Sage Emperor

Chapter 137 Gods Imprint

Gods are mighty, gods grace like the sea.

Finally, the little golden man, who had not moved his eyebrows, suddenly burst out of the world with majesty, and even Mount Yan could not cover the smell of this little golden man.

At this moment, the Little Golden Man enters an awakened god, an angel, punishing the demons who blasphemed the gods.

“What is this! ”

Yan Devil Emperor was astonished, his true temperament was defeated, even that round of Heavenly Gong completely collapsed, and he felt that the little Golden Man was a terrible thing, not something in this world at all, but belonged to a high, mysterious heavenly dome, a god.

If the difference between the Yankee Devil Emperor and the Yankee Devil Emperor is the difference between heaven and earth, then now the momentum erupts in this little golden man, the Yankee Devil Emperor in front of this, is also just a little ant.

A low-level demon, facing the gods who reign over all beings.

This is what Yama Devil Emperor feels like now.

“How could there be such a horrible thing deep down in your eyebrows, who are you? Seal for the tenth century. Seal for me.” The Yan Devil Emperor felt danger almost instantly, his hands, made a lane seal, each seal, like a sky, deep into Yang Qi's eyebrows, actually blocked the Golden Man's glow temporarily.

But the stronger his seal, the stronger the Golden Man's response.

Little Kim actually flew out of Yang Qi's eyebrows, turning his eyes, his eyes flashed, and the vast divine power completely broke the seal.

He actually asked.

It's not a human language, but every word, it's very noble, holy, great. This is the language of a great civilization.

Yankee can even understand the meaning of the language.

“O ye who blaspheme the imprints of the gods, verily the punishment of the gods! ”


A palm stretched out by the golden dwarf, this palm can almost pull out the entire Yan Demon Mountain. In this Yan Demon Hall, the Fountain of Life stopped boiling. The Yan Demon Demon Emperor's dark golden body, the throne, is on the palm of the golden dwarf, inches collapsed.

The golden dwarf is almost invincible, crushing and decaying, and the Yan Devil Emperor, who had been invincible ten thousand years ago, was directly smashed into a split figure, more fragile than the muddy figure.

Hurrah hurrah hurrah!

Deep in the fountain of life, the sound triggered by the fierce iron chain reappeared, all the water of the fountain of life has dried up, Yang Qi saw that deep in that pitch-black pool, a huge demon blocked by the chain, the demon knelt on the ground, up to a thousand fathers, full of pitch-black scales, the fierce spirit of evil can vibrate people to death, even the masters of life cannot come close.

This is the true nature of Yama Devil Emperor, not a human being, but a demon god.

His eyes, full of water tank size, looked up sharply, looked at the little golden man, and there was fear and shock in his vicious eyes: “The divine word, this is the divine word, the oldest divine word, your qigong, is not heavenly weather work, but the greatest divine qigong? Oh, my God, why is the Qigong on such a low-level continent as the Rich Continent? Toyota is the lowest of many continents in the world. But even if it is a true god, that is, a master of the mythological realm, and not a true god, it is just the mark of God, get out! ”


The Yan Devil Emperor mobilized almost all his strength, and the great shore of the god that laid the heavens and the earth came down from the sky and held it over his body, making him feel overwhelmed.

“Reverse life, consume life, send the gods away! Space move! ”

He roared and suddenly the whole space jumped.

At this moment, Yang Qi could not move at all, he could only rely on the little golden man with the eyebrows.

The little golden man continues to speak divine language.

The myth grew faster and faster, and all of a sudden, all the golden light gathered a little, breaking countless obstacles, and assassinating the true frown of the Yan Devil Emperor.


Yan Devil Emperor's eyebrows appeared in a big hole, his true body was damaged. But the moment he was really hurt, a huge, devastating sphere, bombarded Yankee.

This enormously destructive sphere can almost kill the legend in one stroke, and it is even easier to destroy Yankee.

But at this moment, the little golden man moved straight back to the depths of Yankee's brow. The sphere was shattered when a golden glow erupted.

“The Great Devil Shifts! ”

The bloody Yan Devil Emperor himself suddenly pulled his hands together and reversed time and space again. Yankee felt the sudden rupture of space-time around her body, disengaging from space-time deep in the palace.

Open your eyes at the next moment, not in Mount Yan, but on a desolate swamp of blood.

Far away is Mount Yan Devil, no sign of him.

“What's going on?” He couldn't touch his head and immediately looked at the little golden man with his eyebrows, and found that the little golden man was still sitting on his eyebrows, as if he had never moved.

Everything I just encountered was like a dream.

