Sage Emperor

Chapter 735 Seed of Divine Dao

Yankee is still practicing, he is waiting, waiting for the moment when General Saman arrives, has the Dancer of Heaven, he can say for sure that after General Saman arrives in the world, he will arrive in the world of Tulip Heavenly Immortals for the first time, carry out an unprecedented battle to capture himself.

At that time, it was the best chance.

However, during this time, he needs to quickly improve his strength, Mythical Realm! Must reach Mythical Realm!

Perhaps the real fisherman can profit, kill General Saman, get the pieces of his civilized disc system, get him the Immortal King's Buddha, then kill Ye Shao Ye, get his Immortal King's Buddha, really gather together!

Yang Qi doesn't know how many pieces of Immortal King Fu Lu are on General Saman, but they all have one piece, plus his four pieces and two pieces of Young Master Ye. Together, there are as many as seven pieces. Who was his opponent between the heavens and the earth that day? The two pieces that others own have to fly over.

“win or lose, it all ends here! ”

This time he succeeded, he almost reached the top of his savings, and throughout the Ecclesiastical Alliance, I'm afraid he can resist some of the ancient ancestors of the realm of the Goddess of the Goddess of the Goddess of the Horn.

Even, you can push the herd of males, take down the ancestors and become the first person in the fairy world.

Now, he's just a piece of chess in the hands of these ancestors. You can only jump out of chess if you've done this.

Breath, vomiting.

He inhaled the pure origin of Tu Tian Tian, was transformed into a sheet of Tun Tian Sheli, again refined into a pill, the quality is very high.

Now this pill, very popular in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, almost became a hard currency, and the value is very high, countless ancestral cultivation cannot be separated from him, even some of the eight heavenly, nine-heavenly realm of ancient ancestors, have secretly collected this pill, so as to cultivate more divine grade Qigong, blend different divinity.

This shows his importance, the innocence of a man is a crime, and with this value, he knows that he has been targeted by many people.

This time quietly arrived in the Tudor Sky, my lord, deep in the Guardian Alliance, created an energetic body to confuse the enemy. There are plenty of pills on the energy body, which can also dissolve Fae Qi for humans.

By selling pills alone, he can be rich, and it is not impossible to become the first millionaire in the fairy world.

The Holy King's kingdom is constantly developing in it. Those disciples have now come out, practiced, joined the Guardian Alliance, each having their own identity, participated in the pursuit of future fighters, fought, grew in the struggle, very quickly, how many times faster than the closed-door car. And because it was the disciples of "Holy Pharmacopoeia," everyone wanted to bind Yankee, and for these disciples, they were very polite and deliberate. Basically nothing unexpected.

“Master! ”

Just as Yankee continued to hit the junction, to engrave the sixth road mark, the green shadow flashed, the embroidery of the pavilion upstairs appeared the shape of the young lady, she respectfully said: “I have made clear what you want me to ask, you have to promote to the mythical realm, the best thing is to participate in our examination of the driving dynasty, very strict, but I want to use the master's means, it is not difficult, our examination of the driving dynasty, is the selection of countless talented young people, step by step promotion, some of the best talents, will get the place of the Divine Seeds. ”

“Seed of Divine Dao? ”

Yang Qi said fiercely: “What is this? ”

“Master, the seed of Shinto, is the greatest miracle in our world of divine fairies. There is an ancient tree called the Tree of the Longevity. Over a long period of time, it will solidify many seeds. These seeds, the seeds of Shinto, are extremely energetic, each of which can shock people to the mythical realm. It is one of the most important treasures of our world, and I think that now the master has reached the bottleneck, in order to reach the mythical realm, we must acquire the seeds of Shinto. ”

"If the master promises, I will help the master arrange an identity so that he can become a genius disciple of our Green Family and go to the examination. If he succeeds and gets a place in Shinto seeds, won't he be able to advance to the Mythical Realm in a moment? ”

“Seeds of Shinto?” Yankee, listen, nod your head: “This could be the same thing as the virtual god of the future world, pure and pure. It can help people break through the mythical realm. Although there are so many people who lead the mythical realm of the gods, they are just small nobles, but this child is still an important strategic resource. But my situation is different. Even if I take the assessment and get the seeds of Shinto, one or two of them will probably not make me break through at all. Thousands of them are not necessarily. I don't think the dynasty will be able to come up with a thousand to condense my divine character for me! ”


Young Lady Green is in trouble.

