Sage Emperor

Chapter 728 Teacher Boy

Heavens ”

The Dragon Infinity sent a terrible scream. Originally, he came with the Dragon Nation's Four Wars. The wind came to oppress “Dragon Pride", but did not expect such a situation to arise.

Those elders, the Great Elders... Elders Wang, there are some ancient antiques not to be killed siege, in case of all hearts, countless magic treasures have been put out, instantly will blow up the Dragon Nation's four great wars, no remains.

The Dragon Nation's Four Wars will be a raging shock. Together, there is a method of killing. Like the six major dancers, they are invincible masters. Each of them will go through hundreds of wars. They will go into a chaotic battle over 33 days to kill the ancient beasts. They will go into the deepest hell and fight the demons.

He is the close warrior of the father of the Dragon Infinity Son, and all are about to be promoted to the Seven Heavens. Hao God's realm is a good seedling.

Once the promotion reaches the realm of the Seven Heavenly Hawks, that status is completely different. Even among the Dragon Nation, it can be ruled by the King, invincible and ancestral. The Dragon King sent four wars to come, that is, to practice, so as to enhance strength, to reach the realm of the Hawks, as his huge capital in the Dragon Ministry, but now it is directly lost.

Such a loss, let his father Dragon King know, Dragon Infinitely clear, first Dragon King can not spare him first.

Unfortunately, there is no way to do it now. If you look at the rays of heaven and earth, the Yuan Qi shakes, and the blockers are overwhelmed, even if the dragon is no longer powerful, you will not dare to fight with the millions of elders present. If you fight back and kill any of them, you will suffer bloody revenge.

“Are you crazy? For the sake of a little lowlife dragon tribe, against our dragon ministry, the dragon ministry will soon land in the army. Anyone who opposes us today must be killed clean!” The dragon came out with harsh words and fled in haste.

But the elders didn't let him go. Some of them shouted slogans: "Kill! Kill Divine Dragon Department, cramp peel, get Dragon Balls and Dragon Dollars! ”

“Sol, throw out the Divine Dragon Unit. ”

“With so many of our fairy world alliances, the Patriarchate, this dragon ministry hiding first, without a little confrontation with the future world, it is intolerable to come and pick peaches and must be killed. ”

“Nice, kill Dragon Department all. ” ………..

Wow, countless elders' nest of bees slaughtered the past toward the Dragon Ministry battalion, the Dragon Ministry battalion is also in the Guardian League, at this moment, immediately in absolute danger, the young Dragons flew away, saw their son Dragon infinitely rushed over and made an urgent call: “Walk, quickly back to the eight heavenly fairy realms, mobilize the army, clean these killings! ”

“What? I still want to deploy to the Eight Heavenly Immortals. Die! ”

Many elders are even more angry and irrepressible. Anyway, hatred should be forged. Let's do whatever we can to kill them and completely destroy them here. For a moment, the attack was even more intense. It was like nine days of thunderbolt. The ancient gods came fiercely.

Boom Lung!

Countless thunderous colored lights, huge world explosions, many young dragon tribes flying in the first place exploded, flesh and blood blurred and died, some elder kings even darkly absorbed the dragon's blood and soul, benefited themselves and touched the fish in many waters.

Dragon Infinity is surrounded and completely lost its chance to escape.

Watching a dragon elite young man and woman be slaughtered around him, that hatred in his heart! “Dragon Awesome, me and you don't wear it together. God, how can you go back and tell these elders you killed my people and I lost them? The Supreme Dragon Emperor of the Divine Dragon Department will also dispose of me. At least I will chop Dragon Taiwan! ”

“Kill Dragon Ultimate, this person is the blood of the Dragon Ministry royal family, the blood on the body can refine the spiritless medicine, after we get it, go to ask Prince Dragon Aotian to refine into the spiritual dan, surely can enhance the power and break through the realm! ”

Some elders saw dragons trapped in the air, roaring, agonizing killers again.

In an instant, the dragon's infinity is in danger.

At this moment, this great change has shocked many of the ancient powers present, the ancient antiques of the ancient ancestors, whose minds are interwoven: “What should we do? Do you want to save the dragon? ”

“Stop this? If the Divine Dragon Department uses this power, it will be a huge loss to our Patriarchal Alliance. ”

“Humph! The crawlers of the Dragon Department don't know how to get in and out. Our ancient antiques have finally become the Patriarchal League, which is to fight the future world, take this opportunity to integrate all the worlds of Immortal Dao. When we talked to them, they started not sending people out, saying they wanted to be alone, and now they see the Patriarchal League become big, and then they join, and take the opportunity to pick peaches? Where things are so good, it's only natural to take this opportunity to kick them out now. ”

“Doesn't the Divine Dragon Department have an excuse? ”

“No wonder, there is no excuse, because the Dragon Aotian is a Dragon Nation, we can say that it is not convenient to interfere in the internal affairs of the Dragon Nation, anyway, it is also an excuse for them to deal with the Dragon Aotian. ”

