Sage Emperor

Chapter 704 Biochemical Poison

Yang Qi took the shot, went wild, instantly killed a mythical strong man, surrendered Sister Green Incandescent, and two other master gods, deeply rooted their beliefs into each other's hearts and minds as agents.

It's a secret thing that no one else can see.

Moreover, as a young lady, it is basically impossible to be exposed.

Soon, the light of faith gradually enslaved the hearts of Sister Green, and the woman began to soften up, pounding through, kneeling on the ground: "Master on, slave to see you. ”

“Very good!” Yang Qi nodded. “Go ahead, if anything, always communicate with me at all times. And if you don't have to, at least don't meet Young Master Ye. That man is unpredictable. If he sees the broken bloom, it's not good. These two god experts, you have to restrain yourself, corrode inside the Immortal Sect, spread your faith slowly for me, okay? ”

“Yes, master! ”

The three of them knelt down and got up, jumped in between and flew away.

Yang Qi was relieved and looked at the group of people present in the Nine Yang Divine Sect.


A group of people of the Jiuyang Divinity looked at me. I looked at you and couldn't speak. After half a day, the naked man knelt down: “Boss, I didn't expect you to be invincible and powerful. After that, all I knew was that there was a boss, didn't know there was a Jiuyang Divinity, didn't know there was a Patriarchal Alliance, faithful, doing things for the boss, boss said, we will die! ”

“Yes, all dead, all dead! ”

All disciples of the Nine Yang Divine Sect roared and were very enthusiastic.

“If you turn to me, I will naturally give you a gift. This is the hundreds of future fighters I have captured, two or three of whom are also powerful in mythology. Now that I have surrendered, I will hand them over to you. You will surely receive a reward for taking their corpses back. Their position in the Gate and Guardian Alliance will rise rapidly, so that you can work for me in the future! ”

Yankee's big sleeve flung and suddenly a string of bodies and armor flew out.

“Also, you practice Yuan Shinto, the flesh is too weak. Once someone blows you up, there is no way to regroup the immortals. I will improve your life genetic instincts for you now, and push your actual battles to the maximum level. Life Gene Potion, come out! ”

A bottle of potion, taken out of Yankee's hand, fell into these people's hands.

As these people drank, instantly the whole body's genes were being transformed, the strong and horizontal breath emitted, deep within the flesh, with the smell of too ancient demons, even some too ancient chaotic beasts.

This is the real flesh. Without the real qi, it's pure physical power. One punch can pierce the universe and pinch the law.

These people felt the benefits of power, and the waves, especially the naked man with the big axe, growled, “Power, I got the power, now I feel my flesh, to resist the cultivation of the mythical realm. ”

“Well, when you get back, if Elder Gate asks you how you can improve so quickly, he says that you have come together to attack a powerful future warrior, get these potions from his body, and then strengthen your flesh and change your life genes, you will surely get cultivated by the Jiuyang Divine Gate. ”

Between the words, Yang Qi waved his big sleeve and the whole crowd caught lightning, leading the group back outside the base of the Guardian Alliance.

At this moment, outside the base of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, it has been killed by the blood sea of the dead mountains, many buildings, the immortals who came to surrender were killed, the bodies floated in space, some condensed into a bloody lake, some bones blew up, others splattered everywhere, and some owners died, Pharaoh lost control, the scene of flying far away, panicked.

In this boundless battlefield, many immortals are fighting with future warriors, a future warrior, infiltrated like a locust.

These future warriors, very strange, have the smell of the future, but after being slaughtered, the smell of the future disappears immediately, and it is impossible to let the people in the Immortal Path absorb and become the future.

Only by capturing them alive can a hint of the space-time power of the future be drawn.

At a glance at the past, Yang Qi discovered that in the body of these future warriors, the power of the future has been transformed, has a self-destructing characteristic. Once forced to reach the desperate state, there is no way to live, this future warrior immediately explodes, turning into a cluster of mushroom clouds, enough to destroy a fairy kingdom.

And, even more powerful, after the explosion of the future warrior, countless flesh and blood flies in the air, between the lasers, the peristalsis never stops. Once the peristalsis reaches the human body in the other fairy path, the fairy people immediately become like demons, their whole bodies are torn apart, and their bone spurs, or muscles, scales, are turned into beasts of one head.

That's horrible.

“Creature beast! ”

Yankee knows that this is a very powerful form of blood poison in the technology of the future, and with the help of a moment when the lives of future warriors perish, the blood poison explodes, it is indestructible, it can pierce some space, find powerful life force owners to possess, invade, and then make that powerful immortal, become a biochemical beast, attack its companion.

