Sage Emperor

Chapter 999: Immortals Promoted to Terror

A black flame revolves around Yankee spirituality.

A method of practicing spiritual secrets, into his consciousness, he immediately began to practise, with the help of the other party, the spiritual strength has grown.

Control of the body is a little more comfortable, as if the child waving the big iron hammer is one year old, the body is stronger, the strength is also increased, waving the big iron hammer is less easily hurt to reach himself.

His body is the Great Hammer, and the child is his sense of the Numen.

However, the more he continued to practice, the more he felt his reliance on the will of the Numen of the Evil Gods, seemed to have come out of everything, in the consciousness of the Numen, even heard a voice: “Come, come... into my arms, believe in the Evil Gods, you will get some, the Evil Gods are the true masters of the Divine Realm... ”

Suddenly, his consciousness began to get confused.

But then, the spiritual scaling system of the immortal body was a stimulus, which sobered him up again, all of which was in Yang Qi's calculation, and he was furious: “Evil God, you are counting me again! Wanted to make me believe in evil gods and completely convert to you. From the beginning, you had no idea of joining me! ”

This anger, naturally, is fake.

“Ha ha!” The Evil Gods have finally revealed their true identity: “Boy, you've fallen for it, I teach you your secret, can you practice too? I tell you, this is indeed the secret to strengthening the spirit of the ungodly, but you have established an inseparable spiritual connection between practice and the ungodly, and I am the ungodly, the spokesperson of the world! You have established an unbridled connection with the evil gods. You will obey my plan. Now hand over the parchment! Fill my body with Qigong, and give me your soul, give me all your baby. ”

“You…….” Yang Qi had a secret surprise in his heart, but he appeared to be hateful: “I will not let you succeed. ”

Immediately, he began to mobilize his spiritual will, and at the same time, in the depths of Wangtu, the spiritual scale system was also a shock.

“Didi...... Yang Qi's spiritual scale, 1: 5...... but bound by the body, tied, can only exert the spiritual scale power of 0: 8......”

In the Wang Wang diagram, the immortal finally detected Yang Qi's spiritual scale, and actually broke through the "one” beyond the horror level of the strong, but the spirit has not reached the final degree of transformation, because of the body.

“Fine, let me break through first!” Yang Qi, you've been helping me all along. I've reached the horror level of will, but I can help you! ”


All of Yankee gods, along with the star gods, have been put into God's engine, and then transferred by God's engine into the spiritual scaling system, which is much more powerful than directly injecting the spiritual scaling system. The infinite spirits of the spiritual scaling system burst out vigorously and directly into the Yankee Lord Yuan God.

Suddenly, the Yuan God of Yang Qi burst out with huge ideas, shocking the evil god's ideas wrapped around his body and rolling them over.

“No, why is this kid so struggling?” The Evil Divine Herald was astonished: “He did have a card, but he practiced my spiritual secret, which is fighting the Evil Divine! I come to surrender, the evil god unites, I am the evil god, the evil god is me, enter! ”


He communicated in the midst of the underworld, a great will, immediately, descended from his body an incredibly evil idea, which merged with this incredibly evil idea.

Suddenly, his spiritual power was greatly increased, he was possessed by evil gods, strong evil, broke through the confinement of Yang Qi Minghai, came down to the sea of knowledge, and then an evil god appeared, the face of this evil god was incredibly evil, fraudulent, cunning, cruel, violent, concentrated all negative emotions in one, cruelly suppressed Yang Qi's Numen, even to merals with Yang Qi's.

Deep down in the sea of knowledge, all the voices of evil gods: “Believe in me, you can have eternal life, betray me, and no more robbery..."

This evil god is the idea of the evil god and the evil god herald herself. It is completely integrated and takes possession of Yang Qi! Or two in one, the evil god hereditary cultivated Yang Qi into an external incarnation, the Second Yuan God.

The Evil Gods also pressed the treasure down and threw it all at once.

“Well, it's time for each other to throw! Pass the magic! Lock up the sea and throw out all your gods!” The immortal split up against the Lord Ruyi and the Lord of Heavenly Peak, and the Lord of Memory Peak drank violently.

When the hands of the Patriarch waved, he suddenly had fifty gods, all of them lasered into it. It was swallowed up by the immortals and passed into the engine of God, while the spiritual scaling system erupted into a spiritual powerless force that had never erupted.

An enormous atmosphere of civilization, countless long rivers of civilization, infused the sea of knowledge of all.

Between moments, everyone seemed to be transformed into a great civilizational lord, standing on a vast river of civilizations, observing the ancient past, a civilization with an average number of constant sha...

Civilizations, one by one, bring the human spirit to the most powerful and transcendental boundaries.

“Divine Civilization," “Immortal Civilization," “Demonic Civilization," “Human Civilization," “Martial Arts Civilization," “Dragon Nation Civilization”... The vast and infinite civilizations are all looked down upon, standing on the long river of civilizations, to feel their greatness, the vastness of the heavens and the earth, the spiritual kingdom, beyond the limits, to begin to develop in an infinite direction.