“But I've got your heart. Tell me, where is the Tree of Everlasting Life? How about telling me everything about the Tudor Dynasty? Since the Evergreen Tree solidifies seeds every year, it must have stored a lot of seeds in the Tudor Dynasty. I will steal them and get them all, so I can continue to take them and promote the Mythical Realm.” Yankee thought about it.

Indeed, rumours have it that Shinto seeds can promote people to the mythical realm, but Yang Qi's body, unlike ordinary people, exceeds the genius billions of times, that is, according to certain logic, he must take billions of Shinto seeds in order to successfully advance to the mythical realm.

So he knew that even if you took the test according to Sister Green's method, you wouldn't be able to get billions of Shinto seeds, unless the people who lead the Heavenly Dynasty, all of them are like a pig.

Besides, it is unknown whether there are billions of seeds stored in the dynasty.

“This...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ”

“Unless it is a god, it is impossible to steal the treasure of our troupe of the Emperor Dynasty. ”

After listening, Yang Qi was surprised: “Even the unsuccessful masters of the Hongjin realm were killed? The defense of the treasure trove is indeed very small, but rumor has it that the Ancestors of the Semi-Gods have transcended the realm of the Hung God. The meaning of the Semi-Gods is the Semi-Step True God! From the broken realm to the mythological realm, you have to go through the nine broken hearts, the nine small realms, from the Hongjin realm to the real immortality realm, there must also be nine small realms, a winding path to go. Otherwise, there are so many ancestors in the world, in fairies above the 30th level, in the Hongjin realm, but none of them have been promoted to the immortal throne? Why is that?”

In the Immortal World, hundreds of millions of Hangsha-like Immortal Realm, there are many in the 33-day level Immortal Realm. Yankee heard countless news in the Guardian Alliance these days, knowing that there are many ancestors in the Hongjin Realm.

Unfortunately, none of them have been promoted to the immortal throne and transformed into too ancient a realm of the gods, even the inferior gods.

This is obviously from the mythical realm to immortality, which is too difficult. Is it basically despair, or is it a different time? Unable to give birth to powerful gods?

“So I can't get the seeds of Shinto?” Yang Qi thinks that he still has a month left to practice to reach the mythical realm for the seeds of Shinto, which is impossible, to get a lot of Shinto seeds, or is it possible.

“In this way, why don't you take the exam and rumor has it that our pioneering Evergreen Tree grew in ancient pieces of chaos, where many miracles surround it, very dangerous. Each time, enter the chaos fragment, close to the Evergreen Tree, and take a seed from it! ”

““ The Evergreen Divine Tree, "said the young lady," is a natural godless tree, and I don't know which is too ancient to plant. If the master approaches this divine tree and obtains the mystery of it, he will not necessarily advance to the mythical realm. However, every year at least billions of geniuses participate in the assessment. Few, many times, billions of geniuses close to the Evergreen Tree are extinguished. However, although the master is now a nine-tier divided realm, in fact, the realm of strength and Hao Shen is similar, it should not be difficult to approach the Evergreen Tree. ”

“So that's it.” Yang Qi nodded, "I'm going to see what the Longevity Divine Tree really looks like. Perhaps I can get the origin of it, get the core secret of the birth of Shinto seeds, so that I don't necessarily promote myself to the mythical realm. You can arrange it for me. I'm going to take this exam. ”


The young lady turns around and leaves.

“Wait.” Yankee retained her and suddenly clapped over her head, a real breath poured into it: "You do things for me, I can't fail to give you a benefit, to improve your situation, this is my own destiny, not only to dissolve all the Fae Qi, but also to be able to strengthen your Yuan God, to communicate with the Hell Ghost God, to teach you now, so that your whole Fae Qi Gong is completely integrated, Hua Hua Hua is simple, the Avenue is united. ”

Boom Loong Long Long...

Incandescent young lady's body, such as thunder vibration, Hong Zhong Dalu, fairy sound war drum, gold iron symphony, raw and alive, the whole human being green light will be amplified soon, many divine Qi Kung interact with each other, completely fused, the power will be advanced, soon to be on the verge of breakthrough.

“Thank you, master! ”

She was happy to kneel down and knew that she would continue her practice in the future. She would certainly have a great place in the Green Family.

“The Green Merchant Demon, one of my brother's 72nd Journeys, is about to leave the gate soon. It is possible that you will pass the test and he will exit the gate and you will surrender to him.” Sister Green Sister said: “Then, beside Young Master Ye, it will be harsh. Put a knife in it, he's dead and badly wounded! ”

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