Sage Emperor

Chapter 136 Golden Favorite

“Young people, have the opportunity to have the capital when it's good, but don't be too greedy. Promote the legend, where it's so easy. ”

The Yan Devil Emperor did not move his voice, looking at Yang Qi's eyes seemed to have to look directly into his heart's eternal secret: “For the practice of qigong, the realm of fatality, although not a boastful realm, is a foundational realm, what the future achievements are, that is, to see how many lives can be taken from heaven, the roots are unstable, everything is futile. Some of the most powerful people, even if they were killed nine times and promoted to legend, could live up to a thousand years or two. And some, deeply rooted, are able to live three or five thousand years, which is the gap. ”

“Senior said yes. ”

Yankee Devil Emperor didn't know what to say, so he had to do something.

“This qigong set on you has many defects, it should belong to an ancient secret legend, you practiced it for so long, inevitably there are some leaks, say, I help you deduce with wisdom, point to your practice, must be able to practice quickly to reach the legendary realm. ”

Yama Devil Emperor waves to Yang Qi.

“Each practice has its own heart, besides, when I get this set of kung fu, I swore an oath, never passed on, so I don't bother my predecessors to point it out. ”

Yankee demon emperor is very cunning, it is impossible to cultivate herself to reach the legend, but to deceive herself.

This demon head specializes in hurting people's self. Yang Qi even knows that he cheated on his kung fu, and immediately kills people to silence them.

“Young man, do you think this ghost emperor will deceive you?” The Yan Demon Emperor seemed to see through Yang Qi's inner thoughts, his face moved, and he said slowly: “Ten thousand years ago, the emperor of Ben Gui had passed through the world, the cultivation of the kung fu was also an ancient secret, I saw you as a material of creation, cultivated you, was just trying to test you disrespect me, unfortunately, you missed an opportunity, if you just congratulate me, dedicate your kung fu, ask me to point, then I will help you to promote you to the legend immediately, and take you as a disciple, take you to the world. Unfortunately, you're not sincere enough to get lucky. Missed a big surprise. This seat was looking for a heir, you know? ”

“Oops!” Yang Qi's fierce astonishment: “Looks like I missed this adventure, not the disciple chosen by Lord Yan Devil Emperor. Later generations will leave without opportunity. I believe that the Yan Devil Emperor does not account for the fault of a smaller figure than I, the younger generation retired. ”

“Farewell, where are you going? ”

Yan Devil Emperor: “This is Yan Devil Mountain. All sides are sealed off by Yan Devil's forces. Even legends can't break out, you can't get out. ”

“We also ask Lord Yan Devil Emperor to send the younger generations out. The younger generations are so grateful.” Yang Qiduo.

“Young man, you think about it, I'll give you another chance to worship me as a teacher, let me point you out. I've tested you three times. If you pass the test, how about I take you as a disciple?” The Yan Devil Emperor said again.

“Never mind, I have a shallow fortune, lest I disappoint my predecessor.” Yang Qi quickly shook his head, “Besides, the qigong I practiced has a great flaw. Although the power is strong, if he can't move, he will go into the demon. By then, all memories will disappear, and the soul brand will dissipate, nothing. ”

Yang Qi said two words, in this sentence, with the obvious meaning, “If you Yan Demon Emperor is in a hurry, I will choose to let your eggs fly, this method can be self-destructive, not even soul memory, even if there is any technique of soul searching is unjust. ”

That word hit the idea. In fact, the reason Yan Devil Emperor said so much to Yang Qi, didn't immediately poison him, because he was afraid of a bad one, fish leaking the net, egg flying.

True, in the eyes of Yan Devil Emperor, Yang Qi is a fish, which is not honest, but cannot be destroyed.

“Ha Ha Ha Ha.....”

When Yankee said that, the Yankee Devil Emperor suddenly laughed. Who is he? Sealed 10,000 years ago, who hasn't seen a scene, immediately knew what Yang Qi meant, “Boy, you are smart, I saw a smart person like you, but this man is too strong to fix, he can still break out in my Yan Devil Mountain, and you can't. ”

“Was he a prince?” Yankee asked.

“Nice, that's the Academy of Talents, the recently risen genius, Prince.” Yan Devil Emperor: “How about that? I saw your kung fu, it seems to have a lot of restraint on my demon clan. It happens that I also need this kung fu to eliminate my evil temper, convert it into pure kung fu, remove the bondage of the Fountain of Life, and even absorb the entire Fountain of Life. Let's make a deal. You help me get out of trouble, I give you immense benefits. ”

“What if I don't? ”

Yang Qi said.