This is a powerful attack on Farman by future warriors.

Not far away, a group of cactus, surrounding a powerful future warrior, this future warrior is in dire danger, suddenly forced to reach the desperate, fierce explosion.

Blood poison flies, that group of cactus is contaminated, actually all changed into a biochemical beast, many blood poison like rain point, rushed over, broke through Yankee's true air shield, contaminated his body, immediately began to derive, Yankee body some skin, twisted, mutated, some fungi bred.

“Well, this technology, though it's in the disk fragments of civilization, but it's from the future world, and it's more subtle. ”

Yankee was not scared at all. As soon as she moved her whole body, a flame burned all the blood poison, leaving some blood poison behind and entering the disk fragments of civilization for analysis.

Di Di, Di Di...

The light brain flashes and makes a sound: “Future technology, access to information, research, improvement…"

“If you get a lot of future technology, it will definitely help a lot with the civilized disk fragments, maybe this thing can be promoted?” Yang Qi thought.


The immortals who transformed themselves into biological beasts jumped at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi waved quickly, and suddenly a cheerful energy surrounded these people, the law of Taoism, fierce confinement, so that the fierce presence of these half-man half-beast, all settled down.

“Draw blood poison, save!” He illuminated the past with a divine ray, above these biological and chemical beasts, and immediately a strand of blood poison was extracted and finally fell into the palm of his hand and refined.

The immortals who became biological and chemical animals, they all seemed very ill, but they recovered their shape, one stuck in the air, you looked at me, I looked at you, speechless.

Finally, all those who were saved looked at Yankee: "Did you save us? How can you remove blood poisoning? ”

“I thought we were mentally insane. The biochemical poison of the future world is extremely powerful. It directly erodes the genes of life, transforms the body, and the energy of Heaven and Earth's natural gas is one type. We breathe and tone, and we sympathize with Heaven and Earth. They can all penetrate silently. This stuff is basically hopeless. ”

“We have recovered a life! ”

“There is a way to save the beast. ”

“How many people can this save? ” ………..

These rescued immortals, talking individually, have a kind of joy for the rest of their lives after the robbery, and a deep unpredictability for Yang Qi.

“Gentlemen, I am the Dragon Pride of the Dragon Family. Now in the Jiuyang Divine Sect, as a disciple of the Patriarchate Alliance, I have just rescued you, not my own strength, but my Dragon Elder, who is about to strike the immortal throne, to reach the Nine Heavens, the ancestors of the Hongjin Realm, deduce the future, know this great robbery, the poison of the future world's biochemistry, very fierce, not more than ordinary demonic poison, can be restrained with the Immortal Dao. ”

Yang Qi began to blow the law again, saying that he was a dragon family, the elder of the ancestral ancestral family, the superior of the Hongjin realm, immediately suppressed others, so that others did not dare to raise their hearts: “So, the elder happened to get a piece of ancient scientific and technological civilization, and began to enlighten, finally came to understand many ways to deal with the future world, this saves the life and chemical blood poison, which is one of them. If your friends and relatives are eroded by biochemical poison, they will be sent immediately to the temple of the Jiuyang Divinity. I will use the medicine left over by the elders to save them! ”

“Now that I have something else to say, I say goodbye immediately. ”

“Remember, I am Dragon Aotian of the Nine Yang Divine Sect! ”


After all this, Yankee left immediately, even though it was dark and sunny outside, and many future warriors and cactus fought each other, entering the battalion.

He has his own plan.

This revealed that he can save the life and chemical beast's ability to dramatically poison. In the future, not knowing how many masters will rely on him, he can sit in the Jiuyang Divine Sect of the town and continuously divide the benefits.

Shortly after, he fell into the Jiuyang Divine Hall, the mythical elder waited for him, anxious: “Long Aotian, you are finally back, now it is very dangerous outside, the future world finally broke through the constraints, started a comprehensive counterattack, turned into a great slaughter, if something happened to you, how can I explain it to the elders in your family? ”

“I'm fine, there are lots of magic treasures given by the Dragon elders. Instead, I helped some brothers and sisters capture lots of future warriors, and they are complete corpses. Now you all take out the corpses, the armor, and go to the Ecclesiastes League to collect the gifts!” Yang Qi waved his hand and suddenly followed dozens of disciples of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, all of whom took out the bodies of future warriors given by Yang Qi.

“What? You have captured so many future fighters, and they are complete corpses. Now future fighters, very dangerous, very poisonous. If they are inadvertently sputtered by explosions, there is no cure for people turning into biochemical beasts.” The mythical elder took a few steps back and showed a horrible look on his face.

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