Sage Emperor

Chapter 705 Divine Doctor

So far, biochemical poison has frightened many immortals.

Because when this poison is contaminated, it changes its genes of life, stimulates the beastiality of the body, and it is impossible to reverse it, like a butterfly that turns into a butterfly, but not a butterfly that turns back into a blueworm.

Therefore, once contaminated with biochemical poisoning, there is virtually no cure and only death can wait. Even the master of the mythological realm cannot resist this biochemical and poisonous invasion. Only those who have reached the advanced realm of mythology, five, six or more, can use Xuanggong resistance. However, if accidentally, it is contaminated, even if it can be dispelled, it will severely damage energy.

Besides, the future world will also have biochemical poisons against such masters.

“Elder, it doesn't matter. When our boss arrived, he had saved several immortals who had been severely poisoned by biochemistry and turned into biochemistry beasts. In his tribe, he obtained the point of an ancestor of the Dragon Nation in the realm of the Hung God, and was able to save the biochemistry and poison. This is a great fortune for our Jiuyang Divinity. In the future, the war will continue. I don't know how many experts will come to us to ask for the Jiuyang Divinity. ”

The bareback man called out directly to Boss Yang Qi, and the elder was not surprised. After listening, his eyes drummed like copper bells: “What, you, you... Can it save the biochemical poison? How is this possible? ”

However, he thought that the dragon people were highly skilled and unpredictable, and that the elders of the Hongjin realm were not necessarily able to work out such a method.

“This matter is too big. Pass me the order and seal off the hall. No one is allowed in. I will report to the grandmaster immediately. This is a great opportunity for our Nine Yang Divine Divinity. ”

This mythical elder is not an idiot. In an instant, he saw huge benefits. Yang Qi, at this moment, also became a great meritorious minister, Xiangxiang, can never give up.

He lit a pour of incense and prayed silently.


Shortly afterwards, many powerful breaths came into the hall, and Yang Qi immediately saw, at least a quadruple, the elder of the crushing divine realm came.

His strength now, without using the fragments of the disc of civilization, can defeat this kind of person. If using the fragments of the disc of civilization, even the powerful of the Pentagon can fight, and even defeat the people who kill, encounter the Six Dry God, can also fight...

“Supreme Elder! ”

“See Supreme Elder, Elder Yang Ding! ”

Seeing this elder in the realm of the Shattered God descend, many disciples of the Jiuyang Divine Sect in the depths of the palace suddenly knelt. In the Ecclesiastical Alliance, the master of the mythological realm is the ordinary elder, the elder is the elder, and the elder is the elder. Four is the Supreme Elder, five is the Supreme Elder, and six or more is the Elder King.

Layer by layer, demarcation of boundaries, strict hierarchy.

“No more of these rituals. Do you really exist to disarm biochemical poisoners? Where?” The elder Yang Ding came down and waved, hurrying to start asking questions.

“That's him. He just saved many immortals of biological and chemical beasts. Soon, we Nine Yang gods will be treading the threshold?” The mythical elder hurried.

“Young man, you are a Dragon Nation expert, recently joined the Patriarchate Alliance, are you under our Nine Yang Divine Divinity?” Yang Ding shredded the elder's eyes violently radicalized: “The rice can be eaten indiscriminately, the words cannot be spoken indiscriminately, this is not a joke. ”

“If the Supreme Elder doesn't believe in it, he can try it. I don't know if any of our Jiuyang gods have become biochemical beasts and have not killed immortals. I can rescue them. ”

Yankee is calm and comfortable.


All of a sudden, deep in the void, a voice came through again, and the elder of the crushing realm appeared again, a grey-haired old man.

“See Supreme Elder of the Yanghong. ”

“Forgiveness! ”

This grey-haired old man stepped forward and turned to Yankee: “My son, fighting the future warriors, was contaminated with biochemical poison, and now he is also a biochemical beast, confined by my indulgence. If you can save him, I will promise you something, anything you want! You are the benefactor of our family! ”

“And ask the Supreme Elder to invite your son out!” Yang Qi faintly said that he knew that one must show one hand in order to deter all the elders who lived in the room and really received the attention of the Jiuyang Divine.

This grey-haired, pale old man's rainbow, waved his hand, immediately a huge cage appeared, in which a biochemical beast, up to a hundred feet, was imprisoned, full of dense and numb scaly cuticles, eyes red, roaring manic, seemed to come out of the cage, to kill, a lot of blood drip and answer from the body, bloody smell deterred the whole field, the toxin in the blood seems to be slowly corrosing the cage, soon, this cage will be corroded through!

“How intense the biological and chemical blood poison makes the son also a mythical realm. No wonder the superior of the realm of refining God is so poisoned that he cannot be saved! ”

Yankee sighed.