“What exactly is that dragon's pride? How can it be so powerful that it can eliminate biochemical poisoning and even quench Fae Qi? Makes people practice multiple divine Qi Kung? I want to protect this man because we're going to have to ask for him later. The Wolf's ambition of the Dragon Department, trying to capture this person and gain profit, naturally cannot let them succeed. ”

“I looked at the pill, which seemed to contain some of the true Qi of Tuntian Sheli as if it were the means of the Ancient Tuntian King, but even if it were the true Qi of Tuntian, it would only be possible to dissolve some of the true Qi of Fae and completely dissolve all the Qi of Fae Divinity, which is absolutely impossible. ”

In a hidden space of time, many old antiques gathered to watch this change, and these old antiques are the true founders of the Patriarchate Alliance.

Among them, the lowest level is the myth of the "Hao Divine Realm” Seven Heavens, even the "Tao Divine Realm” Eight Heavens, the "Hongshen Realm” Nine Heavens people.

However, these ancient antiques are gathered separately, and real people never know where they are, have reached such a realm, have long been incarnated into hundreds of millions of millions, some cannot know where he really is, some may not even be in the 33-day level fairy realm, but in the chaotic nothingness outside the 33rd level fairy realm, have found an ancient miracle hidden practice in an attempt to enlighten the immortal throne.

These people, also curious about Yankee, can't understand Yankee's secret.

However, they know that Yankee means to dissolve the Fae Qi, and they will also seek Yankee Qi in the future.

“Go and stop it, Dragon Infinity, if it kills, but it is difficult to explain to the Dragon Department, we will talk to Rare Mud!” A split body of too ancient power suddenly disappeared.


Next, deep in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, countless high-handed elders beat the dragon infinite protection light at any moment, the dragon infinitely depends on the power of the artifact, dead resistance, but also not for long, the Lindane in his hand does not want to swallow the principal money, replenish the fierce consumption of true qi, but also the water truck salary, after a few breaths, also with the coming of the Fourth World War, the corpse bones are not preserved.

At this point, a very strong light shadow intervened, resisting all attacks, revealing a crane-haired child with a short body, as if it were an ancient phantom of a boy.

He grabbed it slightly and suddenly all the metagas solidified, and the force stood still in the air and could not be applied.

Vast, vast, like the scent of the sea, violently dispersed, with a calming and heartfelt aura, to make people stop. All the elders, the elders Wang watched the boy's antiques, hurriedly kneeling down, and said: “See the Master of the Unprecedented! Jin Shi Boy, Ancestor! ”

This person, is an ancient ancestor of the realm of the gods of Tao, called the "Jin Master” Boy, is an ancient ancestor of the 32nd level fairy realm, the fairy realm of Jin Tian.

Initiate one of the ancestors of the Patriarchate Alliance.

“Hahaha, hahaha!” Dragon Infinity is out of danger. When you see the "Jin Teacher” Boy Ancestor coming, you immediately say: “Well done, Jin Teacher Boy Ancestor, you are here just in time. These people are trying to rebel, surround my Dragon Ministry, kill me so many experts of Dragon Nation. As an ancestor, you cannot fail to enforce the law impartially, arrest these people, give them to us Dragon Nation for disposal, kill them, kill them all! ”

“Shut up! ”

Old Master Boy frowned: “What happened today has nothing to do with our Patriarchal Alliance. You and Long Aotian are the elders of our Patriarchal Alliance. Your conflicts are all matters within the Dragon Nation. This is what you said yourself. Our ancestors will not interfere in matters within the Dragon Nation. Resolve this conflict yourselves! ”

Dragon infinite listening, immediately knew that Jin Shi Boy's ancestors were defending Dragon Aotian, and suddenly his heart resented the fierce rise of poison: “You… are not afraid of dragon tribe revenge? ”

“Humph!” Jin Shi Boy's ancestor got angry, just slapped him and punched him in the face: “How dare you threaten me? Even your father has to treat me nicely! You dragon ministry dare to sneak around, Ancestor, I dare to unite the ancestors of the Ecclesiastical Alliance and destroy your clan! The Alliance of Patriarchs has become powerful, against the future world, to defend the heavenly way, has gained the favor of the heavenly way, in the future is the ancient heavenly court, unify the fairy world, and you dragons must obey the orders, otherwise it is against the ancient heavenly way, death without burial place, I see your father's face today to save your life, otherwise you will be killed here. I don't care. Now let's all disperse. Things today, as if nothing had happened, let the dragon go back to the infinity. See how the dragon ministry handles things within their dragon family. ”

Between the words, Jin Teacher Boy's grandfather threw it away, Dragon Infinity was thrown out, and then clapped his hands: “Split up, everyone split up. ”

Many elders, Elder Wang shouted and cheered: "Guardian Alliance, Maintain the Path of Heaven, Unite the Ten Thousand Fangs! ”

They rushed to St. Pharmacy again to see what Yankee had to say.

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