Sage Emperor

Chapter 1000: Strong Yokohama

At last, at this moment, the immortal leads the way into the terror level will realm. Since he obtained the eighth immortal king, he opened the star divine character in heaven, and immediately created all kinds of incredible means. At all times, he absorbs the divine character vigorously, and the universe is held on his body, how strong can he reach?

Now, having obtained the spiritual scale system, it all operates the divine character, and immediately understands some of the things in the scale system, attacking the evil god to pass on the hereditary.

When attacking the evil god transmission, the will of the evil god and the will of the great Immortal King confronted each other, so that the immortal separation did not resort to the system of spiritual scales, but in that kind of confrontation, the spiritual power was greatly honed, extremely hegemonic, actually made a breakthrough, to reach the deepest and most intense time.

endless number of robberies, rolling over.

In the map of the kings of the universe, an image of the end of the world emerged. This is the characteristic of the Horror-Grade will when it is condensed. It is rumored that the Horror-Grade will is the will of God.

One can survive by passing through the ancient path of God and reaching the divine realm only if one reaches the level of terror.

Otherwise, the shocking will enter the divine realm, there is only one way to die, surely once it reaches the divine realm, it will be completely extinct, and the divine realm will be mighty. The law crushed to fly ash.

However, promotion reaches the level of terror, steps into the divine realm, at least survives, and does not die oppressed by the law. Although it is likely to be difficult to get up, difficult to walk, and can only crawl, at least not die.

Reaching the middle of the terror-grade will, rumours have it that we can walk slowly in the divine realm and survive weakly. Reaching the late stage of terror level will, it can build strength and become a god.

Powerful spirit, a wave of waves rolled over, in the minds of the immortal splinter, caused the whole pattern of the Wan Wang map to change overwhelmingly, in the original Wan Wan Wan map, it was all a scene of death and silence, now the star character in the sky lasered out more light, in the air condensed out many small suns, suddenly everything bred, alpine plains, rose up, the virtual divine realm expanded again, the change is incredibly real.

The spiritual power of the rumbling suddenly breaks the bondage, turns into a great river, sweeps the sky, sweeps to where it reaches, the space of that place is completely extinct.

“Terror class, is that the will of terror class? It's too strong!” The immortal split violently shocked, suddenly many impurities over his body were squeezed out by the will, at the same time, a piece of Pharaoh emerged, the swallowing king Fu Lu directly rose, turned into a great being, breathing heaven and earth, a mouthful of mountains and rivers, dry mouth, sun and moon chewing.

Tung Tian Wang Fu Lu is extremely powerful, but Yang Qi himself has not been able to exert his power. Normally, he can only make small noise. To be precise, only when he has reached the horror level of cultivation, can Tung Tian Wang Fu can play his role. At this time, Xian has been promoted to the horror level, powerful spiritual power impinges into it, plus his own rolling qi, he quickly understood the true meaning of Tung Tian.

The ancient serpent of chaos broke through, entered Yang Qi's sea of knowledge, turned into a giant ancient serpent, with a vast spiritual long river, directly devoured the will of the evil god hereditary.

“Ah! What a powerful power.....” The evil god transferee is about to break the sea of knowledge, so that his fundamental metagod will return to the body. Once he returns to the body, the will and the true Qi flesh combine and exert countless mysterious methods, he can sweep everything. What is like the Patriarch, what is the Peak of Memory, the Peak Lord of Heaven is not his opponent.

If it was outside, so many people surrounded him, he was not afraid at all, he could even directly bomb, violent attack, but now his sense of the Numen God is besieged by Yang Qi's soul, unable to escape, weakened by 90% of his strength, it is difficult to sustain.

“Immortal King Charm! ”

Seeing the evil legend still struggling, the immortal released a giant black flame dragon and fought with the swallowing king, he knew immediately that it was not too late.

Again, the body in the map of the kings of the universe, a fierce grasp, suddenly eight pieces of the Immortal King appeared, suspended over his head, formed a complete token, this token four quarters, but the center is missing a heart shaped token, obviously the last token did not get, the last token, is also the most important token, once obtained, can produce all kinds of immeasurable power.

However, the eight pieces were merged into one another, and the spiritual power of the immortals was sensed. Immediately, countless of them were cheering the sparrows, and seemed to be regrouping. Behind the body of the immortals, at last, a great will rose again, and the King of the Worlds shook, and the higher level space seemed to be opened.

hula hula hula hula hula hula...

The power of the star divine character seemed like a waterfall flushing, reached the top of the ruler, grabbed the ruler, the immortal split into long waves, emitted a shocking roar, thunderous hegemony, strong and boundless.

Thunder like thunder, these thunderbolts are not real thunderbolts, but the thunderbolts of his spiritual strength, which directly plunged his will into Yang Qi's sea of awareness.