However, he clearly knew that it was not a dream, but a real reality. He robbed the Fountain of Life of Sanjie in Heaven and Earth, but was discovered by the Yan Devil Emperor. He entered the Yan Devil Mountain with a greatly shifted qi kung fu ingestion. He wanted to get his qi kung fu, but he triggered the little gold man who lived in his eyebrows, and was defeated directly by the little gold man.

In the blink of an eye for the moment of defeat, he exercised his power of extinction, moved himself out and saved his misfortune.

“Senior? Senior... ”

Yang Qi tried to probe, communicating with the frowned little golden man again, but the little golden man was still motionless, as before, he could not speak at all and did not utter any more myths.

After half a day of communication, there was no movement, Yang Qi just gave up communication: “Maybe it's because I didn't fix it enough, forget it. This is the most dangerous moment of my life, I actually survived this, don't get involved in danger easily in the future. It's not my own problem, but what if I die, my father, my brother? ”

Yankee is not afraid of evil, but he is afraid of the people he will guard.

He thought about it and still felt like not staying in the sky and the sky in case something happened.

Soon he positioned himself in the Black Corpse Mountain Range, the Death Devil's Eye Passage, the body shuttle, and soon came out of this passage to the outside world.

The outside world, still the Black Corpse Mountain Range, was killed by Yang Qi when he came, now very bleak, there are few zombies, the Millennium Corpse King is long dead, even the powerful spirit in the center of the mountain range has been absorbed all.

Looking at the bleak situation in the evil air, Yang Qi nodded secretly, which was also a benefit to the party, and did a great thing.

He flew wildly and swept past in the direction of the Yan capital.

Homecoming is like an arrow.

We've been in the Black Corpse Mountains for days. I don't know if the Spring and Autumn Gate guy came, because he couldn't even feel his own personality in the air that day.

Fortunately, after he came out, he sensed a little. The human figure was still quiet and quiet. He knew that the wind in Yanducheng was calm and calm at the moment. The people at the Spring and Autumn Gates had not yet arrived.

After flying for a while, Yan Ducheng was just below, and Yang Qi landed slowly.

Deep in space and space.

Mount Yan Demon, just disappeared, reappeared.

In the depths of Yan Demon Mountain, in the palace, the Fountain of Life reappeared, and the blood flowing over the vast body of the Yan Demon Emperor stained the Fountain of Life.

“Damn, how did you meet such a person, in your eyebrows, with the mark of the gods? This is the legendary mark of the gods, how can it appear on an ordinary man in the abundant continent? I am the Devil Emperor, almost invincible 10,000 years ago! Not an expert from Earthquake Mainland showed up and locked me up with Earthquake Steel. Who's my opponent? But even on that earthquake continent, there is no sign of God. ”

Yama Devil Emperor was badly injured.

This is an almost invincible demon, the great demon growls in pain, can't believe what just happened, he regrets, why move Yang Qi in.

“The divine Qigong actually appears in this little place on the land of abundance! When the floodplain continent was broken down, the abundant continent was one of them. The divine Qigong came to the abundant continent. Is it the gods in heaven who meddle in the supreme and superior space of the opposite, to reintegrate the meaning of the flood continent? ”

After a long time, the Yan Devil Emperor stopped bleeding. He stopped the wounds on his body and said to himself: “Or the gods in heaven, something went wrong! ”

“The divine Qigong has appeared, and the time has come for abundant mainland winds and clouds to rise. The prince who came last time, in this person's body, also seemed to live in a huge atmosphere, not knowing what the way was. I have to refine the Earthquake Iron! ”

Yama Devil Emperor was silent for a while.

Yan Ducheng, a large study, Yang Qi, Yang Warfare, Yang Yunchong, Yang Hua Long father and son gathered together again.

Deep in this study, an air array is slowly running, the Wangdao Air Array, where it is practiced dozens or even hundreds of times faster than outside.

Yang Yunchong, Yang Hua Long and the two of them, although not yet promoted to Qi Zong, have also been very concentrated, full-body true qi bloom freely, spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons swordsmanship into four groups of swordlight, suspended behind the mind, can run freely.

Now they can use the sword qi, chopping people out of 10,000 steps, compared to Yang Awakening Lion, Yan Taijun, two old antique Qi, are quite strong.

“Keel, you're finally back from the Black Corpse Mountains. What do you say?” Yang Zheng was very happy to see Yang Qi come back, "The people at Spring and Autumn Gate didn't come up these days, but I figured it was fast, thinking of you hurry back, you rushed home immediately. ”

“Father, without saying anything else, I got a good baby, just in time to promote Brother Second Brother, all to his death.” Yankee took out the Fountain of Life.

A large gourd landed heavily on the ground, rumbling, weighing more than 10,000 kilograms, the ground was slightly collapsed, the wall columns on all sides clicked, almost to break.

Every drop of this Spring of Life weighs dozens of times more than mercury.

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