Sage Emperor

Chapter 727: Silly Eyes

Chapter 727: Silly Eye

“This is ridiculous, disgraceful, disgraceful! ”

At this moment, in a distant place, the clouds swept around, the fairy world storm could not be blown. At a glance at the past, it was all a magnificent mountain river, the mountain river was like a painting, the scenery appeared not to be a real environment, a huge dragon, for millions of miles, hidden in the clouds, watching the river below, all this is a mythical scene.

This is a corner of the eight dragon kingdoms, the thirty-third highest fairy kingdom, where the dragon ministry lives.

By this time, the Dragon Infinity has returned to the Dragon Realm.

On his face, the black air was spreading, the biochemical poison in the suppressed body, and several elderly people around him were helping him to teach power, and those elderly people, with very long beards, were running around like a striped fire dragon, revealing extremely high cultivation.

“Dragon of all things, all succeeded! ”

Suddenly, several elderly people burst into the strongest cultivation, a bite of blood jet, painted a layer of symbolism, deep into the dragon's unipolar son.

Immediately, Dragon Infinity's body, countless black gas screaming, gradually pulled out.


Several elderly people had tremendous earthquakes, invaded by black gas, immediately turned into something like a biochemical beast, dragons had no mercy, turned into heavenly palm prints, killed several elderly people on the spot, then bear dragon fire began to burn, refined these people, completely turned into dust.


The Dragon Infinite relaxed: “I actually sacrificed the lives of several elders of our Dragon clan, and the dragon clan moved secretly so that the residual poison in my body could be removed. This biochemical poison is so fierce! ”

“Long Wuxi! ”

A majestic voice rang out.

Then, the giant faucet came out of the white cloud and reached the edge of the cliff. The faucet was sitting on the edge of a middle-aged man, a noble dragon king in the Divine Dragon Ministry, the father of the dragon's infinite son, a high-powered man, a prince, under one person, a character above ten thousand people.

Lord Father! ”

Dragon Infinity quickly lowered his head.

“This time, you've damaged the lives of several elders. It's a sin!” The Dragon King scolded: “I have greatly lost the face of our family, so that I will be the laughingstock in the Divine Dragon Ministry, this face, you must earn me back, understand? ”

“Yes!” the dragon clenched his fists, his fists exploded: “Dragon Awesome, I must chop you, let you know what the consequences of sin are for me. ”

“The Dragon Pride, a genius of a small branch of our Dragon Nation, can't let him come forward, otherwise he will be pulled together by other Dragon Nation as a tool against our Dragon Ministry, must grab him so that he can use us Dragon Ministry as a slave and squeeze all the value out of him, understand? ”

The Dragon King said harshly: "You can't lose big for nothing anymore, otherwise! Don't come to our dragon club. It will expel you and make you a stray dragon. ”

“Yes, Father, I will not be tempted. I must trace the source. Find out who is behind Dragon Awesome? It's an antique of the Dragon Clan.” Dragons smile: “Fire Dragon clan, I have sent people to hunt down, be sure to clean this clan, the next Dragon clan dare to confront our upper Dragon clan, it is already a capital crime. ”

“Okay, now, you take my master escort, Dragon General, down again! Joining the Ecclesiastes Alliance, the Ecclesiastes Alliance is an ancient antique of the 33rd class fairy world. It was commissioned and will become a huge interest organization in the future. You can't miss it. It is up to the Alliance to unify the entire fairy world. In the future, the Ecclesiastes Alliance will become a core of the hundreds of millions of Hengsha number fairy world. Got it? You have to practice in it! Gradually pull together the people of Fairy Path, take power, and in the future the whole fairy world will be united, we need to divide a spoon! Got it? The establishment of ancient heavenly gardens is imperative. The fairy world has been scattered for so long. This invasion of the future world can be integrated. We can't let that dragon be arrogant. ”

Dragon King killed the gas, “The old antiques behind him can be controlled, investigate first, once I know who, I will personally kill! Catch it!”


“Dragon maniac! Dragon Tsunami! Dragon swing! Come out, follow your Lord, and go to battle to slaughter. Whoever dares to stop you will be killed without forgiveness! ”

By order of the Dragon King, four major wars will emerge, each wearing armor, showing strong fighting power.

“In that case, Father, I will go down and I will surely catch you!” The dragon flew off extremely fiercely, sending out a long whistle, disengaging eight heavenly realms, and reaching below.

As soon as we approach the huge world of the Guardian Alliance, we see trillions of fairy worlds chained together, attacking each other and guarding each other, Dragon Infinity knows that the great power of the Guardian Alliance has become, most likely to truly unify the fairy world into a huge court, and since then, the great unification, many fairy world is no longer a litter of sand.

