this very well.

“Let's do it! ”

Yang Qi's will shook, and suddenly his own "spiritual scaling system” erupted, unfolding the great art of spiritual enslavement, combining with the qigong of the power of the god prison, suppressing the transmission to evil gods.

“To die!” The Evil Divine Herald immediately launched a counterattack.

At this time, the immortal split activated the real spiritual scaling system, in cooperation with God's engine, the star divine character energy as if the sky and river had collapsed and landed directly. Terror was immense. After his promotion to the horror level will, the star divine transmission energy was even stronger and ten times stronger, and the power of God's engine spiritual scaling system erupted.

Besides, what about the Patriarch and the two Peak Masters?

In the map of the kings of the universe, immediately powerful spiritual heavenly wave, suppressed the will of the evil god to pass on, even wrapped the evil god to pass on, the spiritual heavenly wave condensed into a crystal sphere. This crystal sphere suppresses the will of the evil gods.


Evil God's Herald fought back.

Unfortunately, this has not helped and the momentum has been settled.

The art of spiritual slavery in the spiritual scale system is very powerful, even God can be enslaved. Under the continuous urging of the five masters, the eternal energy support of Wangtu Star God immediately erupted throughout the scale system. In the eruption of the scale system, everyone's will was exercised, and the evil will was constantly disintegrated and weakened.

This elimination of each other, even the Patriarch, the Lord of Heavenly Peak, and the Lord of Memory Peak have had great breakthroughs and increases, they are unlikely to have so many star divine energy support.

“You... don't do this, don't enslave me, I curse you, I curse you not to die, I am a hereditary of the evil gods, the ungodly gods have given me great will to transform the world into an evil kingdom! O Resurrection Evil God..... Evil kingdom.....” For a while, the immense evil kingdom unfolded from His will against the enslavement of Yankee and others.

“Refine! ”

“Last hit!” The people have long seen through that evil god's messenger is the foreign strong middle man, this is the last blow, the people burn their own blood, the powerful means erupt, energize all energies, crush in the air.

Ka Cha

Finally, the will of the evil gods collapsed, and the evil kingdom collapsed. Then Yang Qi's spirit penetrated through the scale system, slowly entering the deepest part of the evil god's mind, and the immortals began enslaving themselves.

“Slavery, become my followers..." The immortal split roared fiercely, and countless spiritual heavenly waves lasered deep into the will of the evil god, beginning to transform, making the will of the evil god stronger and more loyal.

A full year, two years, ten years, twenty years… a hundred years have passed before the will of the evil god opened his eyes and knelt down, “Great master, I knock on the evil centipede, you are my master, I offer you my most faithful will and faith. ”

crackle and rattle.....

Great beliefs revolve around immortals, when many souls in the sky cry, evil gods hereditary called evil centipede, a subjugation, generated huge beliefs, enough to make people collapse, if not for immortals with horror level will, may now be dead.

But now he dissolves his faith and feels strong and powerful.

“Well, now transfer the will of the evil god into his body again, and I will act with him to practice the Atmospheric Gong! The power of the evil gods is raised again. I use the power of the Divine Town to help him practice, control the hijacking, and after reaching the level of fifty robberies, he will almost have the power to kill the king of the ancient road law-enforcers! We just broke out, messed up the storm, went to steal the treasure trove again...” Yankee grinned coldly: “And there are many other masters in this cell who have surrendered... What do you think will happen if there's a riot? ”

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