Both the Patriarch and the Memory Peak, the Lord of Heavenly Peak, have reached an extremely powerful realm, and their spiritual strength has increased more than tenfold between moments.

The three masters, bringing their spiritual fluctuations together into one, passed out violently through the spiritual scale. At the same time, the spiritual fluctuations of the immortal split also reached the limit. At the same time, the bombardment, the fluctuations of the four great masters, carrying the cause and effect of the immortal split into all beings, came to Yang Qi's sea of knowledge.

At the same time, Yang Qi's sea of consciousness was completely sealed by an immense force, making it impossible for the master consciousness of the evil gods to go out.

With the huge spiritual fluctuations and Yang Qi's integration, Yang Qi immediately dominated his body. He was prompted by this spiritual scale, and the divine power surged a thousand times. Don't say that his body only cultivated to reach more than twenty invasive bodies, even if one hundred invasive bodies, he can control them.


When he stood up, his whole body was stirring up the true qi, the whole robbery did not damage the physical improvement, the sea of awareness shrunk sharply, and a punch hit the body of the evil god's heir, beating the evil god's heir to spray out a bite of blood, his mental strength immediately diminished in shock.

In the depths of Yang Qi's knowledge of the sea, the evil god passed on his great anger: “What power has come out, you reckon with me! How can you reach such a level? Don't destroy my body and let me out! ”

His evil spirits swept up, but he couldn't break through Yankee's sea of awareness.

In the consciousness of the Yang Qiyuan god, the voice sounded out: “The evil god has passed on, don't come unharmed, I like the Lord, the Lord of memory, the Lord of Heavenly Peak, come to visit... ”

The spiritual fluctuations of the great and powerful civilizations of the Great River are almost equal to the coming of a hint of the Lord of Civilizations.

“It turns out it's you, how do you convey your will through the Numen, how is it possible that you use the spiritual scale system in the fragments of civilization to reckon with me? It's useless! The cultivation of the evil gods, above the Lord of civilization, the evil gods of the Black Day, the evil is great and full!” Once again, the Evil Divine Herald instigated, more fiercely, the will to turn into a round of dark days, to completely suppress the long river of civilization.


The immortal splits up and moves: “What about this?” He suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a little gold light, deep in gold light, a little gold man appeared, the little gold man directly into Yang Qi's sea of knowledge! The gods' imprint! The Imprint of the Gods finally appeared, a strong golden light, a stimulus, melted the will of the evil god into the golden light, and that evil god's transmission of man's divinity was almost a knockout defeat: “God, how could there be such a thing! The gods' imprint, the gods' imprint! ”

He was really starting to freak out, and it never occurred to him that this kind of thing would appear in the depths of Yankee knowledge.

“Ha ha!” Xianxian split up: “Gods imprint, can you suppress your evil god ideas, we are prepared so much, evil god hereditary, just give in! Surrender you completely, seal you, and convert you into a believer! Spiritual scale system, yellow sky infinity, enlarge again! ”

Boom Lung!

The idea of divorce of immortals reached its limit, bombarded all the energy of the mental scaling system, with its own cause and effect, and was also entwined deep in the evil godsend's idea.

“Drive me!” The evil gods are fierce in their minds: “The Gods' imprint cannot do anything about me. I will take the imprint, just in time, you will all be destroyed! ”

He must have been almost invincible, able to confront the king among the ancient road law-enforcers, and was held in a cell, painstakingly cultivated to become even more invincible. Between the shocks, he forced Golden Light to retreat.

“Great evil god, your best chance to come, will to sleep, awaken from the bottom of that ancient long river!” He sent out a deep spell, deep in the spell, and countless thoughts shook back and forth, and all of a sudden, a great evil came down again, making it possible for his Lord Yuan God's will to break through and realize the confinement of the sea and return to his body.

“Gods Imprint...”

At this moment, the three masters were almost shocked to faint and die, live and scared to death, and all the gods' imprints appeared. This is the legendary ungodly figure. In that year, Ao Tian had one, which had stirred up the ancient path of the gods and turned upside down, almost broke through the ancient road, reached the divine realm, even the emperor of the ancient road law-enforcers was shot and wounded.

Now there's another one.

At this time, however, in the course of shock, as the Patriarch of Italy felt the great change of the evil gods, he shouted in haste: “Never let him return to his body, otherwise the consequences are unthinkable, we will all fail! His will is back in his body, and when the true spirit and will are united, he can no longer be restrained! ”

But it seems to be a little late.

Ka Cha

The evil god's legend actually broke a gap by confining Yankee's sea of awareness and was about to rush out.

But at this moment, the will of the sudden immortal splinter, has changed tremendously, numerous thunderous ripples, and the vision of the divine realm, the pattern of terror, appeared in his will, the great spirituality of the divine realm, the great oscillation shocked down, so that between his will moments, seems to have broken some limit.

Rather than relying on the power of the mental scaling system, it is purely itself that has reached the most critical juncture, the changes that have taken place, the climb to the top.

“Terrorist-level will, he actually broke through, forcibly broke through, reached the Terrorist-level will!” The Patriarch roared.

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