Suddenly, he made a strong dragon roar.

Suddenly, a number of young Dragon men and women flew out of it and arrived in front of him, kneeling down, “Welcome the son back. ”

“Your patron dragon ministry is greatly appreciated. Have you pulled together the elder king of the great gates?” The dragon's infinite eyes swept away, looking at his own Dragon elite disciples, this is the money: “And the dragon's arrogance must have completely broken with the Jiuyang god, what are you doing now? If you continue to run his Tianlong Pharmacy, you will have to kill him! ”

“This..." several dragon youth said: "Son, don't move now, the dragon pride opened a sacred medicine section in which to heal the illness, gather people's hearts, accumulate money, and now some elders and he are brothers. ”

“What? How dare you be so arrogant, knowing that you have offended our dragon ministry? It's really disgusting! Kill!” Now, Dragon Infinity is fast forward.

“Son, wait, I'm afraid of trouble!” Some young Dragon men and women rushed off.

“Humph!” said the dragon infinite son fiercely. “Where's the courage of the dragon people, you scum? That dragon's arrogance, it's just a inferior dragon tribe, scared you like this, tell you that now, although he brings people's hearts together, those people's hearts are fake, when healing, everyone begs him, say all good things, but wait for the disease to heal well! These people are going to be centrifugal. Do you really take him seriously? When we go to kill, who dares offend our dragon ministry? ”

Now, he turned into a dragon chanting, shocked down, rolled away, directly into the interior, and saw that huge little world, the sacred medicine sect stood on it, and many elders were out looking for medicine.

Son Long Wuxi burst out: “Today, the Divine Dragon Department and Long Aotian handle the internal affairs of the family, it is within our Dragon Nation's division, if you don't want to do it, please go away. Do not dispute with our Dragon Ministry or interfere in the internal affairs of our Dragon Nation. ”

Originally, Lord Dragon Infinity thought that such a long wave, many elders would give the dragon ministry a face, and some would even secretly drop stones to help the dragon ministry deal with the dragon's arrogance.

But just as his voice fell, many elders looked at him and looked at him very unfriendly. He even saw a 30-grade fairy kingdom, the elder of "No Paranoid Heaven”, who had cultivated to reach the highest peak of the dry god, half-footed into the realm of the Hao god, he was rumored to have received many adventures, successively cultivated dozens of kinds of divine Qigong, turned into a Bai god melting furnace, called the strong of the Bai god ancestors.

“The dragon ministry is here to trouble Lord Long Aotian! It's so irritating, if you get the boy not to dissolve the Fae Qi on us, it's not over! ”

“Strike them out, you bunch of scum, dare to sprinkle wild in front of the temple of sacred medicine! ”

“What dragon club! If you upset the son, you will destroy him! ”

“We quickly killed the earthworms of the dragon club, and if we mention one of the faucets as a gift, the son will definitely dissolve the Fae Qi for us! ”

“Brothers, elders, these dragon ministry people are anxious to catch the dragon pride, as a blackmail, we are now taking the dragon pride prince Dan medicine! If he catches us, isn't the dragon ministry trying to blackmail us? We must obey him and never let his plan succeed! Kill!”...


Countless voices come together and congregate into a single strand.

Suddenly, the elders, elders, elders, elders, elders, elders, elders, elders, elders, elder kings….. these guardianship alliances, the masters of all the different factions, all shocked together and forced themselves against the dragon.

“Wait, dare! ”

The Fourth World War General, dragon madness, dragon tsunami, dragon tremor, dragon shaking face showed a brutal smile, guarded in front of the dragon infinity, roaring, "This is the son of the Dragon Ministry, you dare to offend eight heavenly realms, do you want to be exterminated by a family? ”


The Ancestor of the Bai Gods made the first move and shouted. Then, on top of his head, a great melting furnace composed of 100 kinds of divine Qigong appeared, which will be bombarded against the Fourth World War.

He took the lead, and the elder kings, all of them, struck out their most powerful killing techniques: “Kill these dragon dragons, go to the son where to reward them! ”


This is the moment, heaven and earth oscillations, dense and numb tactics, fairy magic, divine magic, Fabao, gathered into heaven and earth floods, violently impacted upon, no one can stop it, even some hidden too ancient power, attacked the dragon people.

This blow, not knowing how many elders went mad, how much qi kung fu, how many horrors appeared.

On the spot! Four screams, dragon maniacs, dragon tsunamis, dragon earthquakes, dragon shakes, the invincible battle will be blown up by the sky, no remains, not even a soul left behind, but deep in the nothingness, branded their laughter before their death, even they did not give a frightened look.

Four wars will fall.

Heavens ”

Seeing this scene, Lord Long Wuxi sent out a scream.

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