“No? There's only one way to die.” The Yan Devil Emperor finally revealed his face, “you entered Yan Devil Mountain and tried to get out? To be honest, you are a fish that has entered my net. If you cooperate, I will give you the benefit. If you do not cooperate, I will have to kill you and wait for the next fish to hook up. ”

“The Devil is the Devil and can never trust the Devil's promises.” Yang Qi had a cold heart.

“To tell you the truth, although my body is locked up by Zhen Dan Shen Tie, the true qi leaked from this point can also be randomly pinched to death. You are really like an ant in my eyes, but you are very smart, know that I throw rat taboos, afraid that you really destroy your soul memory, so that I can't search for souls and get your powers.” Yan Devil Emperor: “Come on, honestly tell me what kind of work you are. My insight is stronger than any master on the mainland. This kind of work is definitely beyond the holy Qigong. Is it really heavenly Qigong? ”

“Don't know.”

Yankee simply said three words.

At this moment, he has put life and death beyond his reach. In the face of infinite evil, divine Qigong must not fall into his hands. Otherwise, the abundant continent will be a storm and a disaster.

This ancient Great Holy Grade Infinity Demon Emperor has gained the speed of divine Qi Gong, not what Yang Qi can imagine.

“Boy, it looks like you're not going to drink a toast to a forfeit. Ten thousand years ago, ants like you, I wasn't even interested in looking at you. Today is an exception. You have the opportunity to be my disciple. You still don't want to die, do you? That seat will be yours! ”

Yama Devil Emperor is finally angry.

In his capacity, he demanded a small figure's kung fu. This little figure actually refused, saying a bunch of good and bad things didn't work. There was no reason for him to be angry.

Suddenly, on the throne, he waved his hand, a dark golden palm overwhelmed, the breath filled the palace, “Yan Demon's Hand! ”


Throughout the barbaric palace, the dark golden palm rolled down, heavy as a mountain, to squeeze out the air in Yankee's body by an inch.

Yankee was instantly immobile and her whole body was solidified.

“In my men, do you really think you can destroy your memories? If you can't do it, I'm the Devil's Emperor, and you can't live or die.” The Yan devil emperor's dark golden palms, confined both time and space, stood still in this wildly colorful palace.

Yang Qi is not a rival to Yan Devil Emperor at all, and the two sides are not on the same level.

No matter how powerful Yankee power, no promotion legend, no glimpse into the mystery of the law, no one can compete with a master like Yamademon Emperor.

“Goddess Town, all evil, all deterrence! ”

However, under the most powerful pressure of his life, Yang Qi's indomitable will played a role. Deep in the field, his true air boiled, creating an unparalleled tide, he had to spray his body thinly.

Unfortunately, the dark golden Yan devil's hand fell and a finger pressed directly against his eyebrow. The Yan devil emperor made a terrible sound: “Go back to heaven! The Tenth Reincarnation! Yankee, your name is Yankee, right? I'll let you taste it. Your soul will always be lost. Under my turn to Heavenly Gong, you will tell yourself everything you know in your turn. ”

An evil, powerful, irresistible force poured from Yankee's brow heart.

This is the power of the Yan Devil Emperor. It can control the soul of man, punch the soul of man into the circle, completely annihilate himself. This is the power of magic, no master can compare.

It contains the laws of space, time.

The evil demon emperor's true qi infiltrated Yang Qi's cave know-how, and Yan Devil Emperor's cruel voice sounded out: “Practice to reach the legend, the cave know-how all over your body, will support the space. Your eyebrows are called ancestral know-how, where your soul ancestral god resides, and I will completely deprive your soul ancestral god, and see what qigong you practise? ”

Demon Qi invaded the ancestral know-how by inches.

Between Yankee moments, I felt the little golden man found deep in my eyebrows.

Indeed, the Yan Devil Emperor found this little golden man, and he shouted, “What is this? Deep down in your eyebrows, is there something hidden? What is this strange thing that you cultivated the Kung fu god? Dig it out! ”

The magic suddenly became incredibly strong and penetrated Yang Qimei's heart, raw wrapped the little golden man, trying to dig it out.

But the moment the magic touches the little golden man, the heavens and the earth change color! Throughout the barbaric palace, once changed, deep in countless spaces, a ray of golden light flowed out, all the spaces were ruptured and seemed to be connected to a mysterious, great space.

The little golden man in Yang Qimi's heart, who could not see clearly, did not know whether it was a man or a woman, but now, suddenly, his eyes opened, the vast divine power, the sky rose, the whole Yan Demon Mountain was dark, but now he was dispersed by the golden light, trembling everywhere, it seemed that there were demons to desecrate the gods, the gods were descending infinite divine punishment.

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