“What, you said you couldn't save him?” The white-haired old man's rainbow roared like a thunderbolt, forcing Yankee, seemingly tearing Yankee apart.

Yang Qishi was not afraid: “I mean, no one else can save me, and naturally I can. ”

Between the words, Yang Qi suddenly glanced out a strong light, directly hit the top of the cage, the cage burst violently, sensed by the air machine, Yang Hong Supreme Elder Lian retreated, I don't understand why Yang Qi suddenly burst out such a powerful force.

Click, the cage breaks, the biochemical beast needs to come out of it, a little roar, the power of many spaces will rise clouds, water fire dark elements, as he roars.

“Suppress! ”

Yankee waved.

Suddenly, a light covered the biochemical beast, then the scales disappeared, then a strand of blood poison was drawn out, the biochemical beast calmed down, then turned into a teenager, severely damaged, lying on the ground.

“Son!” the grey-haired old man walked forward, picked up his son and entered his energy.

Yankee had a bunch of blood cells on her hands, and the flame burned and evaporated.

“Eight dragonflies!” The Supreme Elder Yang Ding's eyes lit up: “Such a powerful and mysterious power. It seems that you are a noble blood of the Dragon Nation. Eight divine boxes do not know what realm they have reached? ”

“This is not my own power, but the power of the elders of the clan.” Yankee took the flame: “This time the elders sent me out to practice. ”

“Good! It's a great way to save people from biochemical and blood poisoning. This is the shrink! The most brilliant shrink, even if we have brilliant ancestors, who are confronted with biological and chemical blood poison, can only kill, refine, eliminate and extract the remaining poison from each other's body. It is a cocoon extraction, involving the supreme ability of life genes, and the incomprehensible cannot complete it.” Elder Yang Ding issued an order.

“Pass down the order and protect Lord Long Aotian. From today on, he is the biggest guest of our Jiuyang Divine Divinity, enjoying the supreme treatment of elders! At the same time, we need to discuss what kind of baby and fee the Jiuyang Divine Theologian will charge to save the patient. ”

Immediately, many elders of the Nine Yang Divine Sect saw great benefits.

Is there a shrink like Yankee sitting in town? How many doorman masters will the noblemen of the sect come to seek medical advice? How many of these benefits will you get and how many relationships will you have? In the blink of an eye, the interests of the Jiuyang Divinity are likely to advance rapidly to an incredible degree.

Of course, the interests of Yang Qi are indispensable, and many Jiuyang Divine Elders are not foolish enough to swallow the portion of the benefits that Yang Qi deserves.

If Yang Qi was alone, there was a real possibility that he would be imprisoned as a means of earning money, but Yang Qi said that there was huge support from the Dragon family behind his mouth, and no one dared to act rashly. Everyone also believed that because Yang Qi himself was a master in shattering the realm, how could there be such a magical means, it was very likely that there was a dragon elder's idea of the superior Yuan God that was not necessarily said in his body.

The Nine Yang Divine Sect, though powerful, is also unlikely to counteract the rumored Dragon Nation.

So, when it comes to Yang Qi, they have long concluded that they can never be persecuted as VIPs.


Just as many elders negotiated prices, all of a sudden, in the outer hall, a fierce roar came out, almost crushing the entire hall.

“Who dares to spread the wild outside the temple of our Nine Yang Divine Sect? ”

Some elders showed anger, Yang Ding elders waved their hands, a light lasered out, the main hall door opened, saw a group of people landing in the square, all young people, a young man headed by, eagle sight ape listening, vulture face wolf ears, eyes gloomy, as soon as it came down, made a sharp sound: “I heard that Jiuyang God made a disciple, can treat biochemical dramatic poison, quickly follow me on the road, to the Xianxian sect, to treat our disciple biochemical dramatic poison, be careful of your dog's life if you are late! ”

This roar almost blew up all the disciple lungs of the Nine Yang Divine Sect.

Yankee looked calm.

“Are you disciples of the Immortal Sect?” The elder Yang Ding was so angry, he came up and said: “How dare you spread wild here with us? Lord Long Aotian is already a VIP guest of our Jiuyang Divinity. He can treat biochemical poison well, but his rule is that he can only treat in our Jiuyang Divinity. Anyone must bring people in. Then give us and Lord Long Aotian a huge fee to be able to rescue them. ”

“Outrageous! ”

All the young men of the Immortal Sect roared, arrogantly: “We have injured many of the Immortal Sect's disciples, let us carry them over? One of us gave the order that the Jiuyang Divine God can treat the past, in a word, the treatment is good, we young people naturally have a gift, the treatment is not good, so don't come back. ”

“Not bad, good treatment, don't come back.” A teenager laughed shadowlessly: “Well healed, naturally healed for our Immortal Sect and made a huge profit. You Jiuyang gods, how can you do that? How dare you have such a baby? ”

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