At this time, Yankee spiritual strength has also been greatly improved. He is assisted by the spiritual scale system, breaking the confinement, practicing the Yuan God, realizing that the long river of civilization, the breath of the Lord of civilization, standing at the height of the Lord of civilization, watching the long river of history, in the long river, every wave, is a civilization, the true meaning of civilization, emerges in the mind.

Suddenly, according to the ability to concentrate the emperor's infinite power, deep in the sea of knowledge, he once again created a system of spiritual scales, the spirit of the Lord of Civilization is great. Law, engraved in my mind.

Since then, his own Numen, is a living spiritual scale system.

“Psychometric system, enlightenment…. Civilization is big. Fa....." Between moments, Yankee learned from the spiritual scaling system, the deepest thing, that the spiritual scaling system is made of civilizations cultivated by the Lord of civilizations. Law is the foundation, evolving various spiritual forces, upgrading one's spiritual scale, converting energy into spiritual deity.

Civilization, is spirit.

Energy, civilization.

This is the true nature of the whole spiritual scale system. Yang Qi has the experience of understanding the emperor without polarity, and directly understands the whole spiritual scale system, deep in the heart, the emperor without polarization, deep in the knowledge of the sea, constantly changing, on the consciousness of the former god, the long river flashes, finally a very strong civilized long river condenses into shape.


My spirit has come to understand that civilization is built. The psychometric system, for him, had no secrets. He's in shock! A powerful spirit penetrates the entire body, immediately breaking through all the meridians, all the limb carcasses, all the cave know-how, in this powerful spirit, every particle, cave know-how, real qi of the whole body runs freely.

Though his body is now incredibly strong, he, who understands the mental scaling system, can transform his true qi energy into spiritual strength, which is terrifying, spiritual strength constantly strengthening, and strengthening, with his current modification, let alone twenty-four robberies not bad body, even fifty robberies not bad body, can control.

Now, he is a punch, once again punching the body of the evil god to spit blood, and then the demon god seals the development of a road, all the meridians of the evil god's human body, and even seals the evil god's human body's knowledge of the origin in the sea.


The will of the Evil God's Herald also struggled in his sea of knowledge, fiercely criticized, and fought back, but as soon as his body was sealed, his breath suddenly weakened, he felt his origin was damaged, and his will began to weaken.

“No, boy, I'm so upset. We work together. We work together now. I'll never count you again!” The Evil Gods sent people screaming.

“It's too late to cooperate!” After Yang Qi sealed his body, the will of the Numen God became stronger. Though it failed to break through the terror level, it was sooner or later.

At this time, the Imprint of the Gods, Tung Tian Wang Fu Yu, various systems, the power of the powerful Wan Wan Wang Tu alternately in his deep knowledge sea, while also with the emperor, Heavenly Venerable Peak Lord, the memory peak Lord's superior and vigorous rolling, between moments, has condensed into the strongest invincible power, the fiercest oppression against the evil god's hereditary.

In fact, he also greatly admired the evil god's means of transferring people. In this case, he was able to support slowly, and there was no soul scattered.

However, his failure was doomed.

Had it not been for the immortal himself at this moment, the successful breakthrough had reached the horror level will, I'm afraid the situation would have been reversed. The Evil Divine Herald was too powerful, but he had broken through, and the Evil Divine Herald was doomed to fail, because the power of the Wangtu in the Immortal Divinity was too great. Once it had broken through, many things could be implemented, and the power was not so weak as a simple breakthrough.

The power of Wangtu, with his use, can now break through the prison, deliver material, and Yang Qi can escape at any time. This is where bullying takes place.

Almost any Jedi will not be able to trap him.

Unless it's God Realm.


The Lord, the Lord of the Peak of Memory and other Yuan gods are also strengthening, came to the sea of knowledge completely, at this moment, five people surrounded the evil gods to pass on the people, and fiercely struck out a strong attack.

“Spirit Enslavement! ”

Suddenly, the Lord said: "Quickly activate the most powerful technique in the spiritual scaling system, we work together to promote spiritual slavery! Slave the Evil Gods! ”

“This nature!” The mighty immortal split up and swallowed the heavenly king Ruhu, actually swallowed the evil god's heir, but the will of the evil god's heir seems to tear this ruhu apart.

At the moment of tearing, the black hole of Wangtu of the universe was wrapped down, and between moments, the Wangtu burst out with the strongest power, wrapping this will deep into Wangtu.

Suddenly, deep in Yankee's sea of awareness, it was clear.

Of all kings of the universe.

Thunder shook everywhere, the will of the evil gods passed on suddenly, the torn symbol, saw the dense and numb star character in the sky, surprised!

“Where are we!” He rose up.

“Congratulations, you are in the King of the Worlds.” The Divinity of the Immortal, the consciousness of Yang Qi, and the Lord of the Patriarch, the Lord of the Peak of Memory, the Lord of the Peak of Heaven appeared.

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